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I just don't get the negativity...(spoiler)

I just don\'t get the negativity...(spoiler)

(For those who haven't figured out that every new post on this forum has spoilers...)


I just don't get all the negativity, guys. Sure, it wasn't perfect, but it was a great addition to the B5 universe, and bunches better than "The Gathering". I always expect this kind of series to take at least a year to get going really well (think about the first season of all of the Treks, plus B5, Crusade and Farscape), and don't expect much out of the pilot. To my great surprise and pleasure, I thought LotR was better than all but the best B5 episodes (maybe 20 or so). If we go to series we may not have to wait through a whole year of cringe-making to get to the good stuff.

Some random thoughts as they come to me:

1. The only real cringer for me was "It ain't over till it's over."

2. Yes, the waterboy scene was terribly predictable, but it was still fun to watch.

3. Who CARES if they've changed the gate effect and the hyperspace effect slightly? The story and the characters are what are so interesting. It might be different if the effects looked hokey or bad, but they don't, just different. Come on, get a life! Remember how they radically changed Delenn's face from pilot to Season 1? (She was originally going to be a man.) Just exactly how much difference did that make to the whole series?

4. Sarah Cantrell...what a hotty! And I see the potential for a relationship there, too. They may not be laboring under the same rules as Earth military, but it does seem like it could cause real problems to have a captain and a subordinate being romantic. But they could handle it the way Stargate SG-1 does, lots of sexual tension but not doing anything about it.

5. I was concerned from pre-viewing photos that Dylan Neal just looked too young, too boyish to be convincing as a captain. I was very pleasantly suprised. His David Martell has a commanding presence, and I found it quite convincing. He's not, after all, commanding a large ship like a Sharlin, but a small PT-boat type.

6. Dulann was perfectly in character, and a welcome change of personality from all the other Minbari we've yet seen. His response to David saying that he might get his room was just precious, not the words but the tone.

7. I don't care that G'Kar didn't have any real reason to be there...it was still great to see him. It was like he never left the role...the role JMS may have thought up, but he himself actually created, probably one of the greatest roles ever. I especially liked the "kiss, kiss, love, love, gotta go."

8. The eager boyishness that I feared in David was actually there in Kitaro Sasaki, but that's okay so long as it's not the captain and there's only one. (We survived Wesley Crusher, after all.) Kitaro didn't get any real character lines, but you can't cram too much into just ~140 minutes or so. And Tafeek...he's introduced so he'll be in place for the series, but there was no real use for him in the story.

9. Tirk was hilarious. Looks like he'll be the comic relief, at least for a while. It'd be great if he does turn into a Vir character and grows. And the Narn engineer was hilarious, too.

10. I rather liked the concept of the gunnery pod, but I agree with everyone that the kicking and punching is wrong. Seems like it was thought up to be a really spectacular sight, but it doesn't seem realistic. Keep the VR environment, lose the kicking and punching.

11. I got the impression that the Liandra didn't have the ability to form its own jump points, but I read in another post that their jump engines got knocked out early, which is why they had to run to the gate. Which is it? I think it makes for better stories if they're more limited.

12. I especially liked the non-Trek ending. I get so sick of all these politically correct shows all over TV that somehow make out that it's wrong to kill the bad guys, that violence for any reason is evil ("let's not descend to his level"). It's refreshing to see a group of people that kick butt and take names.

13. Franke, not Chen. 'Nuff said!

14. "It's a good day to die." "Oh, with you, every day is a good day to die!" I love it! A wonderful, semi-respectful tweak at Star Trek.

15. Did anyone notice the last-but-one scene, where Sarah asks David, "So, do we have a mission yet?", and David doesn't respond? Was it just me, or is that a subtle question from JMS, really asking "So, do we have a series yet?"


