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a question for you


i was in a public house last night (yes i was in a pub last night !
) and there was a quiz wich i took a part of . One of the question was who wrote the Film Metropolis ? and i could not remember ... Who did write it ?
God, that is a great film. Far better than much of what is made today, with all the advances in technology.
I was wondering that, too. But it is an old film and a silent film at that. A lot of sci-fi fans might never have seen Metropolis.
I've never been interested. Then again, I'm not really a "scifi fan" anyway.

But I have heard about it, of course. As for seeing it - nah, I don't think I would ever bother. Maybe only if someone paid me a lot of money to do it.
It is actually an excellent movie, Kribu.
A little bit over-the-top (melodramatic actually) in spots, but it is an interesting movie. It has an interesting role in it for the main female character, which is something I think even current sci-fi frequently lacks.

And I'm not usually one who talks about the special effects, but it is really amazing what they could pull off in this film even though it was made in the days before they could even put sound to film.

But no, I won't be paying you to see it.
Eh, call me shallow but I can't take old black-and-white films. They're boring (yes, I'm prejudiced). Then again, I don't really want to watch new "exciting" films either so I guess it kind of evens it out.
I was being serious there... never heard of it.

It sounds as though it was made before my time.

Kribu, what about the Three Stooges... do you have anything against them? It's not their fault that they're in black and white.
I think I've found that women don't usually like the Stooges.

I've never heard of this movie, either. Sounds interesting. I actually like watching silent films because it is one type of film that everyone else has the same handicap that I do.
They do sometimes tend to overact a bit in them, though, I suppose to convey emotions that normally would be heard, not seen.
I've never seen the Three Stooges. I don't really even know what it is... I've only heard the name. I somehow don't think it's anything that's ever been popular in this corner of the world.
I've never heard of this movie, either. Sounds interesting. I actually like watching silent films because it is one type of film that everyone else has the same handicap that I do. They do sometimes tend to overact a bit in them, though, I suppose to convey emotions that normally would be heard, not seen.

O.K. I must make speeches now.

I adore silent films, but these days don't usually actually just sit and watch something without doing something else. YOu can't do that with silent films, you must pay attention.

The melodrama I refer to in Metropolis is more with the writing than the acting.

Now, about Charlie Chaplin. Who is Charlie Chaplin, you say? He's the greatest film maker of all time, IMHO>
He took years to make magnificent films. He felt a silent film should use as few of those word boxes as possible. (I forget what they are called, but the dialog that comes up so you know what the characters are saying to each other.)

Chaplin felt that silent films should relate a story through action and expression and gesture.

Chaplin said, many times I think, that he'd rather work with novice actors than very trained stage actors. He felt actors who were used to using their voice tended to overact something terrible. (He put it better than I just did.) And I feel his films are some of the most subtle silent films you'll ever see.

If you want to see something really weird, check out "Birth of a Nation" sometime. DW Griffith (sp?) looks pretty racist in this film. (He was the producer/director I think.) But he also did another film "Flower Blossoms" maybe
where an oriental man rescues a young white girl from her abusive father.

DW Griffith was a weird guy, from what I can tell of his movies. In "Birth of a Nation" he shows the Klu Klux Klan rescuing a group of people that includes black servants. The real villians are portrayed as "mellato" (that is part black, part white).

If you can stand the racism, it is a fascinating movie. But that can be a pretty big "if" right there.

Anyhow, Metropolis and Chaplin are the best of silent film, IMHO.

O.K. lecture over.
It is my view that you can not be a sci fi fan if you haven`t seen that film or know of it`s existence ... I am not saying that the poster isn`t a sci fi fan
It wasn`t only that , U must remember that Metropolis contained a lot of original ideas wich probably had never been attempted before . I see it as the birth of Sci-Fi along side Asimov etc ...
I watched quite a bit of Chaplin when I was a kid. But I've completely lost interest now. I suppose the "novelty" wore off soon enough and while it might be worth watching to film aficionados, and while I don't dispute that he was excellent for his time, there really isn't anything so great about that stuff now, for me that is.

As for Metropolis being a must-see for any scifi fan - yeah, I can well believe that, from what I've heard. But not everyone here is a "scifi fan" - I can't believe I'd be the only one who simply enjoys some scifi in addition to some sports, some mafia movies, some period dramas, some romantic comedies etc.
I'd say that Metropolis is a must for any science fiction student. But fan doesn't really mean what it used to mean. Fan is supposed to be short for fanatic.

But how many of us really are fanatics of an entire genre? Many sci-fi shows stink, IMHO, and more are just mediocre. Does that mean I'm not really a sci-fi fan. Hardly. It might mean I'm not a hard-core all sci-fi fanatic, though.

Eh, I just thought I'd mention the silent stuff because I found it so interesting in the past. They are interesting windows into our history, I think. Some of them are really fascinating to me.
Metropolis IS a must for scifi fans and students, if for no other reason than to see where so many things in modern scifi came from. Watching Metropolis, you will see things that showed up later in Bride of Frankenstein, Blade Runner, ST:TOS ep The Cloud Minders, and many others. There was a heavy metal soundtrack version released in the 80s, which most people didn't like. It seems that the thus far definitive version has just been released on DVD by Kino Video. The film has been completely restored, with nine minutes of footage, not seen in many years, added. Also, they had the original score re-recorded in Dolby 5.1. Included is a 43 min. doc. on the restoration, for the film's 75th aniversary.

By the way, Thea Von Harbo, author of the book on which it was based, and co-author of the screen play with director Fritz Lang, was also his wife.

I'm hoping that the library where I work gets the new DVD so I can check it out!

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