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Crappy Message Boards on the starwars.com

I am not a frequent poster at this site, but lurk occasionally, I mostly frequent the WB site as I am sure some of you here know. Anyway I have gratefully received lots of help from other posters over their on canon issues relating to B5, so stupidly I thought I would go to the starwars.com message boards and ask them about what may and may not be canon in the SW universe. Star Wars is another great passion of mine and having read the Timothy Zahn trilogy some years ago and then finding out that GL did not necessarily consider them to be canon, I thought that I would ask what GL did consider canon.

I simply asked the question and hoped that I would get and answer. I went back a few days later to see if I had any replies only to discover that all trace of me and my message were gone, I thought this a little strange and that I may have inadvertently put in a swear word or something, so I asked the question again, and then replied to myself to make sure that I had actually posted the message.

Anyway again I checked back and my messages had been deleted, I could not understand why but all I can assume is that my questions were seen as being so unimportant (and been asked before) that they were deleted. I can guess at this as well because there are a few FAQ threads and with a great deal of searching I sort of found the answer to my question. Anyway I am very much umimpressed with the moderators at SW.com and will not be returning again.

Thanks for listening and please don't delete me.

I'm fairly sure he's joking, yes. :LOL:

If anything, the thread could get moved. Antony runs a tight ship in many ways, its possible someone will move this to Off Topic or something.

Welcome to B5TV and Recoil's interesting sense of humor. :p
I take it Mr. Recoil you are joking?????

If not, why not? What have I done that would deserve being deleted?

I think it was because you begged not to be deleted, and it was too easy an opening to ignore.

Welcome aboard.
Thanks Hypatia.

I was beginning to think I was the antimoderator!! :D

You believe that this would get moved to off topic though do you? Why is that?
Hi James, sorry you got your fingers burnt by Star wars fandom.
You are not the first and will not be the last. I used to post reguarly on www.theforce.net 's jedi council, but just found the site's draconian attitude to repeating threads and a host of other problems stifiled intellegent or even fun debate on the subject matter.
If you want other sites to post at, i can recommend Episode-X , or its evil sister site www.millenniumfalcon.com. They still have their own sets of rules, espeically the wonderful canon/ non-canon debate star wars fans reguarly flame each other about. However, they are generally more down to earth. Best to have a lurk around first, and see what you think.
BTW, this place has a much more sensible attitude. :)
BTW, with regards to the canon question, IIRC Georgie boy only regards his movies as canon. Nothing else. The whole 'Extended Universe', including the books, comics etc is not seen as the same continuity per-se. If you look at the databank on the offical site, you'll notice the EU tab in most records. This is a good way to tell what is canon and what is not.:)
I think this also includes cartoons, and the holiday special. sob. ;)
What may have happened over at starwars.com was that you inadvertantly opened up a can of worms. I don't frequent the site myself, but I've occasionally posted at SW-related boards, and bickering over canon can be fierce indeed. They may have a policy of shutting down all such threads to save on angry debating, although I think it would be nicer to simply lock them.

Asking what's canon in Star Wars will get you a hundred and one answers from a hundred different people, and so the rancor in such threads can get a little fierce. Probably the safest and most conservative guess as to what is canon is saying that only the movies are official and the rest is subject to debate. As a Zahn fan myself I tend to think the definition should be a little broader, but the basic idea is that if GL didn't personally make it, it's at least a little suspect.
Thanks Hypatia.

I was beginning to think I was the antimoderator!! :D

You believe that this would get moved to off topic though do you? Why is that?

:LOL: No, it probably won't be. Only reason might be that it is a messageboard you are talking about, not a movie. ;)

I'm just teasin' ya. :D
I see no need to move this thread, so it shall remain here.

As for your initial question, I think everyone's right in saying that Lucas doesn't consider anything canon except for the movies. Not sure about the Ewok movies though. I'd say they should be as they are masterpieces in and of themselves.
Not sure about the Ewok movies though. I'd say they should be as they are masterpieces in and of themselves.
^^^^^ funniest thing I have read today.

The first one was "OK." The second one...oh DEER LORD!
I see no need to move this thread, so it shall remain here.

As for your initial question, I think everyone's right in saying that Lucas doesn't consider anything canon except for the movies. Not sure about the Ewok movies though. I'd say they should be as they are masterpieces in and of themselves.

What Ewok movies? :confused:
I know one Star Wars film had Ewoks, but only one, right?
There were 2 made-for-tv movies focusing around Wicket the Ewok.

"The Ewok Adventure" and "Ewoks: Battle for Endor"
Not sure about the Ewok movies though. I'd say they should be as they are masterpieces in and of themselves.
^^^^^ funniest thing I have read today.

The first one was "OK." The second one...oh DEER LORD!

Thanks! :cool: Yeah, they weren't very good. One thing I've always remembered about them is that the entire first movie is about rescuing the parents of the boy and girl and then they all get killed except the girl at the very beginning of the second movie. What the hell was the point of saving them in the first movie!?

This thing scared the shit out of me when I was younger:


And Wilford Brimley was in it, of course.

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