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babylon 5


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hi there i bought Babylon 5: The Complete Universe Box Set im quite happy wit the content theres just a few things that i still dont understand nd why the directors didnt follow up on them any1 ever wonder were gkar went wit lyta there could have been another series there or i wached the legend of the rangers i mean cum on there was sumthing there aswell they could have continuedwith that too im disapointed that they only continued wit crusade altho crusade was awesum wish it wasnt taken off air :( please id like to kno wat u think o if u want the box set it is worth it :)
According to Pat Tallman's interview on the B5 podcast, Lyta and G'Kar had some fun out in space, hahaha.

I think some of these answers can be found in the Babylon 5 books. Just do a search on Babylon 5 under the book section of Amazon. You'll see some stuff there. Not everything is answered, but it does wrap up a few loose ends.

I have the entire series on DVD (including the movies). I don't have the Rangers or Crusade. But the B5 series itself, I've worn out the DVD covers because I watch them quite often. So, yes, they are worth it.
theres just a few things that i still dont understand nd why the directors didnt follow up on them
They didn't continue to follow them in B5 because they weren't considered (by JMS) to be part of the same story. They were considered possible sequel stories.

any1 ever wonder were gkar went wit lyta there could have been another series there
There was a short story written about one of their adventures together during that time. It was published in one of the magazines. I would have to look up the details again. I don't recall at this point.

or i wached the legend of the rangers i mean cum on there was sumthing there aswell they could have continuedwith that too
That was produced as a Pilot for a potential follow-up series. The network decided against picking up the series after the pilot.
any1 ever wonder were gkar went wit lyta there could have been another series there
There was a short story written about one of their adventures together during that time. It was published in one of the magazines. I would have to look up the details again. I don't recall at this point.

"Genius Loci"

Here's the info on the six existing short stories:

SHORT STORIES (all out of print, both magazines out of business):

Title: The Shadow of His Thoughts
Author: Straczynski, J. M.
Timeframe: 10/2262
Ss_pub_in: Amazing Stories
Ss_issue: Summer 1999, Number 597
Ss_commnts: The Londo Story

Title: Genius Loci
Author: Straczynski, J. M.
Timeframe: 01/2263
Ss_pub_in: Amazing Stories
Ss_issue: Winter 2000, Number 599
Ss_commnts: The Lyta / G'Kar Story

Title: Space, Time, and the Incurable Romantic
Author: Straczynski, J. M.
Timeframe: 2560-2592
Ss_pub_in: Amazing Stories
Ss_issue: Summer 2000, Number 602
Ss_commnts: The Marcus / Ivanova Story

Title: Hidden Agendas
Author: Straczynski, J. M.
Timeframe: 2262
Ss_pub_in: Babylon 5/Crusade Magazine
Ss_issue: May 2000, Number 22
Ss_commnts: The Ivanova/Warlock Destroyer/Ulkesh's Vorlon
Transport/Sheridan/Lyta Story

Title: True Seeker
Author: Avery, Fiona
Timeframe: late 2269
Ss_pub_in: Babylon 5/Crusade Magazine
Ss_issue: July 2000, Number 23
Ss_commnts: The Narn Story (carries on from episode 17 "Legacies" http://www.midwinter.com/lurk/guide/017.html )

Title: The Nautilus Coil
Author: Keyes, J. Gregory
Timeframe: 2263, or maybe even sometime in 2264
Ss_pub_in: Babylon 5/Crusade Magazine
Ss_issue: August 2000, Number 24
Ss_commnts: The Garibaldi/Lyta/Psi Corp/Vorlon story. Connects with "Dark Genesis - The Birth of the Psi Corps"

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