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JMS and Jeremiah.


I had watched a few episodes of Jeremiah on SciFi Channel sometime back and liked what I saw so recently I bought the season 1 boxset. After watching the first episode and listening to JMS on the extra features I remembered reading somewhere that Jeremiah was a bad experience for JMS. Can anyone give me some information on this ? Did JMS go into details on what made the situation so bad ? It looks like a great show and I am curious. DId this lead to him leaving the show and why it never continued past a second season ?

Also any chance of season 2 being released on dvd anytime soon. I take it season one was released a couple years ago so what is the hold up ? Anyone know ?

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Basically, season 2 will not be released till JMS and MGM stop hating each other's guts. Which isn't happening anytime soon. Season 2 was quite good too - pity it ended there, but there was some closure, at least. JMS was quite happy with Jeremiah from a creative point of view, but left the show because the studio was being such a huge pain in the butt that it wasn't worth it for him anymore. He has, since, not skipped many opportunities to trash MGM. I am not sure what the nature of these disagreements were, but I believe it was, like with Crusade, that the studio was meddling - demanding changes to the nature of the show that JMS considered studip, second-guessing his every move, etc.
Basically, season 2 will not be released till JMS and MGM stop hating each other's guts. Which isn't happening anytime soon. Season 2 was quite good too - pity it ended there, but there was some closure, at least. JMS was quite happy with Jeremiah from a creative point of view, but left the show because the studio was being such a huge pain in the butt that it wasn't worth it for him anymore. He has, since, not skipped many opportunities to trash MGM. I am not sure what the nature of these disagreements were, but I believe it was, like with Crusade, that the studio was meddling - demanding changes to the nature of the show that JMS considered studip, second-guessing his every move, etc.

JMS and MGM may hate each other but it must be real bad if that is the only reason MGM has not released season 2 yet. Hollywood is after all, money driven and if there is money to be made, I do not think the big studios care so much about a grudge against an individual. My guess is that sales for season 1 were not to good and its a shame.