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Bigger IS better!


Beyond the rim
Thanks for the larger font size option, Antony! For someone who the optician described as having eyesight consistent with my birth date (so very polite!) it's a great help!
Just a question, you know, wasn´t going to complain or make a huge drama or anything. :)
I am the only one who doesn't really notice a difference? I mean the message text is bigger but everything else is still tiny? Maybe it is my insane resolution. :LOL:
I am the only one who doesn't really notice a difference?

I mean the message text is bigger but everything else is still tiny? Maybe it is my insane resolution. :LOL:

So, you do notice a difference. :LOL:

Yes, the improvement is small, and only in the message text area, but it is an improvement. :)
I can certainly increase text in other areas... but rather than huffing and puffing and stuff (although I'm replying to his message, not KoshN), I just need details of where things need improving for people.
Antony, when you get to posting more articles, will they all be in the larger text or the smaller? I do like the new larger text option, it's just right now for me. And much easier to read. :D Thanks!
Antony, I just went back to check on your April 1 "news story" on Kosh. It's now in black print on a dark grey kind of background. It's virtually impossible to read now.

Did you try to refresh it (or use ctrl+F5)? Looks quite fine to me - light text on the dark background - but sometimes the CSS doesn't load properly the first time you open a page.
Yes, now I have. Both refresh and then cntr + F5 and it's still black print on a dark greyish background.

I could probably cut and paste it into word to read it.

I'll check my settings. Maybe when I was messing around with them in the Display area of My Home I changed something. I messed around with it a lot until Antony told me there was no way to make the print size larger. (Now, of course, there is.)
No there doesn't seem to be any way to change background color. Well, as I said it's not that big a deal. The pictures are very clear and the text, as I said, I can probably cut and paste. It's just odd how it's looking different to different people.
Ah ha... now it's the same for me, after refresh. :D I suppose the correct version was still in my cache, which is why I didn't see the black-on-grey at first.

On closer examination, it looks like the Kosh article page uses a CSS file that doesn't exist any more, so it would have to be updated.
I can certainly increase text in other areas... but rather than huffing and puffing and stuff (although I'm replying to his message, not KoshN), I just need details of where things need improving for people.

Heh, not sure if I fall into that huffing and puffing stuff (I'm a big bad wolf! :LOL:) but I honestly didn't see how increasing the message text as a huge improvement like everyone was making it out to be.

I am still using the standard CSS file since I think all the font sizes need to be bumped up a notch. With only the message text being larger, I think it looks inconsistant with the rest of the site.

*goes back to using 120% zoom*

The only place where the formatting looks strange in 120% zoom, is the main forum listing page (http://forums.b5tv.com/ubbthreads.php). Everything else looks much better with a larger font. Just MHO of course! :)

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