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Bambi on DVD


Continuing the grand Disney home video release tradition, Bambi has come out on DVD for a limited time. Because what better audience to tease with annoying marketing gimmicks than children? :rolleyes:

However, no matter how cynical and absurd Disney's business choices are, it doesn't detract from the genius of this film.

Yes, that's right, the mighty GKarsEye digs Bambi.

In fact, I would go so far as to suggest that Disney's first 5 feature length animate films is the greatest streak of any filmmaker or studio: Fantasia, Snow White, Pinnochio, Dumbi, and Bambi

Bambi is the most manic of these (I don't really count Fanatasia, as that isn't a story). More a series of vignettes displaying a romanticised anthropomorphic idealisation of nature than a straight tale.

Like Snow White and Pinnochio, it used what would become the cliched Disney formula: young person or child ripped away from parents tragically and forced to deal with life on its own. On a grander scale, the film is the perfect propoganda piece for nature lovers, animal rights activists and environmentalists everywhere. One wonders how many activists were born the day they watched the evil humans destroy Bambi's mother and home.

The film's setting, story and scene also seem to make the Lion King redundant.

One thing I don't get is why everyone makes such a big deal out of the death of his mother. Ok, yes, it's sad, that's the point. But surely the end, where the entire forest is being destroyed, would be as emotional or more?

My sister got this for her birthday. I will watch it at some point. Haven't seen it in a while.

Fans should get this while they can, before it goes for double or triple the price.

Today, Pixar inherets the tradition of creating a new paradigm in family entertainment that is actually enjoyable to the whole family.
Major relief.

I thought this was going to be a another "Minbari" thread. :p

And I stand with GKE. I would put Bambi and Fox and the Hound up with any other dramatic films for their endearing style and quality.
One thing I don't get is why everyone makes such a big deal out of the death of his mother. Ok, yes, it's sad, that's the point. But surely the end, where the entire forest is being destroyed, would be as emotional or more?

I don't think the forest burning is more emotional than (or even as emotional as) the mother being killed, at least not for a very large portion of the audiance.

I think it probably has to do with when many / most people first see Bambi. Bambi was the first movie that I was taken to see in a theater, during a re-release when I was 4 (back before home video, or even cable, existed some of these movies would be re-released to theaters once per generation or so).

To a 4 year old the forest burning down is a frightening thing to watch; but ultimately it is a bit abstract, and a 4 year old isn't going to think in terms total number of off screen deaths or the long term effect of lost habitat or anything like that.

On the other hand, from the POV of a 4 year old the idea of losing Mom is probably the single scariest, most gut-wrenchingly emotional thing that the poor kid could ever concieve of. Especially back when I was that age and it was just a given that Mom was always going to be the one and only full time caregiver ("working mother" was a nearly unheard-of semi-contradiction in the early-to-mid 1960's, at least in my middle class world-of-the-time).

Once those associations are formed at such an early age, I suspect that they aren't likely to completely go away and yield to the more analytical and abstract thought processes of an adult during later viewings of the same movie.
Usually that kind of "sweetness" makes me ill, but it's so comically overdone that it makes the contrasts with the later scenes that much better. Plus, done in the classically warm old-school Disney style, it's kind of nostalgiac.
I remember watching Bambi in the theater for the first time, like Sleepy, in a re-release (mine was in a double feature with My Stepmother is an Alien). I have been, and still am, a fan of most of Disney's older movies. I think because I'm a dog person, that Lady and the Tramp has always been my favorite. I actually had it on DVD until I was robbed a few years ago. Now, I refuse to pay the almost $30-50 it goes for on ebay. Fox and the Hound is another favorite, which I still own on DVD. The Lion King is the only other Disney movie I own.

I've been thinking about picking up Bambi, if not only for me but (as much as I hate to admit), my kids, should I ever have them. The old Disney movies are classic, but I haven't seen a Disney movie since LK, so I can't really judge any in the past 10 years or so.

Back on the topic, Bambi is such a simple story, one that's really easy to follow, and if you're anything like me, it's left an impression on me all these years later. It's one of the few movies I actually remember from my childhood. I think I still have it on VHS at my parents' house somewhere.
I haven't seen Bambi for about (*counts on his fingers*) sixteen or seventeen years. I can't really judge. I do harbor a sneaky fondness for The Lion King, though.

Fantasia is just a work of great art. Fantasia 2000 was a passable imitation, which I liked mostly because of the whales dancing to "Pines of Rome" and the "Rhapsody in Blue" piece.
I've never seen Fantasia, but most of the people I know that have seen it really enjoyed it. I just remember seeing clips from it when I was little and it didn't appeal to me. I have a feeling that if I do see it, I'd like it.
Oh, yeah. Especially "Night on Bald Mountain." Or "Bare Mountain" as I've also seen it translated, but I think they use the first one in the movie. And who can forget Mickey as the Sorceror's Apprentice? Quite possibly Mickey's finest hour.
I still find it useful to invoke the Thumper rule in order to imply a negative view of someone without saysing so outright.
The "dinosaur" sequence is still amazing to me, by far my favorite Disney moment. As a kid when everyone else is going nuts over Mickey and the dancing mushrooms, I'm sucked in by the cycle of death and life, and that strange haunting music.

I was a Stravinsky fan before I knew his name.

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