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Day Dreams...


Beyond the rim
The big dream of everyone in this forrum, to bring back Crusade. (Duh!)

What if...Crusade fans money. If enough was donated, maybe JMS would do an episode. Probably not....

Just some of my daydreams...Does anyone want to throw some on the table?
Rather than picked up, i'd like it to be re-done /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif - however jms wants!!!!
True, it would be nice to have JMS do it all his way. The only episode I wish they would do is, "Value Judgements". I still say that if they would have shown that one, Crusade would still be on T.V.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elizar:
<font color=yellow>The only episode I wish they would do is, "Value Judgements". I still say that if they would have shown that one, Crusade would still be on T.V.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>
It had nothing to do with what was shown or not shown. Crusade was cancelled before ANY episode was shown /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif

And you have to get an awful lot of VERY rich fans to kick in a LOT of money to get anything like that started. I don't know exact numbers but I do know that producing a series like Crusade costs megabucks.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elizar:
<font color=yellow>True, it would be nice to have JMS do it all his way. The only episode I wish they would do is, "Value Judgements". I still say that if they would have shown that one, Crusade would still be on T.V.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

I would have said <font color=red>"To the Ends of the Earth"</font color=red> not "Value Judgements." If we would have had that one (ThEotE), instead of "War Zone," Crusade would probably still be on the TV.
it would not still be on tv, because TNT cancelled it before the show even aired!

jms and TNT had 'differences' lol
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by LightNZ:
<font color=yellow>it would not still be on tv, because TNT cancelled it before the show even aired!

jms and TNT had 'differences' lol</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

If "To the Ends of the Earth" had been produced instead of "War Zone," even the idiots at Sci-Fi would have been able to see the light.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Demon:
<font color=yellow>I do know that producing a series like Crusade costs megabucks.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

approx. 30-35 million a season, which is supposed to include everything, approx. 1 mil an episode, plus cast and crew price, commercials, ect.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by GShans:
<font color=yellow>approx. 30-35 million a season, which is supposed to include everything, approx. 1 mil an episode, plus cast and crew price, commercials, ect.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>
As I said, a LOT of rich fans /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Demon:
<font color=yellow>As I said, a LOT of rich fans /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

3.5 million fans send in $10/year. Yeah, that's be so hard to afford. /ubbthreads/images/icons/rolleyes.gif Think of it as a very inexpensive subscription.
Or 200,000 fans buy a DVD at ($20/4) an episode. Half the money goes to the shop and two episodes per DVD.

How many copies of the Pilot's DVD were sold?
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by KoshN:
<font color=yellow>3.5 million fans send in $10/year. Yeah, that's be so hard to afford. /ubbthreads/images/icons/rolleyes.gif Think of it as a very inexpensive subscription.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>
You really think Crusade has 3.5 miilion fans? I'd be surprised if you could count 10% of that amount, which would need them all to donate $100 each. A rather more expensive subscription.
I tend to agree with Demon. Crusade may well have 3.5 million "fans" but the great majority of those would fall into the casual viewer "oh, this isn't such a bad show" category - people who'll watch it if it's shown but forget about it when it's not on, not people passionate enough to do anything about it.

There have been plenty of shows I've liked and watched, but no way would I pay anything for bringing them back (or even sign petitions). It's the kind of "shrug and move on" situation - and I suppose it's the same for the majority of people who watched Crusade.
I'd be willing to pay $10 a month ($120 a year) that's not to much for a great show like crusade, as long as JMS was given complete control of the series, and there was no network interference, and if the fans payed for it, then networks couldn't tell JMS what to do, simply because they're not paying the bills.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by A_M_Swallow:
<font color=yellow> Or 200,000 fans buy a DVD at ($20/4) an episode. Half the money goes to the shop and two episodes per DVD.
</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Not a bad idea.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by A_M_Swallow:
<font color=yellow>
How many copies of the Pilot's DVD were sold? </font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

WHV isn't saying. Similar to the way that Del Rey isn't saying how many copies of the B5 trilogy novels have been sold.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Demon:
<font color=yellow> You really think Crusade has 3.5 miilion fans?
</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Worldwide? Enough of a fan to put up $10/season, yes, it's possible. I'd put up $100/season to further the B5 universe's future and to get a good sci-fi show on TV.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Demon:
<font color=yellow> I'd be surprised if you could count 10% of that amount, which would need them all to donate $100 each. A rather more expensive subscription. </font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

I'm surprised when I can count on anybody for anything (positive, that is). In fact, I'm shocked as hell.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by A_M_Swallow:
<font color=yellow>Or 200,000 fans buy a DVD at ($20/4) an episode. Half the money goes to the shop and two episodes per DVD.
</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>
Be sure that someone rips those DVDs into DivX
Here is something I wrote back on Jan 30, 2002. Just after the movie aired. Somewhat similar to what you all are talking about:

Hi, well I was just laying in bed about 5:00am and I had this thought come to me. We all know that Scifi lost x amount of money showing the film (LOTR). What if the fans came together and donated money (perhaps though this website), to help offset Scifi’s losses. I do not know how big the fan base is or even if this is a good idea; however, I was thinking the following:

If 10,000 fans contributed 10 dollars that would be 100,000 dollars.
If 50,000 fans contributed 15 dollars that would be 750,000 dollars.

