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  1. C

    Indy IV starts shooting....

    Just FYI, the MythBusters' build team tested this one, and while they're not the most thorough bunch, the results were pretty conclusive against all of Tompkins' claims. Just sayin'... --mcn
  2. C

    Trek XI Set for Xmas 2008 release

    So, it's still shame on you then, since it's a Trek thread and you mentioned a quote from someone on a "famous sci-fi show" that you didn't know where it was from, though, and it was from a Trek episode. ...or does nobody else see the irony in this? :) Oh, and: No, the question is, if a tree...
  3. C

    Trek XI Set for Xmas 2008 release

    Well, if it was DS9, it's kinda sad that they copied their own line so closely in Voy. But then, it wouldn't surprise me too terribly much. (I was just pokin fun anyway, hence the smilies, hopefully no true offense was taken, 'cause none was meant). --mcn
  4. C

    Trek XI Set for Xmas 2008 release

    That's why it's a paradox. Of course, the true answer is that there was originally a different set of events before time traveling altered them and created the paradox. The logical conclusion is that, since the paradox negates itself, there isn't a single set of events that make sense, and...
  5. C

    Trek XI Set for Xmas 2008 release

    Just as a correction: that isn't a paradox, that would just be evidence of time traveling. A paradox would be if the existence of that equipment somehow prevented the original time traveling, and thus the existence of the equipment, from occurring. Or, as Douglas Adams put it: (I seriously...
  6. C

    Trek XI Set for Xmas 2008 release

    That would be what I was mentioning 12 Monkeys for. Any, *any* story that portrays the ability to actually perceive changes to the timeline seem to just miss how fundamental of a concept time *is*. The problem isn't that you can't change the timeline, it's that you would have no way of knowing...
  7. C

    Trek XI Set for Xmas 2008 release

    Unless, of course, the parallel/fractal timeline theory actually turns out to be true, in which case we can't create paradoxes because we just end up affecting other timelines other than our own. This, to me, is actually probably the strongest argument that the universe actually does have...
  8. C

    Here’s a thing most B5 fans should find a little interesting at least.

    Re: Here’s a thing most B5 fans should find a little interesting at least. Dare I ask why, especially given the recent outcry of web developers against the IE team in the last week? Also, I noticed you didn't mention Firefox on the Mac... (Just wondering, being a web developer myself). --mcn
  9. C

    Battlestar Galactica - Razor

    I guess it's a fine line. He was refusing to follow orders because *she* was refusing to take, or even listen, to his advice, and--as he pointed out--she stated previously that it was the exact type of action she *wasn't* going to take. So I guess my point is: where do you draw the line? If her...
  10. C

    Battlestar Galactica - Razor

    I dunno, Caine's shooting her XO just seems to remind me of the Evil Overlord List #37: There's downsides to thinking that you're always right... Edit: or #17: :) --mcn
  11. C

    B5:TLT - Show Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    The handheld-panning-around-thing wasn't too bad IMHO. Yeah, it was a bit student film, or at least a bit student-like, i.e. not very professional. Whedon definitely pulls it off better, but that's just me. I was talking more of the shots earlier of the conversation in Lockley's quarters, etc...
  12. C

    B5:TLT - Show Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    It wasn't a mistake in the sense that it was intentional, yes. I'm arguing whether it was *right* to do. Note, for example, that the camera shots for Sheridan are not from the angle that would actually be capturing Sheridan to send to Lockley (unless Lockley is looking at the side of Sheridan's...
  13. C

    B5:TLT - Show Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    Oh, and as another note: is it just me, or did the camerawork seem better in the second half than the first? I know JMS directed both, but the first just seemed to keep having weird framing shots that I kept thinking "ok, the camera needed to move over there" or some such, which totally threw me...
  14. C

    B5:TLT - Show Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    Well, we just got our DVD today from Amazon and watched it tonight, and I have to say....I'm not sure what my reaction is. The first story, flat out, I just didn't like. I thought the concept was intriguing, and some of the points very well thought out (like the...
  15. C

    Top 25 sci-fi moments from the past 25 years

    Being a die-hard Brazil fan, I can say you won't regret it. Unless you're my wife; for whatever reason, the dystopian attitude running through it really upset and distraught her (yet it didn't for 12 Monkeys, which she loves, go figure). But yeah, if you liked 12 Monkeys, you should like Brazil...
  16. C

    The Official "Drive" Thread

    There's more now for the same reason that 8 days is too short: it wasn't enough time for lots of people to actually find out about the show and start watching it. I've seen the same comment over and over on various boards about people who *just* found out about the show, right as it was being...
  17. C

    The Official "Drive" Thread

    Looks like there won't be *any* recurring characters. http://www.variety.com/article/VR1117963779.html?categoryid=14&cs=1 It's my fault. I started really liking the show. Shouldn't have done that, I know... Sigh. --mcn
  18. C

    The Official "Drive" Thread

    I caught the, erm, "first part" of the premiere (the second part is tomorrow??), so I could post a well-thought-out reply/analysis about the show... ...but where's the fun in that?? So some short thoughts: - Not nearly enough Nathan Fillon. Yes, I know, it's an ensemble show, but seriously...
  19. C

    Whedon no longer to write "Wonder Woman"

    There's another variant? :) --mcn
  20. C

    Whedon no longer to write "Wonder Woman"

    Ah, well I did misread that, then. Although I'd still argue that it's the same league, just a different variant. For example, Batman Begins is all drama, versus Spiderman (particularly the first one) has some humourous moments to it, and the Incredibles is just moreso. But then, we're quibbling...