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Beyond the rim (spoilers)



From Rangers. The aliens who were described in the ancient buried city were described as being 'banished between the darkness that lies between galaxies.' The Vorlons, Shadows, and other First Ones went beyond the rim, to the darkness between galaxies to explore and move on.

Well, since one raced was banished there and is longing to get back, get the feeling that the First Ones will be coming back some day saying 'Well, it wasnt all it was cracked up to be, so give us our homeworld back!'

Before you all go analyzing this to death, it was kind of meant as a tongue-in-cheek post. Although there is some truth to it. One thing work mentioning, the Ambassador described the Hand. He is the only person who has told us anything about them. The race written about in the buried city, the one who was banished, may not be the Hand. They were described in 2 seperate instances. So all may not be what it seems.

'I don't believe in the no-win scenario' - JTK
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Recoil:

Before you all go analyzing this to death, it was kind of meant as a tongue-in-cheek post. Although there is some truth to it. One thing work mentioning, the Ambassador described the Hand. He is the only person who has told us anything about them. The race written about in the buried city, the one who was banished, may not be the Hand. They were described in 2 seperate instances. So all may not be what it seems.


Of course not. After all, we know who the hand is. Remember the dream sequence in "All alone in the Night"? Ivanova tells Sheridan "You are the Hand". So there

If I tell you my name is Lorien, what good is that?

(Whatever happened to Mr. Garibaldi?)
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Recoil:

One thing work mentioning, the Ambassador described the Hand. He is the only person who has told us anything about them. The race written about in the buried city, the one who was banished, may not be the Hand. They were described in 2 seperate instances. So all may not be what it seems.


It does seem odd that this servant of a dark and mighty power was so talkative. I don't imagine Mr. Mordan would have rolled over so easily.
This guy may have been dropping disinformation, and if this is true then probably very little reliable knowledge can be learned from him. However, it may be that JMS needed SOMEONE to do some talking so there would be an established villian to round out the movie, since it ultimately needs to be able to stand on it's (the movie) own. JMS could not drop some mysterious ships into the mix and tell nothing. That's not a movie, that's the first installment of something larger, which he may not have been able to guarentee at the time.
Anyway, to sum up, the "ambassador" SHOULD be lying, but given the circumstances it is VERY hard to know.
All we really, really know is that there was something on the planet, it got smoked by a handful of unknown vessels that were powerful enough to take out the best combined work of Human-Minbari technology. If anyone sees whats going on from that scant bit of history, I would love for you to share it with me. Since, among the mind of JMS, "I lost my way, a very long time ago".

"Humanity IS my business"
or the always popular
"You can get farther with a kind word and a 2 b four, than you can with just a kind word"

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