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Bad News RE: TMOS.... Mira speaks.....

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Beyond the rim
hate to bring the bad news, I'll let Mira say it... courtesy of the Dark Horizons website:

"Actress Mira Furlan, who last appeared as the mysterious French woman behind the transmission on "Lost" a few months back, shot to fame with genre audiences for her work as Ambassador Delenn of the Minbari in the acclaimed sci-fi series "Babylon 5" (an excellent show, at least during most of Seasons 2-4).

Recently talk has been circling that the film version "The Memory of Shadows" was being made and all sorts of contention was coming up about the potential casting changes. Series creator J. Michael Straczynski has been the only one though to speak about it as of late with none of the actors weighing in.

Now 'The Mutiny' was at VisionCon in Missouri this past weekend, where Furlan put in an appearance and spoke about the film during a Q&A session. "I don't know if you know that there was a movie that was going to happen, a Babylon 5 movie and that there were all kinds of things that were happening around that.... And finally, no movie! No movie. Maybe it will resurface again. I'm sure it will... it's floating around, that idea and I think it's going to happen in some other reincarnation, that particular one it won't".

This coincides with rumours that JMS and Warner Bros. were reaching an impasse over a number of issues on the film and as a result it's been put on the backburner where it will probably stay for a long time."

think I'll go back to lurking for the next year lol...


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