I'm not saying GL is terrible. I just kind of think he was more in his element with the first two movies. (Sorry, I get lost in the numbers, were they episodes 4 and 5?

The third of the original movies (6?) was alright. But it began a downward spiral, IMHO.
I wonder if he was more in his element when he had more of a B-type movie. Sorry, but in some ways that's how I'd see the first Star Wars movie. Although, I think the second one (Empire Strikes Back, I mean) was even better than the first.
Actually the only one of the first three (4,5,6) that GL wrote or directed was ANH. He didn't write a word of the script for ESB and Kirshner directed. That should tell you something. I've begun to believe that part of why ANH was so good was because GL was still a young idealistic filmmaker with something to prove. That passion translated to the screen. Now, he's got all the money and toys he could ever want and it seems the visionary passion is gone.
From what I hear, LOTR woke him up...let's hope that's the case and that EPIII is as good as I'm hearing it will be. My big problem is still that even if it's wonderful, the supportive build-up to it was still horrendous and therefore will always diminish the pay-off in some way.
It's like this...imagine S4 of B5 if S1-3 were all as off as S1, then all of a sudden we get this amazing season. You'll always feel like, "Wow, that was great, too bad the earlier story wasn't as good as that, it would've made S4 even better and much more of a climax."
Now, he's going back and altering more in 4,5,6 and apparently in 1 and 2 some. In my book, try to give it your all the first time out, pour your soul into it, and what you get is the best you could do and lives in that moment. I don't have a problem with FX tweeking or something...but major story changes and re-shoots? Now you're getting bogged down in so much minutea that you get lost in your own story. Let's hope he's gotten his head out of his ass now and is getting the story straightened out and done right.
I always have hope, up until my heart just can't watch anymore. Such as what happened with me and Trek...my heart just couldn't take having it broken and let down anymore.
GL hasn't gotten to that point with me just yet. The fact that he's stepping away from the typewriter and the director's chair after EPIII is a ray of sunshine in an ever increasingly darkening universe.
And the last thing I want to say on the previous material is this. I will never and would never knowlingly or willingly spread falsehoods to you, my B5 family. If I believe it to be rumor or something that might not be completely accurate...I will quantify it as such...this I promise.
I do have a friend inside. I do hear things. They don't all come to pass, I will admit that because of how fast things can change in the biz. My friend could not and would not tell me anything about Indy 4. Look what happened when someone did...the script (a fantastically amazing one according to my friend) tossed out at the last minute because of a leak of story. Some things he can't or won't tell. Sometimes, he tells me info that later changes, such as the first attempt by GL to take SW to TV. That time it died, this time it looks like it's gonna happen. But then, this time it's a different story he's gonna tell in the series. If I ever bring you guys info from my source, I will remind you all it is subject to change, but that it is the current info at the moment. Sometimes it's little things like him talking about production designs and abstract things that he can't describe over a phone and I can't describe here except to say what he says, "It's gonna look cool." And just so you know this is mostly the kind of stuff I get from him. Occasionally, I get news on projects, like the next trilogy, the new series, Indy 4, even BG, because those projects, as I said in the past, "Come across his desk," so to speak. I will share them if I feel they're worthy. If he says it's only an idea being tossed around or something like that...I probably won't share it and haven't done so in the past.
Only twice has my source told me something I felt was strong enough and solid enough at the time to share. The first was BG news, which turned out to be correct word for word. The second was this news on the next trilogy. My source is double-checking certain facts for me and I will get back to you on them. The last he knew, there is a new series that will follow the NJO stories, mainly from the point-of-view of the younger Jedi like the Solo kids, mentioning from time to time (and maybe even guest starring occasionally) the original cast. All of this will build through a two year strict arc (that has been supposedly meticulously outlined and planned already) to a new trilogy starring the series cast and the original cast. This was the last he was told. Now, we all know how fickle GL can be. He might decide to go completely with the series at this point. He did truly sign Mayhew to a contract for 7,8, and 9 from what I'm told and I'm told the original cast have also all signed contracts. Things change. As soon as I know something I will gladly share it with you all if you wish it.
I wish I could tell you who my source is. I can't. It could really cost him his job. He tells me things as a friend, not as someone leaking info. It's just friends talking over a phone about things. I share what I can, if I can, here in a very general way so nothing can get back to him. (And I'm not saying it's a him either

Ok...enough babbling for now. I just wish he could find out something on B5:TMoS...and so does he. But mum's the word. All he can figure is that it looks like it's big. Take that for what it's worth...and smile.
Peace and love,
Oh, and thanks Hyp, Andrew and Koshfan

Your love is felt. (Wait a minute...was that your....?

) Kidding. Anyway, I wanted to say, I don't hate GL either. He's done a great deal for the industry, more than most have in their lifetime. We owe him a lot. I respect him immensily. I just don't think he's as good a writer and director as he is at other things. He is a good story idea man. And he's visionary on advancing the biz technilogically. And for what he has done will always say..."Thanks George! You're amazing."