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B5 ROS airs in Australia



Well lastnight River of souls made its debuit on a free to air network(CH 9) here in Australia.

Its the first of the B5 telemovies i've seen on australian t.v,In another thread someone said they had seen a B5 telemovie here but I'm not sure if this is true.

But the network that aired it has always got the B5 rights here at home ,they got B5 all 5 seasons and they had crusade,they havent had anything on B5 in at least 2 years.
So I begin to wonder if there finally showing some telemovie if they know about B5LOTR,and perhaps are dropping some titbits before they pickup LOTR here?
It could just be conincidence or something more who knows but it might be a start.Pleae Australian members share your viewpoint cos I don't want to wait 4 years to see LOTR here.

"Faith manages"
the deconstruction of falling stars.

Watched ROS last night, even though I already have it on video.

Ch9 showed ITB about a year maybe 2 ago, but some states they showed Thirdspace but for Victoria they skipped us completely.

With Ch9's track record on Sci-Fi shows, I'd say it will be at least another year (minimum) before we get to see LOTR.

"It is the Errors and faults of we,
That we fight for our nation,
Against a darkness that we forever see."
Yep... In the Beginning was shown about a year ago... and I've been scouring the guides ever since for news of more B5 showings (taped RoS last night)...


I can't believe that they didn't show Thirdspace in all the states (Tassie missed out too)... that is so rude, or something.... I was thinking it was weird that we got RoS before Thirdspace... and now I know why

Now about LotR... I'm thinking we could be waiting a very, very long time... several years even.... considering that don't even seem to want to give sci fi a chance to pull in the ratings *cough*farscape*cough*bloodyawfultimeslotsforallshows*cough*

It's all so frustrating that when something like RoS comes on I get insanely happy (actually I think that movie is growing on me... I'd forgotten how many good bits it had)....


I have not lost my mind... it's backed up on disk somewhere!
You are just starting to see the B5 movies *now*? And of course I've heard about the situation with Farscape down there. The Aussie TV-networks must hate SF-fans or something!

From the US

Tirk: Citizen G'Kar, Captain Martell would like to speak to you.
G'Kar: Of course. Love to stay. Can't. Have to go. Kiss-kiss. Love-love. Bye.

Tammy's Station
Oh, they don't hate us - we don't exist

except as people to use up empty spaces on... I mean Farscape was put on to compete against the olympics, cause I guess they thought they had no hope of competing...GAH!

I have not lost my mind... it's backed up on disk somewhere!
I really do feel sorry for you guys because I'm as big of a B5 fan as the next fanatic but even I thought River of Souls was pretty bad. Lochley in lingerie couldn't even save the movie, NOW THAT IS SAYING SOMETHING.

They've actually shown "in the beginning" several times in Australia now.

Generally about mid-day, during school holidays. I've seen it in the guides at least three times during the past two or three years... (and watched it once or twice, just to see how they hack it up to cut it into the timeslot!!!)

Otherwise, I'm just praying the SciFi channel gets to Australia sometime soon.
TV1 has a Sci-Fi component, and they're half-way through season 1 B5. Once again, though, it's on at 11pm monday / saturday nights!

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THey have also shown the pilot movie "The Gathering" which has just debut on paytv
Now if only they show LoTR I'll be happy.....

"When it is time, come to this place, call our name, we will be here" -Walkers of Sigma957
Babylon 5 freegame-I've Found Her
Well im sure we will see it on VHS here a long time before it ever hits TV here and I agree the sci fi fans are a neglected lot here but we are getting Enterprize we also have star gate,and farscape was on for awhile (but i must admit I couldnt really get into it,I dont have a clue why its so hyped up in the US must get better?"

Well we can only hope one day we do get scifi channel here, TV1's ok but I'm not rushing out to get cable to see old stuff I've already got on tape.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Being a scifi fan can be a lonely thing well at least untill the internet came along <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Diogenes:

Otherwise, I'm just praying the SciFi channel gets to Australia sometime soon.
TV1 has a Sci-Fi component, and they're half-way through season 1 B5. Once again, though, it's on at 11pm monday / saturday nights!


I think TV1 has played the first series of B5 about three times now. Alot of people were asking in their forums when they would show the 2nd series and the response was that they won't be able to acquire it until 2003 (something to do with Ch 9 owning the rights in Oz)

Also, the amount of air time dedicated to sci-fi on free to air TV here is shocking, about the only series that has been a success in prime time is Stargate SG-1. Trying to watch series 3-5 of B5 was nearly impossible because it was constantly being bounced around timeslots (usually not before 11pm). And what the did to Farscape...I don't want to talk about it. Oh well, that's my small rant for the day. Hello to everyone here too


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