Re: I just don\'t get the negativity...(spoiler)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>I just don't get all the negativity, guys. Sure, it wasn't perfect, but it was a great addition to the B5 universe, and bunches better than "The Gathering".<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's par for the course. There are always people who just can't be pleased. There are always other people who just want to be negative for the sake of being negative. And then there are those who actually give a damn about writing a fair & balanced review. They know how to blend the positive with the negative. These are the people who actually help a show along; especially a show like Babylon 5. B5 fans are BLESSED by the fact that not only does the show's very creator interact closely with the fans, but the producers, effects crew, stage crews, and the actors themselves do the same. During Babylon 5, we didn't get a lot of fan interaction with the actors, but the 'net was pretty new back then. With Legend of the Rangers, we're seeing a new trend. We're lucky enough to have the cast of the show posting here on this very messageboard, posing questions to us, interacting with us, responding to us. It's a trend that I hope will spread to other sci-fi shows. It's a way for the people directly involved with the show to get a better idea of what the fans like and dislike.

There will always be people who come to forums like this just to p*ss and moan, because they feel pretty tough behind a computer screen instead of face-to-face. Complaining is easier than praising, especially when one lets one's hopes get too high. Superior series pilots are very few and far between. As far as this one goes, there are good points and weak points, but it did pretty darn well and I honestly think we're going to see a series come out of it.

-Londo's Hair
"Vir, intelligence has nothing to do with politics!"

[This message has been edited by LondosHair (edited January 22, 2002).]
Re: I just don\'t get the negativity...(spoiler)

Hey, I haven't been complaining!
Look, they only gave JMS two weeks to write the script, & yet he also had his three comics-titles to work on, & also Jeremiah. It turned out pretty good in spite of JMS' other distractions.



"We're in here! Can anyone hear us?"
"I hear you." [giggle, laugh]
"In here!"
"We are here." [giggle, laugh]
-- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"Convictions"

Tammy's Station
Re: I just don\'t get the negativity...(spoiler)

I don't understand all the negativity either...

I consider myself a pretty picky B5 fan (although I could be mistaken)
, and I was almost dreading seeing this movie. What if the years of excellence I've seen from Farscape would just make B5LR seem sub-par and amateurish? (Much of B5 seems that way to me in retrospect)

But I was genuinely surprised of how much fun I actually had watching this movie. There is a genuine spark of something great here - Some very refreshing ideas for an SF ship-based show, but most of all, much of this cast already has more chemistry together than some other shows take many seasons to accomplish.

And regarding the dialogue - for every clunker/cringe/exposition moment, there were many more witty and humorous exchcanges. Writing good dialogue has always been JMS' main weakness IMO, but here he really surprised me.

Getting back to the cast, did anyone else notice that there seems to be a bit of a Kirk/Spock/McCoy personality triangle in B5LR? David is the heroic Kirk-type, Dulann seems somewhat locigal and Spock-like, and Sarah is the emotional McCoy-type. This sort of character dynamic was one of the strongest (if not THE strongest) parts of the original Star Trek series. While the B5LR characters are similar, they are also quite different and not rip-offs in any way, and I think this dynamic would work terifically well in a series. Many shows have tried and failed to create such a "dynamic triangle" (all the Treks, etc.), but I think B5LR could have a chance of succeeding in this aspect.

And chalk me up as as complete fan of the VR/weapons pod. I think it is an excellent concept, a perfectly logical expansion of the Minbari Warcruiser central chamber, and quite original for a SF TV show. I think it was executed quite well too, and I don't understand how everyone thought it was so horrible. Even if there was some supposed over-acting there (didn't bother me personally), does that mean that the concept should be gutted? If someone over-acted in the sickbay, does that mean that the sickbay set is crap?
I just think its yet another wonderful example of how JMS can think outside the box. The bridge is another example of this - the "dinner table" arrangement of the senior officers is quite unique, and actually makes perfect sense for a warship. Communication is so much easier than here than talking over your shoulder to someone in the typical SF bridge.

I think this was the best B5 movie so far. (Yes, better than "In the Beginning" and "A Call to Arms") But I guess I am in the minority on this one.

- Lars
Re: I just don\'t get the negativity...(spoiler)

What negativity? The vast majority of people on this site voted the movie "excellent" or "very good." How is that negative?

Sure, we pick on a few things here and there, but for the most part, it's out of love. Yes, some dialogue and kicking fireballs into space was corny. But so was the Zarg, and Delenn's man-makeup in the Gathering, and I still laugh at Jinxo and N'Grath. There's nothing wrong with commenting on it.

