The Third Man was directed by Carol Reed. Orson Welles, who had the title role, wrote his own lines for the cuckoo clock dialogue, which did sound like it could have come from Morden's Shadow inspired lips. The lines were to the effect that with hundreds of years of peace, all Switzerland had given us was the cuckoo clock. At the time, the Swiss were known for making the best watches in the world too. But I agree with your view that the mention of sonnets was symbolic of the best of Earth literature. You are also corrrect that Swiss Banks had many Jewish agccounts during WW2, and made it almost impossible for survivors to get them after the war, since Jews fleeing Nazis weren't always able to save or pass along the paperwork. And the banks have been sued, with a few families able to get back their money. Some banks deliberately destroyed their records fairly recently. I can't blame the Swiss for some level of cooperation with the nazis during the war, but once it was over, they should have made every effort to find heirs. There is a similar situation with great art that was looted by the Nazis during the war, but not returned after, and some people have successfully sued to get back their families' possessions.