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Who are you?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dark Lord:
KoshN - So why would you want the chance of getting her.


Believe me, she'd show up way the hell down on my results.

Spoiler Protection for those who have NOT read the first two books of the Technomage trilogy:

<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black>
I just thought as one of those most completely against involvement, unable to face the reality of the Shadows, and wanting to flee, she should have been included. