To me the original series had great writing, acting, wit and a sense humor. My favorite Doctor was Tom baker because as the doctor he could be both outrageously funny and serious all in the same breath, he was Harpo Marx on steriods and he was brilliant. His doctor hooked me on the series I have over the years seen episodes with all of the the actors who have played the various incarnations of the Doctor and in truth I like them all for different reasons, I even like the Paul McGann movie done in 1996 and am happy that he has been included in the history of the Doctor. Yeah it the old series was done on tape and the effects were bargain basement, but it still such a great show. The new incarnation is great show as well, Christopher Ecleston and David Tenat have both done a bang up job in the role. I have loved seeing the Daleks , Cybermen and Sontarans , and the Master again, and Hey it also gave us one of the coolest characters to ever come out of the Who Universe Captain Jack Harkness and it 's spin off Torchwood The show also gave us Rose Tyler,Martha and Donna Nobel. The new show has done a great job carrying the Torch and may it do so for many years to come, My question i who is you favorite Doctor, companion villains, other character in the shows, favorite episodes, in both old and new and which do you like better or are both equal in your eyes.