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Crusade Un-aired Scrpt Discussion MAJOR SPOILERS

There were copies circulating around indeed but last year JMS spoke up on the newsgroup and specifically asked people who had them as files to stop passing them around as those scripts are his property and this would hinder his ability to earn something from them in the future.

The good news is that this seems to at least say that he plans to release them in the future in one form or another (well, I think we would all prefer to see them turned into real new TV episodes of Crusade! /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif ), but this might of course take years. /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif
Hey dave, where did you get your Evan Chen CD's from - I've never been able to find any?

*big ole spoiler below*

When I read the scripts they left me feeling even worse that the series got cancelled. They were sooo good, they really showed that the show was going to go to some dark places, especially with Gideon getting shot at the end. I really want to know what happens next!
wouldn't it be cool to have a show released fully in script form!! - just for something new and different - like continuing Crusade through scripts!!

(haha, thought I would love ot see them produced as well)

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