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First Impressions on the Ships...

Many thanks to those who have e-mailed me with images!

I liked the Lianda quite a lot!

The Valen, um, not as much. An un-attractive (to me) design that even the characters were were stating how un-asthetic it was.

The Empheeli (ok, YOU spell it) was interesting, but there really wasn't a sufficent number of exterior views of it for me to decide if I liked it or not.

The enemy ships - they did look evil; but they seemed weaker than Shadow ships, at least defensively.

Overall, I really enjoyed the show, and hope we see more of it!

Joe Brown
I think the Liandra didn't really look Minbari. It didn't have the same feel as a Sharlin cruiser or a Whitestar, but was still pretty cool.

The Valen was supposed to be the fastest ship in the fleet, but it looked big and boxy.

The Hand ships were just plain weird. They didn't even look like ships, they just looked like big weird things.

But all in all, I liked the Liandra. I hope we get to see more of it!

Dulann: You don't solve your problems by hitting them.
David Martel: Yeah, well, it made me feel better.
I tohught the Valen was another Minbari/Human ship design- i remember dulann and the captain having a discution about it and how the humans use 4 colors etc... thats what i thought- and that would explain why everyone at first sight of the ship that it kinda looked like an Omega

I saw B5: Legened of the Rangers last night. JMS didn't let us down in terms of writing. And gave us what we've come to expect from him. However the special effects were somewhat week to me. I don't know maybe I was spoiled by what we saw in B5, like the Whitestars, how hyperspace looks, etc.

It just seemed to me that the effects weren't quite up to the standard established in B5, or Crusade. The Vallen was the fastest ship in the fleet? This contradicts what Sherriden says in Call to Arms about not having seen anything that can keep up with a whitestar. Plus it was ugly. At least the Liandra looked better then it and that's the ship we'd see the most of.

Also what the heck happened to all the whitestars?

Story gets an A
SFX gets a C+

My biggest thing is WHERE did all these ships come from? I mean the easy answer is new series, new ship. But of course we never saw all these new designs in Crusade. (kinda like ST that way, and the Klingon condition) Since when did White Stars not become the standard for Ranger ships? Are they not building any more of them? Why in Valen's name are we allowing those Earthers to build such ugly things? The ship in the beginning (sorry, forgot the name) was a pretty kickin gunship type, but again we don't know where that thing came from. A little history on what exactly the position of ship construction for the rangers is in this time period is definately needed, and I'm sure JMS will deliver in series. (kinda hard to do that in a 2 hour pilot, I understand this) But I was just surprised to see all these different designs when I had the impression that there were no new ranger ships until AFTER the VCDs were built.

Seems to me the Rangers are getting the short end of the stick. I would think a Sharlin would be a better ship than the Valen or any of the others in terms of stopping power.

It's possible that they're just throwing together haphazard designs and rushing older ships into service because of all the worlds that are joining, that they don't have enough ships to cover all the spaces, at least until the VCDs come online.

Ahh well. My own mussings.

It's like I've always said, you can get more with a kind word and a 2 by 4 than you can with just a kind word.
It just seemed to me that the effects weren't quite up to the standard established in B5, or Crusade. The Vallen was the fastest ship in the fleet? This contradicts what Sherriden says in Call to Arms about not having seen anything that can keep up with a whitestar. Plus it was ugly. At least the Liandra looked better then it and that's the ship we'd see the most of

Rangers comes after the B5 series, Sheridan probably hasn't seen the Vaelen perform. No biggie since what happened happened.

My guess is that the Rangers are doing their mission as currently is going on in the B5 series, patrolling boarders, preventing raids, etc.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
My biggest thing is WHERE did all these ships come from? I mean the easy answer is new series, new ship. But of course we never saw all these new designs in Crusade.

From what I remember about Crucade it dealt mostly with Earth based issues, a stop at B5, and mostly visiting other worlds. My memory is a bit fuzzy but I don't remember them comming into contact with any Rangers. I do however agree with the designs. There's no reason for the Valen to look like two boxes stuck togeather while the Victory and Excalliber looked like they did.

I do rather like the Laindra's design since it looks very White Starish, and possibly like many things that happen today the White Star design was borrowed from the class that the Liandra is in (think how alike the Camaro and Firebird look.)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Talathanar:

The Vallen was the fastest ship in the fleet? This contradicts what Sherriden says in Call to Arms about not having seen anything that can keep up with a whitestar. Plus it was ugly.

It was obviously designed by the same people at Pontiac who designed the Aztec, LOL!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
My memory is a bit fuzzy but I don't remember them comming into contact with any Rangers.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

There were several times on the show when they received info from the Rangers about where to go next (even though Gideon didn't always pay attention because of the Apocolypse Box).

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>I do rather like the Laindra's design since it looks very White Starish, and possibly like many things that happen today the White Star design was borrowed from the class that the Liandra is in (think how alike the Camaro and Firebird look.) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I agree wholeheartly!


"Live Long in Prosser"

[This message has been edited by wipster (edited January 20, 2002).]

[This message has been edited by wipster (edited January 20, 2002).]
The rangers were on one episode and directed them to a planet that was out of their jurisdiction.

Big Crusade spoiler:

<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black>
I don't remember the title but it was the one where the alien had collected all of the knowledge of his race. They assumed there might be medical data, but it was just art.


