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B5 Autographs


Does anyone know just how legite the autographs of B5 actors are that are currently selling on E-bay? I have considered bidding on a few, but even after reading their guarantees, I am still a little skeptical of their authenticity. Anybody know where I can purchase real, bonafide signatures of the B5 stars or how they may be contacted personally?

You name it, sooner or later, everyone comes to Babylon 5.
-Commander Jeffrey David Sinclair, The Gathering

Not sure how legit the pictures are on eBay. To quote Sheridan (and JMS): "Ya pays your money, ya takes ya chances." They *may* be genuine, but chances are they will be overpriced.

I can affirm that the pictures available through The Zocalo _are_ the genuine article, and you won't be "taken out to the cleaners" as far as your $$ is concerned.

You can access The Zocalo at:

Click on the Photo Shop option on the side bar. If you have any further questions, feel free to e-mail Sandy.

Hope that helps.


"We are dreamers, shapers, singers and makers. We study the mysteries of laser and circuit, crystal and scanner, holographic demons and invocations of equations. These are the tools we employ, and we know many things." Elric the Technomage, "Geometry of Shadows"

[This message has been edited by Technomage (edited April 23, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Technomage (edited April 23, 2001).]
There are several options for finding pix that are signed by the real person, and you can be 100% certain you're getting what you're paying for.

First and foremost, I agree about isn ... http://www.isnnews.net and click on "photo shop" ... it's about the only place you'll ever find a pic of Gary Cole signed.

Second, and with a wider variety, is http://www.thegalacticgateway.com ... This is the official website for most of the B5 crew, including sheridan, lyta, kosh, lennier, delenn, londo, and more. (I'm using character names because it's easier for most people to remember who I am talking about there.) The store has very reasonably priced pix of all of them.

Third would be the official websites of the individual cast members. For example, http://www.carriedobro.com and http://www.marjeanholden.com both have pix of the actors for only $10 each. http://www.teamohare.com has Michael O'Hare, etc etc.

A very good, easy, clickable page to find them all except for Carrie and Marjean would be ... http://geocities.com/mobrecht/b5links.html

Hope this helps

http://www.geocities.com/mobrecht/autos/autos.html - My B5 autograph collection

"Hello. I want to welcome back our viewers. We've been gone a long time."
Speaking of autographs, I was wondering what autographs everyone has. Foremost I am interested in ones obtained at cons and such. B-5 and general sci-fi.

My collection is just starting out, but I have:
Peter Woodward
June Lockhart
Robert Duncan McNeill (one of my fav actors)
Peter David

I've met:
Jason Carter
Richard Biggs
June Lockhart
Robert Duncan McNeill (was psyched)
Nichelle Nichols
Peter David
Peter Mayhew
Bill Mumy
William Sadler

A friend picked up the Woodward autograph for me at a con. I met Biggs & Carter before I got into B-5 (they were a big part of what got me finally into it...meeting them rocked) so I didn't get their sigs (dumb). But I have plenty of pics of the two.

I will be attending another con in July to meet Jeri Ryan, Gates McFadden & Brian Thompson.


"There is always hope. Only because its the one thing no one's figured out how to kill, yet."
--Galen, 'Crusade'

[This message has been edited by invalensname (edited April 23, 2001).]
Well, Invalensname, as far as autograph collecting from the Sci-Fi genre is concerned, I['ve managed to obtain quite a few. I'll call cite the character-names, so it's easier to keep track - My B5 collection consists of: J.Michael Straczynski, John Copeland(co-producer), Sheridan, Sinclair, Ivanova, Garibaldi, Franklin, Zack Allen, Delenn, G'Kar, Londo, Vir, Marcus, Kosh(Jeffrey Willerth, not Ardwight Chamberlain), Bester, Morden, Byron, Zathras, Lennier, Lorien, Lt.Corwin, Natoth(Julie Caitlin Brown), NaToth(Mary Kay Adams), TaLon(Marshall Teague), Neroon, Number One, Dodger, Dr. Sykes(Johnny Sekka, The Gathering), Maggie Egan(ISN reporter),
and from Crusade I have
Dureena Nafeel, Galen, Dr. Chambers, and Max Eilerson.

In June, I'll be attending a convention in California in which I'll be able to add Tracy Scoggins to my collection.

And to think, that's just the B5 list.

Todd (Scots)
Scotsman's BabblingFarce
I'm impressed. You've met all those people? Did you get the opportunity to get photos with them? That is what I am trying to do, get their autograph and a photo of me with them, as well as photos of them while they speak.

The ultimate con for me would be to meet David Duchovny. I would be in heaven.


"There is always hope. Only because its the one thing no one's figured out how to kill, yet."
--Galen, 'Crusade'
That's amazing the number of autographs some of you have gotten. That just goes to show the level of fandom that you guys are at. Those are very good accomplishments. Hopefully I can reach that level some day.

You name it, sooner or later, everyone comes to Babylon 5.
-Commander Jeffrey David Sinclair, The Gathering
Photos? with the stars? well, I've gotten photos taken with JMS, Jerry Doyle, Claudia Christian, Wayne Alexander, Jason Carter, Peter Jurasik, and Bill Mumy, Julie Caitlin Brown, Denise Gentile, and Marie Marshall.

