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B5 Spin-Offs

I think the blame for the cancellation of "space and alien"-based science fiction shows should fall on Star Trek. They've flooded the market with what 26 seasons of drivel (well maybe 20 seasons of drivel if u're being picky). They've probably used up all the genre ideas that are out there. People must be sick of seeing all these alien shows. They've forgotten that scifi can be used to comment on everyday issues (what with all this reinitialising the tachyon emitters nonsense).
I can only hope that people get similarly jaded with all these terrible hospital/cop/lawyer shows, but I can't see it ever happening. Everytime I turn on the tv there's another one of these shows on.
Decent shows on TV:
Cartoon's Network Adult Swim (Aqua Teen Hungerforce, The Brak Show, Space Ghost Coast to Coast & Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law)
The Simpsons reruns

Alias is a good show, but my perspective might be a bit skewed with just how damn hot Jennifer Garner is. I'd call her mommy and beg for a spanking!

Well, perhaps you all are right. I don't watch a lot of TV. I watch Alias and Buffy, but I'm so behind on Buffy episodes that I've never seen a new one. I expect I'll like Angel... when I get to it.

I've also heard decent things about 24. But the rest? Varying degrees of crud.
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by Lyta: </font color>
John Doe is decent TV? *giggles* I guess I nitpick the "Seattle" details too much to think it is a good show.

Well, from the POV of someone who has never been to Seattle (me), it looks A-OK.
Well, the completely made up "Seattle" in the show bugs me to no end. I don't think I would mind so much if they fudged things a little or stretched the truth but many times they don't. Mostly, I find it humorous and I laugh my ass off at some of the "facts" about this area.

My favorite nitpick from last week's ep was going frame by frame during the lighthouse research scene. There is no "Van Damme Lighthouse" nor does our coastline look anything like the lighthouse pictured. Also, the text about the "Van Damme" was something about black holes and the other text was about another lighthouse all together. Obviously, they never thought anyone would notice.

Sorry, if they can't even get those simple facts straight or even semi-plausible, then it makes the rest of the show harder to believe as well. I highly doubt any of their "facts" are correct.
They just make up shit to make a better story and even then, I think their stories are kind of weak.

Anyway, there probably aren't many people who feel like me unfortunately so I am just poking fun at your choice of "decent" TV. *tickles KoshN*
Cartoon's Network Adult Swim (Aqua Teen Hungerforce, The Brak Show, Space Ghost Coast to Coast & Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law)

I am so glad someone mentioned this. Watch these shows. Best hour of the week. Really funny. Not for the kiddies.

And you forgot Sealab 2021. My personal favorite for Sundays.

And watch Adult Swim during the week too. Especially Home Movies. That's the funniest. On right after Futurama. And the anime lineup after that is good too.
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by Lyta: </font color>
Anyway, there probably aren't many people who feel like me unfortunately so I am just poking fun at your choice of "decent" TV. *tickles KoshN*

The way I look at it, it beats 100% of the new shows that Sci-Fi is airing. But then, backyard theater with sock puppets could beat Skiffy.
Regarding John Doe, the occasional appearance of Gabrielle Anwar doesn't hurt either,
, and I like the cast (especially Digger).
So, Lyta, you're from Seattle? I hail from that area too... but I haven't watched enough Seattle-based TV to get annoyed.
They still do a new Space Ghost: Coast to Coast every year or so, and continue to rerun the classics.

Adult Swim on Cartoon Network is actually a lot closer to science fiction than anything on the Sci-Fi Channel these days!

Yeah, I am from Seattle (or close enough). I don't watch many Seattle based shows either really. In fact, I think Dark Angel was set in Seattle as well but I never watched it.

Singles was a great Seattle movie. *sighs wistfully*

KoshN, JD is an ok show but I rate it along with Enterprise right now. The parts they get wrong are more entertaining than the actual plot for the most part.

Hmm, we are wandering pretty far off-topic now aren't we?