It gets messed up when people say unreasonable things like "it ruins the franchise" or "B5 is over," simply because those things make absolutely no sense.

And as for the actors, well, they're probably used to hearing lots of criticism. It's part of the job. We have to give them the benefit of the doubt, and assume that they're mature, intelligent people who can handle reasonable, constructive nitpicking and ignore the idiots.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>15. Did anyone notice the last-but-one scene, where Sarah asks David, "So, do we have a mission yet?", and David doesn't respond? Was it just me, or is that a subtle question from JMS, really asking "So, do we have a series yet?"


Yes, I noticed this as well. Very cute.

"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."
Re: I just don\'t get the negativity...(spoiler)


...First Post EVER!

Anyway, I Can easily find myself in the same camp as the people who are compelled to think of the negative aspects of the show.
They have the collective experience of 5 years of the greatest sci-fi Drama to grace the air waves to campare this to.

Yet I feel optimistic and even forgiving having watched B5LR.

I did dislike the new representation of Hyperspace and jump points, But I'll get over it.

I DID LIKE the Yogi Berra quote. I though it was apropriate for the moment as I percieved it: the minbari are a race stepped with tradition.
The Rangers has, very recently, become a multi-species organization; built primarily of Minbari and Humans.
(side note: I alwyas felt from what we saw from B5 that ther must be some level of friction between the Minbari and the humans coexisting within the Rangers.)
Human Rangers are currently striving to make thier own headways into the Minbari-Dominated Ranger Culture and traditions and are being met by stiff resistance from the Minbari.
Countering a centuries old Minbari quote, muystically uttered by thousands with complete reverce with a quote from a HUMAN linguistic Maverick (like Yogi Berra seemed an appropriate jab within the very cultural friction that had put Martell in his current situation to begin with.
Re: I just don\'t get the negativity...(spoiler)

Wasn't Finished.....

I concur that someone would be hard pressed to find a better sci-fi series pilot (or any genre series pilot for that matter).

I watched the show with an old friend of mine who was also a great B5 fan.

When G'Kar was briefing Martell on the Geological dig and make the quip about every sentient race having their equivalent of "Sweedish Meatballs" AND legends of a vanquished Darkness my frend and I were rolling on the ground! Our Wives (two newcomers to Sci-fi in general)thought we had lost our minds.

For me, that moment alone was enough to Garner a series (if it were up to me).

Re: I just don\'t get the negativity...(spoiler)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by allroy:
[BJMS is famous for working on multiple projects at once, I doubt it was hardly a distraction at all workin' on his baby. [/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

While it is true that JMS has admitted that he tends to work best when multitasking ... it is also true that this this was the first time in over 30 years of working in showbiz where he actually missed a deadline (which affected his comics).

Now, I am not trying to make excuses for him nor do I know if he was working on Rangers during this time either. However, I understand that last year was a hard one for Joe and so I give him some credit that you can't write perfectly each and every time you try something.

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 <- New & Improved!
Pouch-sucking spawn of a bladder fish! Son of a fitch piece of smelt! Tok-swallowing fenbarger! Thrak it! --Na'Feel swearing in B5LR
Re: I just don\'t get the negativity...(spoiler)

JMS has said that he usually writes best when he writes quickly but there was more involved this time. Balencing a few writting projects may be no problem, for him anyway, but creating a new show means that there has to be alot more than just writting one script.

"Crying isn't gonna get your dog back. Unless your tears smell like dog food. So you can sit here eating can after can of dog food until your tears smell like dog food or you can go out there and find your dog."-Homer in The Canine Mutiny
Re: I just don\'t get the negativity...(spoiler)

You know, I always wondered if that Swedish Meatballs comment was a sort of homage to Douglas Adams who had that line in the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy about how every known race had a drink, not necessarily alcoholic, or even tasting the same, call Gin and Tonic, or jinnan tonix, or jin 'n tnxx etc etc. . .

Heh, two of my favorite works of SF, albeit for completely different reasons. . .


