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Jaded movie-goer


I think the mighty GKarsEye has become a jaded, snobbish movie watcher.

I've come to feel like I've "seen it all."

- Fancy car chases
- Sexy women doing sexy things.
- Explosions
- Wacky comedy where the teenager gets into wacky adventures in his wacky high school.
- Wacky comedy where the wacky dude does all these silly things like running after an airplane and falling down to nab a chick that is way out of his league.
- Big Twist Ending (tm)

etc and so forth

Now, I know not every movie, or even most movies, are supposed to be brand new and exciting, nor do I expect them to. This thread isn't even about bitching about modern movies.

It's as if I've become bored with movies. For example, I saw Terminator 3 because I "had to" (loved the first two as a kid). It was fine, but it all just seemed so stupid to me, too.

Maybe part of it has to do with being burned by high expectations, like the new Star Wars and Trek movies. These were big deals for me, and I thought they were just so stupid.

I vent here because my friends accuse me of snobbery and pretention, and maybe they're right. I don't want to be like that, but I just can't help it. I just don't want to see a movie about big green comic book character, or Charlize Theron and Ed Norton in another wacky heist adventure.

Even a movie like Road to Perdition, which looks good, is not tempting to watch (though I'll get around to it eventually) because I'm tired of Tom Hanks.

I still watch films, but they're all old and/or foreign, rented from Netflix, perpetuating my perceived elitism.

The one major exception to all of this is Lord of the Rings, but that's probably due to being a huge fan of the novels.

Funny thing is, I don't feel this way about music. I listen to and have a lot of it, but I never tire of hearing a great new melody, interesting arrangement, or kicking groove. I still get into new bands all the time and go to concerts. But all but gave up on new film and going to the cinema.

I dunno, maybe I need to find and "arthouse" theater near me. But then that would make me more of a snob.

What the hell is wrong with me? Does anyone know what I'm talking about? And if you read this far, you must be as bored as I was when I wrote this. :p
Yep, if having some intelligence and taste, and not liking the Hollywood Product makes you a snob, so be it. Finding a good local art house is a fine idea.
I think its more about finding the right movies. You can figure that there aren't going to be to many fresh and new movies in the action genre, for example, because everything has been done. If there was a new, original action movie, you would hear about it.

I recomend looking into genres that your less familiar with, or looking at independent films.

Finally, I'd like to recomend the movie Adaptation, if you think you've seen everything. ;)
I've seen Adaptation and did like it as I expected to, since the same people made Being John Malkovich. I'll purchase both DVDs when I'm back on my feet in terms of $$.

But I'm not even interested in weird for the sake of weird. I guess I just have specific tastes.

And I don't want to knock Hollywood "product." I love a lot of it. Casablanca and Silence of the Lambs are just as much product as Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle, but I love 'em anyway.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that films with fresh new ideas (Being John Malkivich, Adaptation) are out there, you just have to look for them. They won't be the ones making the major $$ in the box office though.
Yeah, that's true. Thing is, I'm not even picky on "fresh new ideas." The two films you mentioned are nice oddities, but I'd sure hate it if all movies were like that.
I'm getting rather bored with it too. Mostly Hollywood's predictable trend, of creating a superhero move or something, spending lots on it, really advertising the bugger to death, then its takings barely taking anything. But yet there's still talk of a sequel because they want to give the illusion it's all successful, and they can create a franchise.

Then you have the same old trailers thrown at you... clips of the film, then they speed up with fast paced music... you see fast clips of action interspersed with words. Like: "HOW" action "WILL" action "YOU" action "SURVIVE"... come up with some credits, come back.... it seems quiet... one last little burst of action. Or the other varation is "this fall/winter/monday/whatever Fox/whatever invites you to watch the film of the fucking century."

then its takings barely taking anything

Looks like you got a little Sassy in ya, there, Ant. ;)
(Of course, I only kid my dear friends).

So are you saying these movies don't make lots of money? I don't follow box office returns, but I'm pretty sure that's just not true. Movies today are raking in more money than ever before. Records are being broken every week.

I think another aspect of the current movie culture is that audiences have unprecedented knowledge of the industry. Box office returns are published all over the place. Though celebrities were always of interest to the public, I think it's reached a point of insanity nowadays. Cable and DVD featurettes outline the technical details of special effects, casting, and production. I feel there's no audience anymore, just self-appointed amateurs watching professionals.

It's as if the magic of film is gone.
I still say u guys need to watch Nemisis Game...suppose its moot since it looks like I am blacklisted by the first ones :(
So are you saying these movies don't make lots of money? I don't follow box office returns, but I'm pretty sure that's just not true. Movies today are raking in more money than ever before. Records are being broken every week.

Well... it's a mixed bag. They are taking quite a bit of money, but it's all relative.

Terminator 3 has taken $110m so far. All cool. However, the budget was up to $200m and then you have $40m advertising. So that has to take a shit load of money to break even in the US. And the studios like to do that: break even in the US, other markets is extra money. DVDs are a big party now of income, but you know, it's still a stretch. Terminator needs to pick up another $130m to break even in the US, which is isn't going to do.

