Yea this one definately had me on the edge of my seat. When Chase was storming that building I was so focused on what was going on, its like there was nothing else around me. Then they open that door, and there is a switch and a camera! Brutal.
I also thought the whole Chappelle on the tracks scene was very well acted and directed. I felt bad for Chappelle when he said he had no friends except those at work (which after 2 and a half seasons, we its a slim chance that anyone at division is REALLY friends with him).
I also liked how the numbers didnt make their usual ticking sound at the end of the show, rather you heard that train whistle in the background. Kind of chilling and vacant.
On a side note, for a couple reasons I have made a decision regarding my TV watching. For shows like 24 and Alias, I always loved watching the trailers for "next week's episode" to see if it looked like it was going to be a cool one or not. A few things have happened lately to make me change my stance on that. From now on, I will NOT be watching next week's trailers and try to avoid seeing them on TV.
1) Alias had a plot spoiler in one of their trailers. They had a tagline about "a big secret will be revealed next week" then went on to show Sloane talking to the doctor about how Sydney could be his daughter due to an affair. I was like "THANKS FOR FUCKING SPOILING YOUR BIG SECRET." Of course, in the episode he went on to say it was only a possibility --- one he never tried to verify --- but still, it would have been a hell of a lot better if they didnt say there was a secret to be revealed then they revealed it right away. Pretty gay.
2) 24's trailer for last night's episode last week showed Bauer at the tracks holding a gun to Chapelle saying "God forgive me" so you really had to expect him to die, which was a fucking STUPID THING TO PUT IN A TRAILER. I found myself really hoping that when Chase was storming the building for him to somehow find the bad guy and save Chappelle at the very last second, knowing there are a few weeks to go and hoping there is an additional plot twist. I was hoping that would happen because I really didnt want that trailer to go ahead and spoil things, but it did kinda. The building storming scene was still great, but I was kinda pissed that I saw the last scene of last nights episode in last weeks trailer.
3) I have been watching DS9 episodes. Obviously watching DVDs there are no trailers letting you know which one is next. Special guest stars that are revealed as a surprise right before they cut to the credits are kinda cool. The one where Johnathan Frakes guest starred (first you thought he was starring as Will Riker, but later found he was Tom Riker) was kinda cool. Kira bumps into him and they cut to the opening credits. I was like "Cool Riker is in this one!" A nice little surprise. A surprise that is ruined if you see the trailer and know that Riker will be in that episode a week before it happens. For that matter, the trailer probably let you know it was Tom Riker and spoiled that whole surprise too.
So basically, previews ruin lots of stuff and I'm sick of their stupidity so I am skipping out from now on.