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The Simpsons 20 years and counting and no longer funny


The Simpson have been on the air for 20 years and counting, Unfortunately with some exceptions, it has not been funny for 10 of those years. this show need s to be put out or misery, It has no purpose for existing and Matt Groening and company have creatively bleed the show dryer then the Sahara desert. It has gone from cutting edge to self parody and for a comedy satire show, this tends to be the kiss of death. To say that this show has creatively jumped the shark would be an understatement, I would say creatively, the show has jumped an entire school of sharks. The Simpsons has to go, it has become a joke and one without the virtue of being funny.
I highly disagree as I still find the show quite funny. It's not as funny as it was in it's best years, but it is still funny and still far above almost any other prime time comedy out there not named King Of The Hill, The Office, or My Name Is Earl.
So instead of calling for its removal because it no longer meets your standards of "funny", why not just stop watching it? Make sure you're a Nielsen family when you find something new to watch, too.. so the networks know you've switched. Now convince a million other people that it's no longer funny and they need to fiind something new to watch. That's about the only way you're going to get anywhere with getting rid of it. If it wasn't getting ratings they wouldn't keep making it.
To say that this show has creatively jumped the shark would be an understatement, I would say creatively, the show has jumped an entire school of sharks.

Arr you landlubber... the collective term for our favourite marine nemesis I personally prefer to use, is a shiver of sharks!

Makes them sound less wussy.
God, I've wonderd this many a time, about many an impassioned post. :)

I could've just said "if you don't like it, <insert unimaginative response here>", but I said it in a more meaningful and constructive way. There aren't many ways the networks will listen to people. Hitting them in ratings or advertising are two ways they will pay attention. Ratings, that's easy.. just use a Nielsen box. That way your change represents X number of the population. Otherwise, you have to organize a boycott of a product regularly advertised during that show to get anyone to pay attention. That's just too much like work.

Turned the Nielsen people down twice. They cannot possibly imagine why anyone would not want to participate. They just would not leave us alone for awhile.
I think the simpsons have lost its creative edge, I can't watch anymore. I can help but hope they replace it with something else soon. Its air space thats could be used better. I have seen the jokes and the retreads so I am ready for something new.