Then you have Legally Blonde, for example. $25m budge, about the same advertising. So say it cost $50m, it's already taken $62m.

So although one has taken double the other, which is the winner?

So my annoyance is that sequels are being comissioned on onthing. Charlie's Angels, the first one, barely broke even. But they did a sequel, threw more at it and paid the price. They want a sequel of Daredevil which barely broke $100m, and cost $75m to make. There's talk of a Hulk Sequel. That will barely cover its $130m budget.

There's an urge to comission sequels on films that barely made their money, it's madness. But they want franchises.

Austin Powers is the sort of film that needs sequels. It took its budget back in the first weekend, and proceeded to take shit loads more.
There's an urge to comission sequels on films that barely made their money, it's madness. But they want franchises

So you're saying that, business-wise, it's not too bright to make all these sequels? Well, maybe that means they will eventually stop this franchise nonsense.

Legally Blonde 2 and Terminator 3 were obviously not creations born out of artistic motivations. If they cut a loss, then logically these sequels will have to stop.
GKE: *Movies today are raking in more money than ever before. Records are being broken every week.*

I think this has more to do with the drastic increase in price-per-seat and the total number of new cinemas than the quality or popularity of any given movie. Add to that the fact that films play all day, rather than two or three showings, and a studio can't help but make more money.

'Course, I'm jaded, too. So I agree with your thesis.
I just go to a movie to enjoy the movie. I don't give a damn whether it teaches me anything or not. If it does, great, but if not, at least it was fun watching it.

The last movie I walked out of because it was so bad was Battlefield: Earth. Or was it Wing Commander?...

After a movie is over, then I can go back & look at it, maybe even watch it for a 2nd time for subtle underlying hints & themes I missed, but the first time I go, it's to just have fun watching it.

The advertising doesn't bother me. Why get upset over it? When it comes down to it, whether I go to the movie or not helps decide how well the movie does, not how much they market it.

If studios feel they can risk money on a sequel, more power to 'em. I always watch sequels because I like a story. If the sequel sucks, then it sucks... but I'm not going to sit around and bitch that I spent $8 on a crappy-ass movie. I knew the "risk" going in, so there's nobody at fault in my mind.

Being jaded about something never solves nothin' for nobody.
Part of the reason I'm jaded is not in the quality of the movies but in the sense that you can find out about an entire movie and its plot (or lack there of) months before it hits the theaters. I remember a time when I wasn't even aware a movie was being made until I saw a preview for it on tv. And a quick sidebar, I really really hate previews for movies that won't even be out for an entire year. When I watch movies I like to be surprised in the sense that I know just enough about the film to peek my interest. I usually avoid sites with spoilers but it's getting harder and harder to do so. At least here people are very gratious about warning a reader ahead of time. Am I making any sense? I fear I'm not... :p

I spent $8 on a crappy-ass movie
I can't remember the last time I spent 8 bucks. For as long as I can remember I always hit the matinee and pay 5 bucks. :D
LH, speaking for myself only, of course, I didn't mean to complain about or blame movies. I've done that already. :)

It's more about myself and my own feelings- it's as if I can't enjoy a movie, which is a shame because I do love film.

I think to counter this thread, I'm going to start another one about a movie I watched last night that I did like.
So you're saying that, business-wise, it's not too bright to make all these sequels? Well, maybe that means they will eventually stop this franchise nonsense.

Often not... but it's also a game of trickery. They pumped up xXx so much and were saying how a sequel was commissened before the first one was even released. Hopefully, they think you'll go see it because it must be good. xXx was not the box office hit they expected, but they still have that sequel to make. :)

They all want franchises. Ecks vs Sever was hoped to be one (don't laugh) but all the studios are trying to line them up. Spider-Man, xXx, The Tuxedo, and various comic book ones are attempts at this.

Legally Blonde 2 and Terminator 3 were obviously not creations born out of artistic motivations. If they cut a loss, then logically these sequels will have to stop.

Exactly. There could be a Legally Blonde 3, not unlikely. But it's stupid... at lest with the two you mentioned here, they were sequels that did happen from success. The desire for the sequels for the sake of just milking a story, and hoping the viewers will stick there before the first one is even launched, is rather annoying.

But the studios are learning a bit, I think. Charlie's Angels... oops, look at the viewing public lose interest quickly, in a film that there wasn't much interest in in the first place.

Antony's next prediction for barely propped up for failing film: Tomb Raider 2.
Sounds like a pretty interesting movie.

And GKE, I don't know if you regularly check out comics, if at all, but this manga is something you might enjoy. Lone Wolf and Cub. It's all about an assassin and his young son. Basically, he goes around assassinating people, but there's much more to the series than just killing. Just follow the link I gave and read the thinger, if'n your interested.

Hrm. I really need to work on my pitch. That just felt weak. :eek:
Not into comics, but thanks.

I watched a decent flick last night- Gods & Generals. But then I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff.

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