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Babylon 5 on VHS: A History


Since we were discussing Babylon 5 on VHS in the blu-ray thread, I thought I'd make a thread dedicated to the VHS collections. This might seem a bit boring but I seem to have suddenly developed an OCD about it! So here is the history of B5 on VHS – at least as it was in the UK. Looney has already talked about B5 on VHS in the United States in the other thread, if there is any interesting history about B5 VHS collections in other countries, I'd be interested in hearing it. I think because VHS is now a dead format, yet it was how we all got our early B5 collections, it's got a lot of memories locked up in it , at least for me. Here's a crummy picture of my VHS collection on the bookcase circa 2001/2 - the entire B5 series, plus Crusade and TV movies took up two and a half shelves (the rest being X-Files, Battlestar Galactica and some early DVDs on the bottom shelf). Now we get the entire series in one modest blu-ray set (and for a fraction of the overall price – I must have spent £600 in total on VHS tapes in comparison) – remarkable! For the record, I only have a handful of my VHS left, most in the loft at my parents. I figured at the time we were unlikely to see a Blu-ray, so I kept onto the tapes with the special effects-heavy episodes as they were the only versions I had with the uncropped fx. As you'll see though, I kept most of the sleeves. The part of me that likes to hoard kind of wishes I'd kept all the tapes, but they do take up a lot of room.


So starting with The Gathering: this is how we originally got it on VHS in the UK (ignore the cat in the background!). Looking back at it now it looks a little weird - the logo, the overall presentation making it seem more like a one-off direct-to-video effort than the pilot for a long-running series. The copyright on the back is 1994 Warner Home Video UK, so by this stage season 1 would have already begun.


Warners then began releasing the series proper, two episodes per tape (with a few exceptions, which I'll come onto), under their 'Beyond Vision' label, which was the label they used for their SF TV shows, such as V. The first two volumes were released together, and both had exactly this same picture on the cover. Why they decided to use G'Kar's head as a planet, I have no idea! Their intention was to use this picture on the cover of every volume. Fans hated it and complained, and not only did subsequent volumes have bespoke images, but they went back and re-released volume 1 and 2 with new images too. The Gathering was also re-released with a cover more consistent with this style (the image of a backlit Sinclair and Garibaldi in armour, it made a pretty cool cover).


I mentioned there were a couple of exceptions to the two-episodes per tape rule. To avoid splitting A Voice in the Wilderness between two tapes, volume 8 had three episodes – Grail, Legacies and Eyes (and subsequently I've always associated these three episodes together) – and volume 9 had both parts of A Voice in the Wilderness plus Babylon Squared. And I think (someone can correct me if my memory is playing tricks) that it was edited together into one long 90 minute episode. WB didn't do the same for War Without End - that was split over two tapes.

Speaking of A Voice in the Wilderness, that episode was a two-parter because WB wanted something they could market on VHS in overseas territories. Now I don't think we got that here, maybe because the series was already showing in the UK and coming out on video? I have seen it on eBay though, so maybe it was available for rental? I'm sure I've also seen some season 1 tapes on eBay that have four episodes per tape. These may have also been for rental?


Next posts I'll cover later seasons, and also some special gifts we received with the video tapes.
For the second season, they smartened the covers up and I think the overall production was more polished, with some sharper and striking images such as the season 2 cast photo and Ivanova in a Starfury. But there were some that were not so striking – I mean, why would the cover to the volume 17 convince anybody to buy it?!


Warners seemed proud of the fact that B5 won the Hugo with The Coming of Shadows (back in the day when winning Best Dramatic Presentation was much more difficult because TV and film were not in separate categories) and released a special edition VHS containing just that episode (it had already been released as part of volume 15), with a picture of Londo on the cover and a blurb stating it had won the Hugo. I guess Warners hoped that casual buyers would be impressed enough to buy it and try out the series, but it doesn't seem to have worked because they didn't bother doing the same thing for Severed Dreams.


