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B5 Scripts


I am looking for a quote from the third season B5 episode, And the Rock Cried Out 'No Hiding Place' Ihere is this scene where almost everyone winds up at a gospel-style church service. During this, the ministe conducting the service talks about the 'enemy', and who the 'enemy' really is. It goes something like 'the enemy is the one who tells you that you should hate your brother because he is different from you.'
I have all the B5 episodes on VHS - but my VCR went to the great audio-visual room in the sky last year. I have not yet been able to afford to buy a new VCR. Yes, I do have a DVD-player - but to buy B5 on dvd costs $120 - per season. So buying it in dvd is not an option at this time.
I tried doing a quick search on the Net for B5 scripts, but couldn't seem to find any - maybe there are none - or maybe I was using the wrong keywords. So, does anyone know where I could find a site that does have B5 scripts? Specifically, I have looking for the quote about 'the enemy' from 'The Rock Cried Out', but I wouldn't mind getting hold of other quote from other B5 episodes - B5 had an unusually large number of memorable ones, I've always felt.
Failing that, could someone post the quote here, please?

And now I have a slightly different question. I want to either -
Buy a new VCR so I can watch B5 on VHS - it's better than nothing! VCRs here go from about $180 -depending on how many heads the VCR has, and whether it is stereo or mono. I am not so hung up on the stereo - so long as the sound is clear. Is it even worth buying a VCR? The price of DVD-recorders is steadily coming down - as is the price of DVD-R discs. The big drawback with dvd-recorders, of course, is that you can't use the disc again - unless you can now get dvd-rw discs. But, if prices keep coming down as they are, in a year or so, I will be able to afford to get a dvd-recorder.
Or do I spring for B5 on dvd? As I said to get each 22-epsode six disc season dvd box would cost $119.95 - and they ain't the kind of things that shops tend to put on sale or special. This would bring it to a cost of somewhere around $600 if I got all five seasons.
So any advice?

Thank-you in advance for any help or advice!
Can't help on the quotes, but if you're talking American dollars, you prices are way too high. DVD/VCR combos can be picked up for about $80, or less, a stripped down DVD player with no fancies or vcr, perhaps as low as $50. I would think New Zealand shouldn't be too much different than that. Regarding the DVDs, On Amazon.com I got mine in the last 3-4 months, and the most I paid was $80 for a season, most were $60-$70, all brand new. None of tem were actually Amazon sales, they were Amazon Marketplace Sales, and I don't think EBay should be much more than that. Shop around on the net before paying so much (That is, unless of course you aren't talking American Dollars, and New Zealand Dollars are translating to similar costs)
Thanks - I guess I should have made it clear - I am talking NZ dollars - not American. I think the NZ dollar is worth about 61 American cents.
I think you're in luck, I got this off the synopsis from the Lurkers Guide

Back on the station, Reverend Dexter begins his sermon. The enemy is not just something different. "We are all alien to one another," he argues. "The enemy is fear. The enemy is ignorance. The enemy is the one who tells you that we must hate that which is different."
Most of the scripts you'll find online are bootleg, I'm afraid.

I see that another poster has found what you're looking for but I thought I'd mention that I'll happily look up any script quotes, too. I have all but 2 of the B5 scripts from buying the collection of a crewmember a while back.

Sindatur Thank-you - that was it! Looks like I should go and bookmark the Lurkers guide site.

Is there a site - a legal site where I could find B5 quotes?

Thank-you again, guys

Lately with all the things going on in the world, I've been thinking about that quote a lot - it just seems to fit so neatly.
I wouldn't count on it. There is a B5 Quote book coming soon, so having a collection out there for free legally, seems counter productive to sales of the book.
There are several sites with collected B5 quotes. I've used:

several times and it has a pretty good search feature.


True, but we all know that anyone can have a web site. :p One I found had quotes I knew were inaccurate since they were ones I knew very well, so, you can't necessarily trust someone's web site.

In fact I just looked up the url of the site I'm talking about, and it's the same one you mention. :(
Most of the scripts you'll find online are bootleg, I'm afraid.

I see that another poster has found what you're looking for but I thought I'd mention that I'll happily look up any script quotes, too. I have all but 2 of the B5 scripts from buying the collection of a crewmember a while back.



Are you this Jan?

Jan, Semi-Official B5 Script Archivist

How are you on the Crusade scripts? I'm missing only two, "Ruling from the Tomb" and "Appearances and Other Deceits." Ever run across them for sale?

I wish the fan club was still around. We'd probably have been able to buy them by now.
Are you this Jan?
Jan, Semi-Official B5 Script Archivist

How are you on the Crusade scripts? I'm missing only two, "Ruling from the Tomb" and "Appearances and Other Deceits." Ever run across them for sale?

I wish the fan club was still around. We'd probably have been able to buy them by now.

Yep, that's me all right. JBonetati was my married name and I haven't figured out how to change it here yet.

As for the Crusade scripts, yes I have them all including the unproduced ones. In fact, I've got at least one early draft of each so when somebody says anything about the changes TNT wanted being 'minor' I can refer back to those.

I'm afraid I've never seen the Crusade scripts for sale anywhere except when Fiona Avery was selling her script online for a while. I wish the Fan Club were still around for several reasons.
Are you this Jan?
Jan, Semi-Official B5 Script Archivist

How are you on the Crusade scripts? I'm missing only two, "Ruling from the Tomb" and "Appearances and Other Deceits." Ever run across them for sale?