The point being: many fans have seen the chaos with Crusade and have waited many years for something new in the B5 universe and now a football game has destroyed the ratings. We wrote letters for Crusade, and now are writing letters for LOTR. I feel doing a contribution campaign would put real teeth and substance in the writing campaign. Think about it, many people just paid close to 10 dollars to go watch “Lord of the Rings.” That was only a 3-hour movie; we may be getting a 5-year story for a minimum investment with a chance for Crusade to come back. Anyways, I would like your feedback on whether or not this could be a feasible idea; perhaps if it is, a poll could be taken to see what could be raised. Public Television has fund-raisers all the time.

In closing, this could be an unprecedented way of showing Scifi that the fans of Babylon 5 are committed and willing to help out in times of adversity. Remember, this show could lay the groundwork to 2 shows in the Babylon 5 universe running concurrently. I would be very interested in your opinions. LETS MAKE A STATEMENT.


Needless to say, this idea did not go over to well and it made me look like a Radical fanatic fan, but hey you guys are talking about basically the same thing. I agree with KoshN, it is hard to find a lot of positives here.

On a side note, are you guys into Farscape, I have watched a lot, I have tried to understand it, I just don't get it (it seems somewhat boring). People say it compares to B5 in action and suspense. What is the main goal or purpose that they are trying to accomplish (besides John getting home and wormhole tech.)

On side note #2: I am starting a new bussiness venture and if it works out beyond my WILDEST DREAMS, I would love to back a B5 show; but that's my day dream.

Thanks and good luck if your daydream comes true I would love to help out.


<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Cerberus:
<font color=yellow> Here is something I wrote back on Jan 30, 2002. Just after the movie aired. Somewhat similar to what you all are talking about:

Hi, well I was just laying in bed about 5:00am and I had this thought come to me. We all know that Scifi lost x amount of money showing the film (LOTR). What if the fans came together and donated money (perhaps though this website), to help offset Scifi’s losses. I do not know how big the fan base is or even if this is a good idea; however, I was thinking the following:

If 10,000 fans contributed 10 dollars that would be 100,000 dollars.
If 50,000 fans contributed 15 dollars that would be 750,000 dollars.

The point being: many fans have seen the chaos with Crusade and have waited many years for something new in the B5 universe and now a football game has destroyed the ratings. We wrote letters for Crusade, and now are writing letters for LOTR. I feel doing a contribution campaign would put real teeth and substance in the writing campaign. Think about it, many people just paid close to 10 dollars to go watch “Lord of the Rings.” That was only a 3-hour movie; we may be getting a 5-year story for a minimum investment with a chance for Crusade to come back. Anyways, I would like your feedback on whether or not this could be a feasible idea; perhaps if it is, a poll could be taken to see what could be raised. Public Television has fund-raisers all the time.

In closing, this could be an unprecedented way of showing Scifi that the fans of Babylon 5 are committed and willing to help out in times of adversity. Remember, this show could lay the groundwork to 2 shows in the Babylon 5 universe running concurrently. I would be very interested in your opinions. LETS MAKE A STATEMENT.



Needless to say, this idea did not go over to well and it made me look like a Radical fanatic fan, but hey you guys are talking about basically the same thing. I agree with KoshN, it is hard to find a lot of positives here.
</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Who'd you send that to? Email or Snail Mail? I don't think it makes you look like a "Radical fanatic fan." You're just searching for a viable solution, as are a lot of us.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Cerberus:
<font color=yellow> On a side note, are you guys into Farscape, I have watched a lot, I have tried to understand it, I just don't get it (it seems somewhat boring). People say it compares to B5 in action and suspense. What is the main goal or purpose that they are trying to accomplish (besides John getting home and wormhole tech.)
</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Used to watch it (Pilot through Season Three's "Fractures") but it got too outrageous for me. If I ever see it again, I'll consider them all as standalone episodes, and not expect coherence (like I do from B5).

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Cerberus:
<font color=yellow> On side note #2: I am starting a new bussiness venture and if it works out beyond my WILDEST DREAMS, I would love to back a B5 show; but that's my day dream.

Thanks and good luck if your daydream comes true I would love to help out.


------------------ </font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Good luck. If I ever win the Powerball jackpot, Crusade's future is golden.
To Cerberus, i think that would be a good idea, but before anyone would be willing to do it, they would need the exact ammount that Sci-Fi lost, an assurance that an accounting firm seperate from Sci-Fi would be keeping records on this, and then we would need a definite okay on production for a B5 series if this works, and a definite okay from JMS befor we do it, but once we have all that, you could get alot of people to do this i think, once the standard precautions were out of the way, I'm sure people would donate a small amount to aid the B5 universe's continuince. As i said i'd be willing to pay 120-150 a year for it, so i'd go for it, and that would be for a series, i'd give 15.00 to fix up sci-fi's football debt, only if they'd be smarter on their showing schedules.
If I tied myself to the TNT H.Q., do you think they would bring it back... /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif

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