"In the Beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move."
-Douglas Adams 'The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy'
Re: I just don\'t get the negativity...(spoiler)

LOL, hadnt thought of that hitchhikers guide thing, been to long since i've read it...

i think the big thing is: b5lr ain't b5... its different. growth means change, and some people dont like change. but if b5lr was just b5 rehashed there wouldnt be much point...

### Hi, I'm a sig virus. Please add me to the end of your signature so I can take over the world.### - caught from Saps @ B5MG
Re: I just don\'t get the negativity...(spoiler)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hyperspace:
I think this was the best B5 movie so far. (Yes, better than "In the Beginning" and "A Call to Arms") But I guess I am in the minority on this one. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I am totally with you on this and I am glad more people are posting positive things about the movie.

As for the "negativity" that has been observed, I think the nitpicking and jumping to conclusions has overshadowed the fact that this is a -great- pilot/introductory movie. If you have the patience (and not everyone does) to read to the end of all the "negative" reviews, you do see that they liked it overall but it almost seems like an afterthought.

So, thanks everyone for this thread and highlighting some important and positive points in the telemovie.

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 <- New & Improved!
Pouch-sucking spawn of a bladder fish! Son of a fitch piece of smelt! Tok-swallowing fenbarger! Thrak it! --Na'Feel swearing in B5LR
Re: I just don\'t get the negativity...(spoiler)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
Posted by Gkarfan:
Hey, I haven't been complaining! Look, they only gave JMS two weeks to write the script, & yet he also had his three comics-titles to work on, & also Jeremiah. It turned out pretty good in spite of JMS' other distractions.


JMS is famous for working on multiple projects at once, I doubt it was hardly a distraction at all workin' on his baby.

No choice, no choice at all.
Re: I just don\'t get the negativity...(spoiler)

You never know, jms may actually plan to Explain the Swedish Meatball Mystery at some point in the show.
And, if he does, he'll do it in such a way as to make G'Kar's prophesy that "it might Drive You Mad" come true.
He's a Vorlon, after all.

Plus, there is that rule in Mystery Writing: If you show a gun in the first 5 minutes, you must USE that gun sometime in the next 15 minutes.

JMS has shown us the Swedish Meatball...

Do not ascribe your own motivations to others:
At best, it will break your heart.
At worst, it will get you dead."
Re: I just don\'t get the negativity...(spoiler)


The FACT remains that Deviot or some other despot went on this messageboard and DELETED not ONE negative post but EVERY NEGATIVE POST POSTED about Legend of the Rangers! I reviewed the film IMMEDIATELY after the program ended! My post was DELETED! The following posts that came after mine from other Babylon 5 viewers was DELETED!

This site has been put up in my club as a CENSORSHIP site that ONLY seeks to promote itself! I can only assume that due to whatever perks it receives from being the main source of information for Legend of the Rangers, that alone is enough to LIE and say that that PIECE OF CRAP was thought of as a "good or excellent" film!

I expect this post will also be deleted! However, as I have stated before, EVERY Babylon 5 member of my club, EVERY Babylon 5 visitor to my club and EVERY Babylon 5 club related website or newsgroup will KNOW that this website LIES to promote Legend of the Rangers.

Sadly, you FEW Babylon 5 fans have resorted to so DESPERATELY wanting ANYTHING about Babylon 5 published regardless of how crappy it is, that you would give ANY possible Babylon 5 related movie a rating of "Good" or "Excellent"!

It could have been Babylon 5 meets the Three Blind Mice and most of you people would CHEER IT!

As for writing a letter to the Sci-Fi channel, I am sending one to the Program Director personally and ask them NOT to make that poorly written piece of crap a series!



[This message has been edited by Misfit (edited January 24, 2002).]
Re: I just don\'t get the negativity...(spoiler)


Also, it MUST be noted that that "Poll" that is taken is ridiculous! You can simply go back and forth to this site and keep clicking "Excellent" OVER AND OVER AND OVER until you add to the ALREADY huge amount of INFLATED LIES that already exist!

[This message has been edited by Misfit (edited January 24, 2002).]
Re: I just don\'t get the negativity...(spoiler)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Misfit:

The FACT remains that Deviot or some other despot went on this messageboard and DELETED not ONE negative post but EVERY NEGATIVE POST POSTED about Legend of the Rangers! I reviewed the film IMMEDIATELY after the program ended! My post was DELETED! The following posts that came after mine from other Babylon 5 viewers was DELETED!


