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b5 fans moan too much

No, Kribu, I wasn't replying to your message. Sorry for the confusion.

My point was I might not be an engineer, but I can sometimes tell when one has screwed up.

I'm also not in NASA. But I do know they sent a Mars orbiter into the atmosphere because they forgot there is a difference between the metric system and the "English" system of measurement.

My point was simply that you don't have to be an "expert" to know when soemthing stinks! /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Who sits there and stares at the case that a DVD comes in?

/forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
I thought that products tend to sell better when their covers were not hideous. /forums/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif
Could you knock up a design then? No, really, please could you?
If I had access to all of the stock imagery that WB has, could somehow manage to find time between school, freelance work, and my family, sure, but as it stands, those things are far more important to me then doing video box cover for something that would never be used and never make any money and couldn't even be exhibited/displayed publically for copyright reasons.

I know my skill level. I have no need to prove myself to anyone.
And for similar reasons, I have a hard time staying quiet on the subject of "ramming speed."

Incidentally, the opening tune on my comp is Sheridan's voice: "All power to engines- give me ramming speed." /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif
What's so wrong with "ramming speed" anyway, KoshN? I thought JMS already explained that. I thought it was just a term that meant "turn off all anti-collision devices, build up as much speed at you can, and get ready to die". /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif
What's so wrong with "ramming speed" anyway, KoshN? I thought JMS already explained that. I thought it was just a term that meant "turn off all anti-collision devices, build up as much speed at you can, and get ready to die". /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif

*sigh* Do we really want to open this can of worms again?

In a nutshell, "Ramming Speed" is not a speed (meters per second).

The two words do not go together. It is a misuse of terms.

"Ramming Speed" is actually Full Throttle Ram, i. e. engines set to maximum thrust, maximum acceleration (Note that it's acceleration, meters per second per second, not speed.) and setting a course to hit the other ship. It's an acceleration (or thrust setting) plus a direction.

The speed is incidental, and is whatever speed you can get up to, given your distance from the other ship, and the other ship's movement.

A better phrase would be "Set for Full Throttle Ram." or look at your Navigation Officer and say "Full Throttle Ram." or e.g. "Full Throttle Ram - Roanoke." (if there was a choice of ships to ram). THAT specifies an acceleration and a direction (target).
If I were about to die, I'd do it with a little more style than "Full Throttle Ram - Roanoke." /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
If I were about to die, I'd do it with a little more style than "Full Throttle Ram - Roanoke." /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif

That was only if there was more than one possible target. Otherwise, we're back to three words, and at least these words could belong together.
Even though Ramming speed is not a constant, it's still a speed, namely the speed you have when you intend to ram, which is ASAP. So ramming speed is just a term used instead of saying all the things implied. (I have no idea what I'm talking about... /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif)
I understand that you are accelerating when you are going to ram something. But I think ShagToth has a good point. It's simply a short nick-name that will be immediately understood. The crew knows what to do when the captain says "ramming speed".
Even though Ramming speed is not a constant, it's still a speed, namely the speed you have when you intend to ram, which is ASAP.

<KoshN searches for his Excedrin.>

Ramming Speed is not a speed. It is not, for instance, a speed below which ramming will not be effective. It's full throttle acceleration (full and sustained engine output until impact) PLUS a course setting.
I see KoshN's point, force is a result of mass an acceleration. There is no denying that.

I'd say the direction would be obvious, wouldn't it? You'd be aiming for the engine section. So I can see why KoshN is right here. The term is technically inaccurate, but again, meant to be understood as shorthand, or a kind of nickname.
To be technical, there is a speed, it just depends on acceleration and distance from the object to ram. It's instantaneous, but it's still there.
Ramming Speed is not a speed. It is not, for instance, a speed below which ramming will not be effective. It's full throttle acceleration (full and sustained engine output until impact) PLUS a course setting.

Do I sense that this is one of those conversations that [franklin]can only end in a gunshot[/franklin]?


Regardless of the exact nature of what constitutes "ramming" an enemy ship, the simple fact is (according to an ex-Navy buddy of mine) that "Ramming Speed" is the order generally used in the military to indicate:

* Go as fast as you can towards that thing there
* Turn off safety systems
* Ignore flashy things
* Put your affairs in order

So whether or not we accept that it is a strictly accurate description of the process is neither here nor there. Its use in B5 simply reflects its use in the military of today (although not that often I would imagine).

Interestingly, of course, Sinclair has his Starfury carry out a "Full Velocity Ram" during the Battle of the Line IIR "And the Sky Full of Stars" C.

Do I sense that this is one of those conversations that [franklin]can only end in a gunshot[/franklin]?

Interestingly, of course, Sinclair has his Starfury carry out a "Full Velocity Ram" during the Battle of the Line IIR "And the Sky Full of Stars"

[Kosh] "Yes." [/Kosh] /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

"Target main cruiser. Set for full velocity ram. Afterburners on my mark. Mark." said Sinclair.

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