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24 tonight = ownage (spoilers)



Nice ending eh? Guess we dont need to worry about them "forcing" Nina into the plot for Season 4. It reminded me of Bauer killing Drazen in Season 1. Good stuff.
Was hoping Kim would pop mommy killer. But it still owned.

And it had Ed Wasser! But he, as usual, didn't get enough screen time. A shame.

I knew that was gonna happen, but it still rocked!
(I mean, I didn't know as in I read spoilers on the internet or anything, I just saw it coming).

I love that they didn't do a whole protracted taking Kim hostage thing. It was quick, efficient, practical, and merciless- true Jack Bauer style.

I absolutely loved the way the scene between Nina and Kim was shot, where Nina was behind the fence and ragged. I also like Tony' interrogation and how he wondered aloud about what Nina wanted. I think it was a great send-off.

I just hope they don't do a whole thing where Jack is gonna get in trouble over it, and Chappelle is gonna think it was 'cause of the dope, and so forth.

Other pluses:
The baby/Chloe thing is over. Now we just have to deal with the occassional sappiness between Kim and Chase, but it will be better than the faux-soap of the Mystery Baby.

Wayne on the phone with Julia, she asks him to come help her and he's like, "Uh, no babycakes, I gots to stay away from that shit." I was applauding that almost as much as Nina's death.

Jack's inquiry was lame, but it was a chance to further explore Jack's murky sense of ethics.

The lady interviewing him was John Connor's foster mother.
I think it was a great send-off.
Agreed. From Tony's asking her those questions to how quickly Jack dispatched her (with more than one shot when only one was needed I might add :) ) it was very well done.

Wayne on the phone with Julia, she asks him to come help her and he's like, "Uh, no babycakes, I gots to stay away from that shit." I was applauding that almost as much as Nina's death.
I was the same way, I thought it was really the sort of thing that Wayne would do too. I see Sherry getting in some real trouble over this and getting sold out, which will probably end up hurting the Pres too.

The lady interviewing him was John Connor's foster mother.
YES! OMG as soon as I saw her I thought the EXACT same thing too. I instantly recognized her. Funny.

What part did Ed Wasser play? I dont remember even seeing him and I figure I would have...

The one dude from Office Space has been in the last two episodes. They guy who plays Michael Bolton (from my signature quote). He looks like he has put on a few pounds too. heh
What part did Ed Wasser play? I dont remember even seeing him and I figure I would have...

At the beginning of the hour, the guy talking to Jack when he got off the plane.

I have to give credit to 24 this season, despite my doubts. They seemed to be pulling the same tricks out of the bag, but have subsequently turned the tables, which I suppose is what the faithful suspected. They really needed to cut down on the office antics though, and focus away from Prez. I can so see Palmer losing the election now.

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