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Babylon 5 Season 3 Pre-Order


Babylon 5 Season 3 Pre-Order

Just pre-ordered Season 3 from Total Action Universe for $83.95 Canadian ($US 61.14).
Re: Babylon 5 Season 3 Pre-Order

Just pre-ordered Season 3 from Total Action Universe for $83.95 Canadian ($US 61.14).

:eek: :eek: :eek:

That's a damned good price! I got mine cheap too, but I had coupons for season two. I hope I'll have more by the time August rolls around.

Rommie ;)
Re: Babylon 5 Season 3 Pre-Order


Yeah, that's $74.99, I paid less than that for season two, and can pay less than that for season three. If it were like.....$15 less, then I would jump at the opportunity. :)

Rommie ;)
Re: Babylon 5 Season 3 Pre-Order


Yeah, that's $74.99, I paid less than that for season two, and can pay less than that for season three. If it were like.....$15 less, then I would jump at the opportunity. :)

Rommie ;)
Re: Babylon 5 Season 3 Pre-Order

*nods and agrees with Rommie*

Hopefully, Amazon Canada will come down in price so I can buy from them again. *crosses fingers*
Re: Babylon 5 Season 3 Pre-Order

*nods and agrees with Rommie*

Hopefully, Amazon Canada will come down in price so I can buy from them again. *crosses fingers*

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