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Direct to DVD


Beyond the rim
I believe that this is the only way any new B5 project can generate a profit. I doubt highly a theatrical movie. The market will not support such a project. Also the DVD sales provide a solid consumer base for a direct to DVD project.
Not as bad as you may think. See the latest news from JMS about the possibility of two upcoming B5 projects.
I believe that this is the only way any new B5 project can generate a profit. I doubt highly a theatrical movie. The market will not support such a project. Also the DVD sales provide a solid consumer base for a direct to DVD project.

Except for Disney, straight-to-DVD films do not sell a lot, which is why most of them have tiny production budgets. High selling DVDs like Highlander: Endgame, Equilibrium, Donnie Darko, and Below actually had theatrical release, although all four were on a limited (300 screens or less) basis. Others have been cable or television movies (like the TNT and SciFi movies). Yet, that limited exposure helped to create a core audience to boost interest and thus sales.

However, my guess is that given the recent interest in television and comic genre by the studios, something bigger than a 300 screen release would be considered. I mean, if a movie based on park ride (Pirates of the Caribbean) can gross more than $200 million in the box office, I think a medium-range Babylon 5 movie is a possiblilty.