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Anyone know were...

Hey Guys,

Now I know this may sound like a foolish question but does anyone know if there have ever been any B5 checks made and if so where I could get them. I just turned 18 a month ago today and I just opened up a checking account. Anyway, sorry to bother you with such a dumb question.

Thanks in advance,
I did a google search, and couldn't find anything on personal checks. Looks like you're stuck with Checks of the Enterprise. ;)

Rommie ;)
Some check companies will let you supply a photo to be printed on your checks, or used as a background for them. They might not want to print "Babylon 5" for copyright reasons, but you might pick an image of some sort, and get them to use that. I remember reading about one guy who had a special set of checks made to make alimony payments to his wife. It had him giving the finger on them. My GM had them with her photo. My mom had her collie as a background. Sorry, I don't know the company.