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B5 Script Books, Anyone?

Jeff Mott

New member
Hi, folks. I have the Babylon 5 script books -- the 14 volumes plus the special 15th volume -- but I'm not reading them like I thought I would. I don't think CafePress is publishing any more copies, so I thought I'd check if anyone is interested in buying my set. You can PM me if you're interested.
I couldn’t afford them. Which is a bit of a bugger.

One of the things I wanted to know was what was this about a different version of the Soul Hunter episode being written – basically what was the differences between it and what appeared on screen. It didn’t have anything to do with the station having tractor beams did it? Anyone. ; )
No, no tractor beams. In fact, the scene where Sinclair captures the out-of-control Soul Hunter ship isn't in that draft. The (at that time) cut scene of the dust dealer taking the hostage in Customs (The Gathering) was transplanted into that first draft. Otherwise, the main difference is that there was an auditor on the Station looking to cut the budget.

Why were you expecting tractor beams?

It was something Ron Thornton was talking about (can’t link to it of course right now). jms’s first idea was to have the ship ‘tractored’ into the station, but it was suggested that it would make a good early opportunity to reinforce the physics do da which Fi introduced in Midnight. So Sinclair was written to go out and grab the thing – and Mark Kochinksi was asked to animate the sequence. I was just curious what version of events the earlier script had.

Do you want a laugh.


Didn’t know models of Peter Ledgers characters was ever made though.
Cool, thanks for sharing.

I just took a closer look at the shooting script, which I probably haven't since I got them around 2001/2002 and in the script, Sinclair is using a magnetic grapple. The description is:
As Sinclair's ship sends out waves of MAGNETIC ENERGY that engulf the other ship. The crackling raibow of color catches for just a moment ...then blips out.
So it looks like at that point we had some version of a sort of tractor 'beam' that probably got changed in a production meeting to the actual claw grapple that we saw.

One of the things I wanted to know was what was this about a different version of the Soul Hunter episode being written – basically what was the differences between it and what appeared on screen.
The issue as Joe put it was that his first version of the script felt more like a Star Trek episode than a Babylon 5 episode. There are some differences with the way the Soul Hunter is initially reacted to. He just kind of wanders on to the station, starts affecting the aliens, and Sinclair wonders what's going on and then starts asking questions. More talk and problem solving and less action than the final episode is the impression I got from reading the scripts.

The (at that time) cut scene of the dust dealer taking the hostage in Customs (The Gathering) was transplanted into that first draft.
Another scene in the first version of the Soul Hunter script that was moved was Lennier's introduction that ended up in "The Parliament of Dreams."

Otherwise, the main difference is that there was an auditor on the Station looking to cut the budget.
The auditor is still in the Soul Hunter script in volume 1 as well.
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Cool, thanks for sharing.

I just took a closer look at the shooting script, which I probably haven't since I got them around 2001/2002 and in the script, Sinclair is using a magnetic grapple. The description is:
As Sinclair's ship sends out waves of MAGNETIC ENERGY that engulf the other ship. The crackling raibow of color catches for just a moment ...then blips out.
So it looks like at that point we had some version of a sort of tractor 'beam' that probably got changed in a production meeting to the actual claw grapple that we saw.


...a grapple that never would have worked on something as large as a ship as soon as Sinclair changed course and accelerated away. The grapple arm would have torn right off. Somebody should have caught that.

It also wouldn't have worked in Garibaldi's maneuver when he grabbed the assassin's starfury in Season 5, but at least there they addressed the problem of the forces on the arm.

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