No choice, no choice at all.
Since I am the resident complainer of the horizontal scroll ... Adam, could you edit your post to include a link to your screen shot instead of inserting the image in the post?


Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 <- New & Improved!
And the ship looking for them, would find it, find them, find us, find you. A brilliant cascade of cause and effect. Isn't the universe an amazing place? I wouldn't live anywhere else. --G'Kar in B5LR
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RW7427:
I think the Liandra didn't really look Minbari. It didn't have the same feel as a Sharlin cruiser or a Whitestar, but was still pretty cool. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Even thought I don't like to post in this thread because of the horizontal scroll but it seemed the most appropriate for this news.

JMSATB5 said on 1.21.2002 in rastb5m:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>The Ship - This looks nothing like the Minbari ships that fought on the line. It did not look Minbari.

The Liandra is a Ranger ship. The Rangers, if we recall our history from In the Beginning, were not directly involved in Earth related hostilities during the Minbari War. The EM war was under the aegis of the Warrior caste.

It is also, by design, a small, fast (crew of maybe 20) patrol ship designed to go on the edge, it's not meant to go out there and pulverize fleets. It would have been instantly outgunned and destroyed in the EM war's bigger battles.

(One thing I'm curious about is the assumption that we've seen all of the Minbari ships. We've literally seen only a handful. Go to Jane's books on military weapons, planes in particular, and you get all *kinds* of variation...from ospreys to f16s to cargo jets to hovercraft...why should there be less variation in a more advanced society like the Minbari?)

The Valen - A flying brick that someone apparently forgot to add weapons.

Yes. That was the intent. That's why David made fun of it on the balcony. Nobody likes it, it was a compromise between Humans and Minbari (which Dulann also mentions), more politically motivated than structurally sound. We won't be seeing its kind again.


(all message content (c) 2001 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 <- New & Improved!
And the ship looking for them, would find it, find them, find us, find you. A brilliant cascade of cause and effect. Isn't the universe an amazing place? I wouldn't live anywhere else. --G'Kar in B5LR

I had pleasure of watching/taping Rangers.
I think they need some real help on the ships. I think reason why were not seeing anything from the original series, *except for Babylon 5 itself* was the fact I think imagines *from what I’ve read* are bought per shot to pay whoever made them. I believe the CGI Company that did make the ships was switched. Even so, someone had to have those imagines somewhere. Anyways, Warner brothers owns the sets/props from the series. So I believe that is why stuff like crystal controls of the Minbari ships to mechanical/electronic stuff. Or they were plain sloppy about it. Imagine they had small budget when they did this movie.

Anyways: The first Ranger ship they showed in very beginning was terrible. If anything else it should have been a WhiteStar. Notice there NO previously seen ships from B5? It looks like the ship was a refugee from old 1920's Flash Gordon films.

Valen itself struck me as being destroyer type ship. Maybe the ship is slightly bigger than a Whitestar. They do have ships, I guess they couldn't afford time or saved money from them shooting with ship's guns. It REALLY didn't even look like it was Minbari ship, it seem it was just a production from some outside shipyard.

Liandra, seems to be more Minbari exterior wise, but they did state it was of another race. Perhaps to blend in more with other races so they won't KNOW it was Minbari ship.
Weapons system was horribly impractical, it was all TV eye-candy. Crew stated officially that it was a Ranger Attack Craft. So we least know what it is now. I think the curse thing was only because it had lost its crew, but it survived after appearing 10 days later.

The Hand's ships were cool. I just hope they write better scripts and story for the series so their not relying on flash.
I really hope they try get hold of the props and stuff of B5 and Crusade so they least signify that show is PART of Babylon 5, other thank flashing a imagine of B5 once in a while.

If there was a way, don't you think i would have tryed it by now?
Wrangler, there are a couple of JMS quotes floating about in other threads that basically say that WB had lost *all* CGI. So everything had to be started from scratch.

In particular, read this quote:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Understand, however, that we did not *have* that software, or those images. WB
had literally lost all the CGI archives we gave them every season. All we were
able to get, at the very last moment, was a copy of the ship files we had
given Sierra for the B5 game. That's it.

"Isn't the universe an amazing place? I wouldn't live anywhere else." - G'Kar, B5: Rangers
Kribu's Lounge | kribu@ranger.b5lr.com
One of the things I keep seeing is people posting that "The Valen doesn't LOOK Fast."

Uh, guys, they are in Outer Space.

No need for an aerodynamic shape.

Just as was mentioned in the movie, if you put a big enough engine on a Brick, it will move "like a Bat out of Hell".
The Valen HAS a big enough engine.

The design is a bean counter's design. A cube would be an ideal shape in terms of using interior Space efficiently.

A Globe would be better in terms of best use of Materials and structural strength, although it would be inconvenient if terms of space utilization.

What people (except bean counters) tend to Like are ships that Look Nice.

Do not ascribe your own motivations to others:
At best, it will break your heart.
At worst, it will get you dead."
I noticed a small detail while watching the show for the third time. Just after G'kar points to the Liandra in the balcony scene, there is a closeup of the ship. Look behind and to the right of the Liandra. There is an unknown ship parked there. It's definitly not the Valen.
Anyone else see it?
I do, looks like the tail of a white star...

We live for the one, we die for the one. and... I am the one.

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