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Elizar: Evil Murderer, or Visionary?


Beyond the rim
The charactor of Elizar has been given a bad rap in the books. I don't think He was that terrible. He had good ideas for the mages. What do you think?
Hmm, I haven't made up my mind about him. I have a couple chapters left of the last book (I am slow I know!) so I think I will hold off commenting until I finished it. /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

BTW, doesn't this go more in General than Crusade since we are talking about a character in a novel that doesn't have to do with Crusade other than he was Galen's nemisis? /forums/images/icons/tongue.gif *scratches her head*
Evil murder, who believed that the ends justified the means. He is to the mages what Bester was to the telepaths. He really only wanted power for himself.
I think he was great!!

(I think this fits more into Crusade, becuase he is mentioned in Crusade, and it wouldn't get proper attention anywhere else. But, this is more your area than mine /forums/images/icons/smile.gif )
Actually, I don't think he was ever mentioned by name in Crusade. He was mentioned only in the Technomage trilogy.

BTW, you know who reminds me of Razeel? Drusilla (Juliet Landau) from Buffy. I think both she and Elizar were insane, though Razeel was more insane than Elizar.
never heard the name Elizar in all of Crusade, including the unfilmed scripts, the only mages ever talked about were Alwyn, Elric, and Galen, there was also that mage that died along time ago but made that AI to be in his place, he wasn't mentioned by name, and had been dead too long to be Elizar.
His actual name wasn't mentioned, but it was said "Isabelle, we've been sold out by three of our own kind." and "I have no surviving enemies.

Any way... I don't think He wanted all the power for himself. He wanted to make the Mages something more than a legend, a force strong in the galaxy.
G'Shans posted:

"there was also that mage that died along time ago but made that AI to be in his place, he wasn't mentioned by name..."

Oddly enough, I believe I saw somewhere that his name was "Dirk" (I kid you not).

And for the record, Elizar lied so often I don't think he even knew the truth anymore. Every time he swore he was Galen's friend, spikes usually came flying. He kept professing to be doing good but not a single one of his actions bore it out. He and all of his conspirators were vicious killers; especially the Centauri Tillar, who had a bit too much of Cartagia's enjoyment of "wet work".
Tiller was great. I debated between having him or Elizar as a name when I came here. Anyway...

Well, Galen did get spikes going at him, because he wouldn't listen what Elizar wanted to do. Elizar, to me, was a visionary! /forums/images/icons/grin.gif
I'd have to say Evil Murderer.


Ooooohhhh... we're talking about the character Elizar from the trilogy. My mistake. /forums/images/icons/grin.gif /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
Elizar: "Aren't all visionaries a little nuts? "

Aren't all nuts a little visionary? /forums/images/icons/wink.gif /forums/images/icons/tongue.gif

Dude, he basically made a deal with the devil. Talk about backing the wrong team. If he is a visionary, he is a freakin stupid one. No, Im on the side of self-interested power-hungry killer.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Aren't all nuts a little visionary?

You have a point! /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif Well, ok, he wasn't a peacefull baby kisser, but he was trying to bring glory back to the mages. So, you owe him a little credit.
Hitler was trying to bring glory back to Germany.

He was a visionary too, but an evil murdering visionary. Just cause someone is a visionary doesnt mean he is a good one.

Evil murderer. Visionary or not, still an evil murderer.

Tilar and Razeel were both off the deep end bananas.