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24 : Day 2: 1:00am - 2:00am *SPOILERS*


Okay, jumping on the band wagaon here mainly cause I want to ask a question ...

Anyone keep a running tab on just what Jack's body count this season has been so far?!!!

I'm loving how the episodes look like they'll end on a cliff hanger ... only to come back at the last few seconds with the sudden answer.

So when does Jack eat? Or use the toilet?
Jack's body count? Many. Whoo-YA! It's probably sick and twisted of me, but I lurves me Jack tearing up the scenery and throwing his gu-- uhm, authority around like nobody's business. And he totally gets away with it, too, because he's on a Mission To Save Civilization As we Know It with the power of his patented Velvety Whisper ([tm] Gustav at TWoP ) alone if he has to. It really gets to Tony -- you can tell. On the surface he's totally power trippin' but deep down it's all about provin' to himself that his ... uhm, authority is just as big as Jack's. Man did Michelle hit a nerve when she told him to stow his ego :D

Sustenance? Necessaties? HA! Jack scoffs at these feeble mortal needs! Either that or he leaves a well-conccealed trail of granola bar wrappers and slightly less verdant bushes in his wake ;)

I have a question, too: shouldn't Tony's bruise be turning that lovely shade of Healing Bruise Green by now? Y'know, to match the rest of him :LOL:
I was really wondering how Jack was going to find that information after that dude died. I really wasn't expecting to see Kim's boyfriend without a leg. I thought that maybe that one girl's father was in the room with him for some reason.

Looks like Palmer's getting in kinda deep now, what with civilians getting killed and all. The political part of the story is still continuing to heat up. I'm still trying to figure out who the other inside player is, assuming there is still one.

Now that Kim's out of trouble for the most part I'm wondering what the hell she's going to do next. There's got to be something else stupid around the corner for her. I'm assuming that she'll end up meeting with that one girl's dad again.
Now that Kim's out of trouble for the most part I'm wondering what the hell she's going to do next. There's got to be something else stupid around the corner for her. I'm assuming that she'll end up meeting with that one girl's dad again.

I bet that the wife beater is going to be the last on Jack's Hit Parade. He might even break out the hack saw again. Then, as the scene starts to fade out on the closing seconds of this day, the cougar will jump through a window and eat Kim.
The cops finally drag Kim's sorry ass to a police station, only to say, "Well, you're off the hook." Along with her knowing about Jack's survival and putting some closure with the boyfriend, it looks like Kim doesn't have much left to do. I pray it shall remain so.

Speaking of ending subplots, the death of the evil commando dude curtails the need for the plane and avoids the issue brought up about whether Kate flies away or not.

This was a house-cleaning episode.
Man, at the end of that episode, one half of my brain was going, "Inside..." and trying to work it out - while the other half was going, "Please God, don't let them use such a bad cliche right now!" I shoulda known they'd twist it like that. Phew!

And yeah - the wife beater on the loose is the next peril for Kim. But I don't think we've seen the end of the one-legged guy.

Speaking of housecleaning, it's amazing to see how clean CTU is after being blown up a few hours ago. And those two chicks better get their claws out and end the whole triangle thing before it gets too 90210.

A good episode. Definitely better than last week.
Well, once again it took me until SUnday to get around to watching my tape from Tuesday.

The cops finally drag Kim's sorry ass to a police station, only to say, "Well, you're off the hook." Along with her knowing about Jack's survival and putting some closure with the boyfriend, it looks like Kim doesn't have much left to do. I pray it shall remain so.

So you think that the boyfriend will remain a closed issue? Somehow I doubt it. When has Kim ever left well enough alone for more than 5 or 10 minutes?

She still has a shot at getting caught in the middle of some of the civil unrest / riots while trying to hitchhike to the boyfriend's hospital to talk to him face to face.

Or we could return to S1 and someone could grab Kim as leverage to keep Jack from getting the evidence into play in time to stop the war. She does excel at being taken prisoner.
Yes, my guess (and it is, of course, just a guess) is that we've seen the last of the boyfriend. I think they only showed him there to satisfy our curiosity about what happened to him and to add another little twist to the show.

Also, with Kim single again, it'll only make her more willing to connect with the only person left in the world who gives a shit about her- Special Agent Daddy.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure more stupid crap will happen to Kim, I just think it will be brand new stupid crap.

Do you guys remember that episode of Deep Space Nine where Warf's son was serving on the Klingon ship, but he was an awful officer who screwed up all the time? He was so bad that he became their little mascot, like a good luck charm. Kim is like that. I've grown to kind of like the sexy, cute little moron.

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