<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hypatia:
Yes, "mordenlefey" is a very clever name, I agree! So is "GideonsMine" too, I think. I didn't have to ask what those names meant!
Also, I too am holding out hope for a revival of the "Crusade" series. Remember how JMS always said that the finding of a cure to the plague would only "lead into" events later in the series? I was just thinking, wouldn't it be funny if the cure were actually shown as a B5LR episode! With Crusade mentioning in passing something like "well, THAT was an interesting discovery, wasn't it? Onto other things now.."
I know, I know, it would NEVER work. But in any event, I would just love to see both series very soon. OTOH, if Crusade the series is not brought back, I do hope some kind of closure can be made.
My hubby just snorts and says "yeah, GideonsMine is pretty freaking obvious, duh" hehehehe that is my hubby for you. He thinks I obsess a wee bit. Survival I tell you, I have never had to tolerate so much "sports" in my freaking life. Give me my obsession with Gideon, duh.
We all have our moments.
Colleen L. Stanford
Gideon's Mine, all Mine
(he just doesn't know it yet, LOL)