Moving into season 3, again the production of the VHS sleeves went up a notch. Volume 23 was a particular favourite of mine – I've always loved this promotional image, and would love it as a large poster.


Up until now, all the volumes had been consecutively numbered. But with season 4, they changed the styling. What should have been volume 33 was called volume 4:01 instead, which when you are lining them all up on the shelf rather spoils the system. I also don't think the cover design worked very well; I can see what they were getting at, but it feels a bit gimmicky.


Then in season 5 (beginning with volume 5:01) they started using the nice artwork that the US was getting on their VHS and Laser Discs.


Up until the start of season 4, I'd done quite well keeping up with the VHS releases. Given each tape was around £12–13, it was a lot of money for a teenager. But by season 4 I couldn't keep up. Then, HMV released each season in an individual box set, and was able to pick up season 4 for I think about £70 using my birthday money. I still have the box in my parent's loft holding what videos I have left – it was pretty neat – thick card, I think a foil embossed logo, and the name of the season (e.g. No Surrender, No Retreat) – and kind of a precursor to the DVD season boxsets.

Speaking of boxsets, we also got the TNT movies released both as single tapes and in a boxset with the novelisation (except for River of Souls, since that novelisation was cancelled). I've still got the novels on my bookcase, and I think I still have the boxes at my parents. There was also a special box set that contained In the Beginning, Thirdspace, David Bassom's The Making of Babylon 5 and a B5 torch, and I see that boxset on eBay quite frequently.

Here's some promotional literature that would come with the tapes. The release schedule was one or two tapes each month.


Next, the free gifts...
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Babylon 5 did very well on VHS here in the UK, with new releases regularly making it into the top 10 best sellers. And with that success, the main chains – HMV, Our Price and Virgin Megastore – competed for our custom with collectable free gifts, starting with the release of the third season.

From HMV, the first volume for season 3 and 4 came as a double pack with an extra plastic case to store collectable cards in. Collect all the cards, and they would form a picture on the back. Season 3's picture was weird, I think it is the space warp effect from when Ivanova used the Great Machine to go to Sigma 957. Season 4 was the poster for In the Beginning. There were three cards per volume, and they were quite large, about 3.5 by 6 inches.


HMV also produced another card set that came in a little card wallet. I have no memory of what this came with, but the nine cards are split into three groups – Behind the Scenes, The Makers of Babylon 5 and Story Arch (sic) – with text on the back. It seems to be mostly season 1 based, except for the season 2 cast photo. If anyone can remind me how this card set was made available, please let me know!


Our Price and Virgin also had a card set exclusive to them, but I only have three cards from that set. These cards were the same size as the others at 3.5 x 6 inches, and had text on the back. Why I don't have a complete set of any of them is a mystery given I was buying the videos at the time.


Finally, there were also these tiny stickers that came with season 4 videos from one of the stores (I want to say Our Price or Virgin). I believe there was also a poster to which the stickers could be stuck, but I don't have the poster. They are small, smaller than Panini stickers, for example.


So that's it, the history of B5 on VHS in the UK. If I've missed anything out, please let me know, and if you've managed to get this far through these lengthy and probably boring posts, then thanks for reading!
Almost forgot, there was a trailer that appeared on the videos for the VHS collection, which was pretty good actually! I found it on YouTube – quality isn't that great, but you can get the gist!

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OMG that was FANTASTIC!!!!!!!! 🤯 THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! 🫡 And now I'm definitely going to have to try to track down some of those cards and stickers. Love all of it. That HUNTER PREY cover was so great because it is so random. I hope those actors have seen it. 😂

Just an outstanding post. Loved reading every word. I'd love to read more history VHS releases. If you have a story please do tell. 🤓
One more thing that I've just remembered. When WB released season 5 on VHS, they had a giveaway; each cassette included a leaflet with a voucher, collect so many vouchers and you could mail away for either a B5-branded bag or a sweater. I got the sweater back in the day (which still fits!) and the bag from eBay. Unfortunately one of my dogs has gotten to the bag and nibbled on it.
