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B5 handshakes


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Dear Internet,

Me and a mate were discussing the greetings used by the various races of B5.

I'm pretty sure the Minbari one is where they make a triangle out of their hands and bow their heads slightly. My mate thinks this is just Anla'shok.

I think there is also one where the two greeters start by putting both hands in the air, palms facing forward, before individually and simultaneously locking left hand with right. Does anyone recognise this?

Also is there a list somewhere of all the handshakes?

Much appreciated!


I don't know if there are any lists anywhere, but I do remember the Centauri "Hands of Friendship", in which the one offering said hands holds both arms outward pointing down, the one receiving said hands holds his arms outward pointing up, and the two use their hands to grasp the other's forearms all the way up at the elbow.

It's not a handshake, but, particularly in "The Gathering", the Narn say the phrase "Good eating to you!" as a greeting and departure.
The Narn seem to put their fists to their chests and pause for a moment as a greeting/goodbye. That is more like our wave tho, becuz no contact is made.

Early in the series the Minbari had a greeting in which hand is placed close to the other person's heart. I remember it specifically from the two-parter in s1 in which Epsilon 3 starts making noise. Also they do the triangle-bow.

Also in s1 when the Psi Cops are first introduced, they great people and then there is a pause, during which time they simply project their thots to the person. But that is not a handshake equivalent either.

When Sheridan met Emperor Turhan, i think the latter offered the Hands of Peace. But it could have been the Hands of Friendship, depends on my memory.
I remember from somewhere that "The Hands of Friendship" evolved because Centari never trusted each other and were checking each others sleeves for bladed weapons.
I remember from somewhere that "The Hands of Friendship" evolved because Centari never trusted each other and were checking each others sleeves for bladed weapons.

Sounds logical. The human handshake (initially only used between men of aristocratic rank) was meant to show that neither party was carrying a weapon such as a dagger.
The salute has a similar origin.

Basically knights who met on the road would lift their visors to identify themselves/state their peaceful intent... and the salute arose from that gesture,remaining long after the initial practical need had become obsolete.

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