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Search results

  1. V

    Am I the only one...

    I don't enjoy being negative about the show, but I have to admit the CGI and an irrational hate of it almost caused me to miss out completely on the series. I watched the pilot and then gave up on B5 for several years. It was pure luck that one day I was flipping channels and stumbled on the...
  2. V

    A B5 Fan Fiction

    Since hope was expressed for a sequel, I figured I'd offer an update of my progress. The story of Lisa and Ta'Wher's flight from the Corps is about a third complete, and I expect it to be about twice as long as my last effort, which puts it at novel length I believe. It should stand alone from...
  3. V

    A little help if you don't mind

    Re: A little help if you don\'t mind There were two buttons at the bottom of the questionnaire, one for "PERL CGI" and one for "PHP". I was not sure which to use (if it even makes any difference) so I just used the former. Tibbs
  4. V

    Poll: Best B5 Character Death Scene

    Although there were a lot of good choices, ultimately I had to go with Refa, for both the music and because it was eminently satisfying to see that bastard get his comeupance. Tibbs
  5. V

    Rangers Redux (fiction)

    Wow. I finally got caught up with Ranger Redux. This is very good stuff, especially for something written mostly on the fly. Chalk up one more poster waiting for the next installment on the edge of his seat. One minor continuity observation on the following passage (page 5 of the thread)...
  6. V

    A B5 Fan Fiction

    Thanks, I'm glad people are enjoying the story. I'm definitely going to be working on the next part as time allows. Forgot to mention that I fixed the grammar and other errors pointed out in previous posts. Tibbs
  7. V

    A B5 Fan Fiction

    The singular of the military organisation corps is also "corps". Ha, if my old high school AP English teacher were dead, she'd be rolling in her grave. I'm lucky I caught my biggest slip up before putting this story up on my site... I got three quarters of the way through writing the thing...
  8. V

    Thoughts on Byron...

    I'll just clarify, I do think Byron was right to leave the Psi Corp, but I think he was wrong to just give up on Earth like he did. Lyta, who left the Corp and eventually brought the fight back to them, had a much better idea. Although from a Public Relations point of view, she needed a better...
  9. V

    Thoughts on Byron...

    Hi, I've noticed in my brief time lurking here and in the WB forum that many people (almost certainly a majority) don't like Byron. I must admit I am not fond of him myself, although for a while I wasn't entirely sure why. Then I realized that, in a few ways, his attitude was reminescent of...
  10. V

    A B5 Fan Fiction

    Morden wrote: Welcome to the board, Virg. Thanks, you definitely know how to make someone feel welcome. I was not expecting such a positive response. -Zack Allan is his name. You misspelled it using the more common "Allen." Opps. Well, that's a simple find and replace job, at least. -Very...
  11. V

    A B5 Fan Fiction

    Thanks. Nice to find a place to talk about B5.
  12. V

    A B5 Fan Fiction

    Hi, I'm a new poster here, although I have been lurking for a little while. I noticed Ranger Redux (although I'm only through page one so far), and am hoping that some of the posters around here will welcome some more B5 Fan Fiction, even if from a newbie to your forums. You guys will be the...