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Do Alex Zahara, Jennie Rebecca Hogan, and David Storch lurk here as well?

I was just wondering if someone from the Rangers cast could tell us if literally all of their fellow cast members have been to this site, or if it's just the six who have posted so far.

If you think they wouldn't necessarily want us to know, because of privacy reasons, then that's cool too. I'm just curious.

I would think that if the cast members in question wanted their theoretical presence known, they'd say so...

Just a theory...


I have no surviving
enemies. At all.

Yeah, I'd really want to hear from Zahara, for he seems to be the lead Minbari in the film and the main character's friend. Oh christ. I'm spoiled already dammit. I spent numerous years watching Next Generation and Babylon 5 without this communicative ability and now I'm pissy and ungrateful.

something witty and clever.. so laugh dammit!
Well, let's face it: some people are not as addicted to the internet as we are!

And I see from another thread that our own great maker, AntonyF, has some grave concerns about our abuse/misuse of the guests who are B5LR-related.

I see restrictions coming....... like a vision........ (funny I can't see the shape of those restrictions)

"I do not believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense,
reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."-- Galileo
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hypatia:
And I see from another thread that our own great maker, AntonyF, has some grave concerns about our abuse/misuse of the guests who are B5LR-related.

And even outside of any question of "abuse", the actors have every right to simply lurk just like anyone else.

I know you weren't demanding an answer, Chris, but I know from my own experience that being named in a post makes me feel like I have to answer. It's still a choice of mine to do so or not. However,even if I have excellent reasons, deciding not to respond can be uncomfortable.

And I'm just a fan, not involved in the production at all. The implied pressure can be even greater when you are a member of the cast or production crew.


I have no surviving
enemies. At all.


[This message has been edited by Technomage Roanna (edited August 12, 2001).]
Well if they have time to do so and access to the internet, than who knows? Maybe they do lurk here. If a person doesn't post, then how would you know they are here? It could be that they do lurk, and it could be that they don't even come here. Maybe Dylan, Kitaro, Dean, and Enid Raye (sorry if I missed any other cast members who have come here) have more time in which to go on the internet and come here.

Sheridan to Bester:
And I could nail your head to the table, set fire to it, and feed your charred remains to the Pak'ma'ra.

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