Years ago JMS took his b5 concept to all of the Major studios including Paramount which rejected his concept.Then some years later we have Ds9. Both great series similar to each other and different. B5 had the greater impact of the two and I think that more then anything else forced trek them to write not only good stories but stories with long arc and unlike past trek series, this one had honest to goodness real character development. Paramount was fortunate in that they had a very talented Ron Moore, Robert Hewitt Wolfe and Ira Steven Behr all of who wanted to take trek beyond its stagnating mold. There are so many interesting comparisons that we can make. Sheridan vs Sisko,Kira vs Ivonova, Odo vs Garabaldi, Bashair Vs Franklin, Cardassians vs Centuri, Bajorans vs Narn and other area how are they similar and How do they differ. The Shadow was vs the Dominion War.Ron Moore took the Trek Formula and to large extent successfully kicked into new territory. Right now with His Wonderful Re imagined Galactica Series he has become the JMS of this decade and Era of science fiction. Opinions on this one? 
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