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Hello, did you know that we are sponsoring the Audience Award at this year’s BAFTA TV awards. We want to know which programmes you think should be on the short list. So, please tell us by visiting www.pioneerhdblog.com


The Pioneer Team
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Well at least they posted in a relevant forum and didn't wallpaper the boards like the pilchards Mrakas took out yesterday!
Limited to this one post, I don't find it objectionable. But, BAFTA is British, so I would assume that responses from us USians are unnecessary?
Go on vote,nobody will know :devil:

At least it was of interest to the forum.

Anyway,I'm off to sell this garage full of stolen electrical I got cheap :LOL:
lol you are really witty (in an annoyingly sarcastic way). i hate it when people suggest that i google or wiki something (that i don`t know ) ... wouldn`t it just be so easier for you to tell me :) .. so i`m lazy ? so what!
lol you are really witty (in an annoyingly sarcastic way). i hate it when people suggest that i google or wiki something (that i don`t know ) ... wouldn`t it just be so easier for you to tell me :) .. so i`m lazy ? so what!

Typing "Ross Perot" into Google, or wikipedia's search engine, requires you to type two words.

Asking "Who is Ross Perot?" into a message board requires you to type four words, plus a question mark.

--> if you are lazy AND smart, you google. Google can force-feed you information a lot better than anyone here can, with a lot less effort.
what is nafta and who is ross perot?

"nafta" is an acronym for Not actually fair to anyone.

H. Ross Perot is a cranky little old guy with big ears, who farts computer chips, and imagines negro ninjas running across the lawn at his daughter's wedding. If you ever meet him, don't let on that you have a car. If you do, he will insist that you "just get under the hood, and fix it." Worse yet, he may try and do it for you.
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