So I finally got my brother to start watching B5. He is just finishing up the Second Season now, and pretty much feels the same way about it that I felt at that point --- great show, First Season was really slow and dragged on, didn't really like Sinclair much, likes Sheridan better, and the story is really picking up and getting interesting. (Many of those opinions have changed after watching it a few times as you appreciate things more, but I felt that same way on first viewing).
Anyway, so we are going out to a bar last night and he was talking about where he was in the show, asking a couple questions, etc. Then he says "Ok, so I have one real complaint about the show thus far. Remember how in the Pilot Sinclair said he had to pull huge strings to get that Zen Rock Garden there because space was so precious that it was needed for plants to help with food and air? And how the second in command, (and eventually this also turned out to be Ivanova) had a rogue coffee plant that she had to sneak in because space could only be used for official business and plantlife? So why in the hell do they have an enormous freakin BATTING CAGE complete with center field????"
I sat there for a second, and pretty much had to agree with him. Yea, that does seem silly. What is worse, is he couldn't find a valid reason for it. Exactly how much demand would there be on a space station for an indoor baseball diamond? Given how much realism they tried to put into things that BELONGED on the station, it does seem rather silly. Its like, the only reason it was there was so Sheridan could be hitting baseballs while taking a break.
I had totally forgotten about that scene, but yea, seems pointless. Anyone else have any different or similar thoughts?
Anyway, so we are going out to a bar last night and he was talking about where he was in the show, asking a couple questions, etc. Then he says "Ok, so I have one real complaint about the show thus far. Remember how in the Pilot Sinclair said he had to pull huge strings to get that Zen Rock Garden there because space was so precious that it was needed for plants to help with food and air? And how the second in command, (and eventually this also turned out to be Ivanova) had a rogue coffee plant that she had to sneak in because space could only be used for official business and plantlife? So why in the hell do they have an enormous freakin BATTING CAGE complete with center field????"
I sat there for a second, and pretty much had to agree with him. Yea, that does seem silly. What is worse, is he couldn't find a valid reason for it. Exactly how much demand would there be on a space station for an indoor baseball diamond? Given how much realism they tried to put into things that BELONGED on the station, it does seem rather silly. Its like, the only reason it was there was so Sheridan could be hitting baseballs while taking a break.
I had totally forgotten about that scene, but yea, seems pointless. Anyone else have any different or similar thoughts?