sorry for the sharp retort but I can't fix it if I don't know whats wrong with it.
The biggest problem seems to me to be that the text of your initial post reads as if it's a comment to another post and not the intiating post of a thread. Perhaps some post disection could be useful.
But can they make work or will they stuff it up.
One, who is "they"? Do you know of a studio that is working on a movie version of
Eragon? If so, perhaps a link to a news article announcing the working on such a movie could help identify "they." If you know of no studio working on a movie version, then are you refering to some undefined film creators with your use of "they"? Are you then in essence asking if it is possible for anyone to create a loyal-to-the-text film version; can the difference in medium (book v. film) be overcome? Please clarify what you're trying to ask in that statement.
"Make work" I assume is supposed to be "make it work"?
Additionally, is "stuff it up" supposed to be a way of saying ruining the story?
and then of course theres lord or the god will this ever finnish.
This portion of your post makes no sense whatsoever.
I assume you're trying to reference
Lord of the Rings, but you only use the word "lord" alone making such an attempt to reference it confusing. I also have to assume that if you are referencing
Lord of the Rings then the "god will this ever finnish" portion of your sentence is you referencing the length of the denouement in
Return of the King that many people have ridiculed for having too many endings, but if that was your intent, then you said the bare minimum to actually render any form of expression of your thought, which is why it led to confusion as to what you were trying to say.
And, mockingly, I have to ask what do the inhabitants of Finland have anything to do with any of this? (I appologize, but I can't resist.)
But I believe it proved no question it can be done.
The use of "it" twice in one sentence here, each of which seems to be referencing something different, makes the meaning of your statement confusing. You "believe it proved": What does "it" here reference? And "it can be done": What does "it" here reference? The blind use of pronouns makes it very difficult to understand what your point is.
My best guess would be that you're trying to say that the "it" (the creation of the
Lord of the Rings movies) proved that "it" (creation of a movie based on a fantasy novel) can be done well. But my guess is only based on me having to fill in a significant amount of information that you didn't include in your very unclear statement in order to try to make what you said mean something.
Do try to be clearer in the future. Don't assume that because you know what a pronoun you type references that others know as you did with your intial post. And in creating a new thread, try to elaborate your initial statements as it will lead to a greater clarity of what you're trying to say instead of leaving it up to the reader to guess what your point is.