I wish the fan club was still around. We'd probably have been able to buy them by now.

Yep, that's me all right. JBonetati was my married name and I haven't figured out how to change it here yet.

Ah, I think I bought my B5 shot glass from you. ;) As I recall, you had a creative address label. (Can't find the box at the moment.)

As for the Crusade scripts, yes I have them all including the unproduced ones. In fact, I've got at least one early draft of each so when somebody says anything about the changes TNT wanted being 'minor' I can refer back to those.

It'd be so nice to have a pre-TNT meddling draft and a final shooting version of each one. That way we could see exactly what the changes were.

I'm afraid I've never seen the Crusade scripts for sale anywhere except when Fiona Avery was selling her script online for a while.

I bought all of Fiona's scripts from her, online, autographed. I heard that she was also selling them at SF conventions.
Ah, I think I bought my B5 shot glass from you. As I recall, you had a creative address label. (Can't find the box at the moment.)

Yes, you sure did! And yeah, my address lables have the B5 logo next to the return address.

One of my never-seem-to-finish projects is labels for each script. I did do spine labels for each because I was constantly tearing the shelves apart looking for particular episodes. I'm not happy with them, though, because I have to destroy the label if I want to take the script out (or the title page to be autographed)of the cover. On the front, too, I want to do labels with a different background for each season along with the history of the script and which revisions and whose autographed it. So far I've only done Crusade and Season 5 I think. And of course the autograph lists are out of date...

And now, already, I'm short THREE scripts, not just two. And there's gonna be more B5 'in spades' and I'll be missing more....

Gotta make some friends in showbiz...from Florida...sigh...

One of my never-seem-to-finish projects is labels for each script. I did do spine labels for each because I was constantly tearing the shelves apart looking for particular episodes. I'm not happy with them, though, because I have to destroy the label if I want to take the script out (or the title page to be autographed)of the cover.

I just keep my scripts in a three ring binder, with labeled page separators (titles on the color-coded tabs) between each script. You could have two binders per Season, and label the binder spines. ;)
I just keep my scripts in a three ring binder, with labeled page separators (titles on the color-coded tabe) between each script. You could have two binders per Season, and label the binder spines. ;)


Yeah, I could. But I think that having each script in it's own pressboard cover a) looks cool on the shelf and b) is probably better for the scripts since I seem to be regularly referring back to them for something. Silly thing...I still even have all of the brass brads that the scripts were held together with when they came to me.


Oooh, I love it when my website gets referenced! Thanks for the mention, KoshN.

If anyone else wants to see more pictures from JMS's appearance at Hawthorne, the main page is at:

JMS at the Hawthorne benefit convention

Included there are pictures of JMS leaning against my somewhat famous car, the Rangermobile. We're mostly blocking G'Kar on the back window, but if you watch the video (the middle one at the bottom of the page), you can see it.


Oooh, I love it when my website gets referenced! Thanks for the mention, KoshN.

If anyone else wants to see more pictures from JMS's appearance at Hawthorne, the main page is at:

JMS at the Hawthorne benefit convention

Included there are pictures of JMS leaning against my somewhat famous car, the Rangermobile. We're mostly blocking G'Kar on the back window, but if you watch the video (the middle one at the bottom of the page), you can see it.


Re. the classroom video, somebody asks "Any chance of seeing the rest of (sounds like "Free Spaceguards")..." and JMS points to the erased B5:TMoS 101. :confused: What did the guy ask? :confused:

Boy, the classroom video cuts off at an inopportune moment. "We finished up the commentaries for the..." Guess he was talking about the B5 DVD Movie set, not the Crusade DVD at the time.
Boy, the classroom video cuts off at an inopportune moment. "We finished up the commentaries for the..." Guess he was talking about the B5 DVD Movie set, not the Crusade DVD at the time.


I'm being very slow about it but this part I do have transcribed (thanks to StarStuff):

<<Question: Is there anything of your current projects that you can talk about?

Well, the comics. The books (shared universe-Distant Worlds and the Quote Book) um…audience: DVDs?

Oh! Yes, DVDs. Well, we’ve finished up the commentaries for the set of movies that are coming out. And they’re working currently on the Crusade DVDs. The hiccup we have hit on the Crusade DVDs…And by the way, they’re selling great. I’ve heard that they’ve netted – netted, mind you, over 70 million dollars just from the first three and a half seasons. When they said, do you want to do the Crusade commentaries, assuming of course that we get the (not sure), I said “Absolutely.” (they said) What do you want to talk about?” JMS: “I want to say what happened.” (they stutter) “What do you mean?” JMS: “The TRUTH!” I want to put the truth out there. We are now on our fourth (something) of Legal Affairs. “He wants to do what??” “The TRUTH!” I have another conference call scheduled on Thursday with Legal Affairs. We’re running out of time for the DVDs. I said, “Look if I can’t get the truth out, then I don’t want to support the DVDs.” >>

Re. the classroom video, somebody asks "Any chance of seeing the rest of (sounds like "Free Spaceguards")..." and JMS points to the erased B5:TMoS 101. What did the guy ask?

After the quip about Fred Allen, JMS asks for any other questions - then says "someone who hasn't asked one yet." The person on whom we calls asks "Any chance of seeing the rest of the Crusade story?" And JMS points to the erased TMoS.
