A few weeks ago, I rated every episode using a 1 to 5 star scale, a 10 point scale, and a letter grade scale. If I were at home, I could tell you my least favorite episodes exactly, with the grades for each. But, I'm at work, so I'll have to do this off the top of my head.
My Top 10 Least-Favorite Episodes (as best I can remember).....
I almost had it; I was only off by one. Paragon of Animals is in my bottom 10 instead of Exogenesis. Here's my corrected bottom 10 with my ratings in all three grading systems:
(C-, 4/10, 2 stars) Grey 17 is Missing
(C-, 4/10, 2 stars) Secrets of the Soul
(C-, 4/10, 2 stars) Day of the Dead
(D+, 3/10, 2 stars) Infection
(D+, 3/10, 2 stars) A Spider in the Web
(D+, 3/10, 2 stars) The Paragon of Animals
(D+, 3/10, 2 stars) The Corps is Mother, The Corps is Father
(D, 3/10, 1 star) Intersections in Real Time
(D-, 2/10, 1 star) Soul Hunter
(D-, 2/10, 1 star) Believers
And, since they've been mentioned quite a bit, here's my ratings for the two debatable ones that I actually liked:
(B-, 6/10, 3 stars) TKO
(C+, 5/10, 3 stars) Grail
Ivanova's family and religious backgrounds are huge redeeming qualities for me in TKO. I don't care for the fighting itself, and I've mentioned elsewhere on this board before that the no-humans rule of the fight needed further explanation, but otherwise, even the Walker Smith subplot is acceptable to me.
As for Grail, I actually liked the concept behind the "true seeker" and the bad luck of the Jinxo character.