I haven't really been collecting photos of myself with the cast. The thing I neglected to mention with regard to my autograph collection is that I draw caricatures of all the stars whose autographs I'm seeking. I acquired all my autos in person, and in quite a few cases, I provided the actors with copies of my artwork.
It's been a TON of fun seeing their reactions to the caricatures I've presented for them to sign.


Todd (Scots)
Scotsman's BabblingFarce
I have several genuine signed photos, from an autograph session at BabCom 96. No, they're not for sale, but they are available to see on my web site... link is in the sig.

We have always been here.

[This message has been edited by Wookiee Monster (edited April 27, 2001).]
Autographs... I have Kari Wuhrer, James Marsters (Spike), Emma Caulfield (Anya), J. G. Hertzler (Martok), Julie Benz (my wife, yeah right!), Avery Brooks (Sisko), Rene Auberjonois (Odo), Tim Russ (Tuvok), Colm Meaney (O'Brien), Armin Shimerman (Quark), Marina Sirtis (Troi), Martha Hackett (Seska), Terry Farrell (Dax) and on one picture of the EFC cast, Lisa Howard (Lili), Von Flores (Sandavol) and Majel Barrett.

I have a postcard from Armin Shimerman, and a birthday greeting from Lisa Howard.

I've met Tim Russ, James Marsters and Julie Benz. I've spoken on the phone to Nana Visitor (Kira) and Jonathan Del Arco (Hugh Borg), and will be speaking to Casey Biggs (Damar) soon.


<font size="-2" color="silver">"The Babylon Project was our last, best, hope for peace.
A self-contained world five miles long, located in neutral
territory. A place of commerce and diplomacy for a quarter
of a million humans and aliens. A shining beacon in space,
all alone in the night. It was the dawn of the third age of
mankind, the year the great war came upon us all. This is
the story of the last of the Babylon stations. The year is
2259: the name of the place is Babylon 5."
I have stuff signed by a bunch of people. Avery Brooks, Armin Shimmerman, Rene Aub, Michael Dorn, Terry Farrel, Calm Meaney, a couple of the writers of X-files signed stuff for me once. If any cons around here have b5 people near them ill be there for now on :)

DS9 and B5. Who would have thought 2 of my fav shows would take place on stations in the middle of nowhere :)
i don't get to cons much, so i'm out of the autograph loop more than i'd like. but i have, during the course of my media career, met and gotten photos/autographs from leonard nimoy, george takai and walter koenig (before there was a Bester), and just recently, peter jurasik (meeting him in his new "home town" of wilmington, n.c.). the neatest photo i have of myself with a celeb WITHOUT an autograph is oscar the grouch. i guess grouches don't go to school and so don't know how to write!

"what is it, you moon-faced assassin of joy?!?!!"
Well, from the Trek scene, I'll also post the character names as the list is fairly big for autographs I've collected:
Dr. McCoy, Chekov, Sulu, Capt.Picard, Deanna Troi, Dr. Crusher, Tasha Yar, Data, Vash, Chief O'Brien, Maj.Kira, Dr. Bashir, Quark, Odo, Leeta, Rom, Nog, Gen.Martok, Gul Dukat, Vic Fontaine, Morn, Chakotay, Tom Paris, B'Elana Torres, Neelix, Tuvok, The Doctor, Ensign Suder.
Outside of Trek and B5, I've met two of the Doctors from Doctor Who, Two of the cast of Space Above and Beyond, Giles, Xander and Spike from the cast from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, 5 from Lost in Space, 5 from Battlestar Galactica, Gil Gerard and Erin Grey from Buck Rogers, Teal'c and Carter from Stargate SG-1, Drake, Frost and Vasquez from the movie 'Aliens', Lou Ferrigno, Linda Blair, Adrian Paul from Highlander......

There are more, I just can't remember them all off the top of my head.

Todd (Scots)
Scotsman's BabblingFarce
Just thought I'd throw a bit of caution out here for a Gary Cole/Gideon autograph that's currently on eBay. If you look at the picture carefully, you will see that Gideon's name badge is backwards. Don't think it's reverse photagraphy. I really didn't notice it at first, but it just looks...weird. Unless Gary Cole flipped the name badge around like that deliberately.

"We are dreamers, shapers, singers and makers. We study the mysteries of laser and circuit, crystal and scanner, holographic demons and invocations of equations. These are the tools we employ, and we know many things." Elric the Techno-Mage, "Geometry of Shadows"
If anybody plays the B5CCG from Precedence, they inserted random cards in some packages that were autographed by the actors who played the character on the card. The cards with the sigs have these "Precedence Entertainment" logos 'impressed' on them...ala a notary public seal. It's very hard/impossible to duplicate the seal, so if you're bidding on a card and the seal is visible in the pic (it's pretty dominant) you know you're safe.

Also, precedence is selling special "Bester" enhanced booster boxes of the Psi-Corps set on their online store right now that are guaranteed to have a signed Bester card in the box. US $60.00 plus S+H.

If you haven't played this game and you care one iota about B5, I suggest you and a few buddies pick it up. It Rocks!

"What do you want?"

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