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Calling of the Heart Chapter 7

Disclaimer: Do I really have to repeat it?

Chapter 7 Punishment

Latiya woke up, her back aching with pain. She never realized that she had fallen asleep. She stretched and groaned. How long had she been here? She wondered. The door opened and she saw Chantal come in. Chantal sat down next to Latiya and looked at her.

“You better get to the very important part. Sect Turvall is getting very impatient.”

Latiya sighed and rolled her eyes. “So, what else is new?”

Chantal snorted with laughter. “I swear, Latiya. You spend too much time with me.”

“Anyway…where was I?”

“ ‘Can it you nit!’” Chantal said, laughing hysterically.

“Oh, yes, my famous saying. So, we arrived back on Minbar and Sect Turvall sent me to the ISA Compound.”

“What do you mean you were suspended?” John asked.

“That’s what I mean.” Latiya said, feeling herself begin to blush.

“Why did you attack her?” Delenn asked.

“She was insulting my parents and then had the nerve to invoke denn’sha.”

“Denn’sha?” John asked, sounding confused.

“Denn’sha?” Delenn asked in surprise.

“Will someone explain what the hell a denn’sha is?”

“Denn’sha means to the death.” Latiya said.

“Oh, I see.”

“That does not give you the obligation to attack her! I know you have more sense than that, Latiya!” Delenn scolded.

“I know, and I’m sorry.”

“You have been with Humans, haven’t you?” Delenn asked.

“Well, you can’t avoid them. They’re everywhere.” Latiya said.

“They have been a bad influence on you.”

“Delenn-“ John began.

“Not all Humans are a bad influence. But, some can be.” Delenn told him.

“Look, I said I was sorry! I even apologized to the little twit!”

Delenn frowned at her. Latiya felt like crawling under something and hiding from Delenn. She hated seeing Delenn angry with her and Delenn’s opinion of her must have dropped.

“Well, this can’t go unpunished.”

“Delenn, I have already been punished.”

“We are your parents now, and we must treat you like our daughter.” John said.

“Isn’t there such a thing against Double Jeopardy on your world, John?” Latiya asked.

“Yes, but this isn’t Earth.”

“You will not be allowed to see David until you clean up your act.”

“But, Delenn-“

“I mean it, Latiya!”

Latiya felt hot tears sting her eyes as she turned and ran to her bedroom. She felt so alone in the universe. Delenn had been her first real friend and now it was as if Delenn no longer cared for her.

Latiya began to cry bitterly at the thought and buried her face in her pillow.

“I’m sorry. Please forgive me, Delenn.”

Written by Hope Maria Conaway. August 25, 2001.


"There is always hope. It is the one thing no one has figured out how to kill yet." Galen.

"It's a shame our reality is devestating." Eve What's Going On?

"Oh, but who are they to judge us? Together we can all be strong." Alicia Keys, What's Going On?

"Oh, brother, brother, brother. There's far too many of you dying." Gwen Stefani, What's Going On?
Ooooh, that's gotta suck!
I loved the way Delenn inadvertantly dissed up Captain Charlatan
That was a thing of beauty...

May Valen be with you.
Poor Latiya. (BTW did I spell her name right?) Keep writing Zha, this is turning out to be pretty good.

RW, the salad ambassador. Visit my salad bar forum at www.b5rangers.net

[This message has been edited by RW7427 (edited October 23, 2001).]

"...abso-FRAGGIN-lutely, damn it! I have been studying your use of lauguage since our last discussion. Do you approve?"
Yep RW! You spelled it right! Good job!


"There is always hope. It is the one thing no one has figured out how to kill yet." Galen.

"It's a shame our reality is devestating." Eve What's Going On?

"Oh, but who are they to judge us? Together we can all be strong." Alicia Keys, What's Going On?

"Oh, brother, brother, brother. There's far too many of you dying." Gwen Stefani, What's Going On?
Yes, yes.



"There's Snow White and the Seven Narns, Who's Your Little Pak'ma'ra, others..."
- Captain Matthew Gideon, The Needs of Earth
Rising Star
Haven't you heard?

I have moderator powers, I deleted the thread.

No, I really don't. Sorry, can't help you.

"There's Snow White and the Seven Narns, Who's Your Little Pak'ma'ra, others..."
- Captain Matthew Gideon, The Needs of Earth
Rising Star

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