OK this is false I did accidently delete ONE post(I think it was a negativity post but didn't mean to, I was meaning to close it....hmmn no if it was a review i do not remember deleting any of those), But yes I have closed a number of negative posts not because I think there should be just positive stuff...all opinions are welcome here.

The reason I closed them was because there are a number of threads that are basically duplicate's. So if some thread is basically the same as another I WILL close one and give a link to the appropriate place to discuss.

You are totally mistaken about all negative threads being deleted as I sure didn't.

But check at bottom of this post for links to negative threads if that is what you wish..

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
This site has been put up in my club as a CENSORSHIP site that ONLY seeks to promote itself! I can only assume that due to whatever perks it receives from being the main source of information for Legend of the Rangers, that alone is enough to LIE and say that that PIECE OF CRAP was thought of as a "good or excellent" film!

Ah relax... There is no censorship here it's just that there is a place for everything. Check all forums out see what has been said..

You do not make sense to me..Persoanlly I havn't even seen the film so cannot say wetehr I like it or not.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
I expect this post will also be deleted! However, as I have stated before, EVERY Babylon 5 member of my club, EVERY Babylon 5 visitor to my club and EVERY Babylon 5 club related website or newsgroup will KNOW that this website LIES to promote Legend of the Rangers.


I do not understand why you are making this stuff up.

Maybe you should e-mail me and we could discuss this because I just do not understand where you are coming from.

Are you just trolling for reaction or are you just misinformed?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
Sadly, you FEW Babylon 5 fans have resorted to so DESPERATELY wanting ANYTHING about Babylon 5 published regardless of how crappy it is, that you would give ANY possible Babylon 5 related movie a rating of "Good" or "Excellent"!


hmmn I dunno why would anyone watch somthing they dislike?

btw I voted that I havn't seen the movie yet.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
As for writing a letter to the Sci-Fi channel, I am sending one to the Program Director personally and ask them NOT to make that poorly written piece of crap a series!


Well sorry you didn't like the pilot but out of interest did you like babylon 5 and crusade?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>

Also, it MUST be noted that that "Poll" that is taken is ridiculous! You can simply go back and forth to this site and keep clicking "Excellent" OVER AND OVER AND OVER until you add to the ALREADY huge amount of INFLATED LIES that already exist!


Yes you could if you have a dial up modem but why would you?

Where does you animostity from I do not understand.

B5LR: Disappointment


Suckers (spoilers)


[This message has been edited by Deviot (edited January 24, 2002).]

[This message has been edited by Deviot (edited January 24, 2002).]

[This message has been edited by Deviot (edited January 24, 2002).]
Re: I just don\'t get the negativity...(spoiler)

*cough* troll *cough*

"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."
Re: I just don\'t get the negativity...(spoiler)

Misfit, I'm sorry you feel this way.

I've been here since the beginning of the board, basically, and in that time, I can count a grand total of four threads being deleted on purpose - in the off-topic forum, because the author asked to. Deviot accidentially closed your thread and he has apologized to you.

The way this messageboard works is pretty self-explanatory: the main page for the forum is updated as threads are responded to. Threads that don't get responded to go to the bottom. Many of the negative threads just didn't spark as much conversation. Many of the threads were closed - not because Deviot's being mean, but because, as per the RULES OF THIS BOARD, no duplicate posts are allowed.

We're sorry about the thread, but we are not censors. It just so happened that the threads that you see at the top of the board have more discussion going on in them then the threads that you're talking about.

Many people here did like B5LR. We respectfully suggest that you do not insult those who did - as they aren't insulting you, now, are they?


channe@cryoterrace | "I wonder," said Frodo, "but I don't know. And that's the way of a real tale."

[This message has been edited by channe (edited January 24, 2002).]
Re: I just don\'t get the negativity...(spoiler)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GKarsEye:
*cough* troll *cough*


Yes it was very bizare although I like to give the benefit of the doublt it is just somtimes it is hard...


[This message has been edited by Deviot (edited January 24, 2002).]

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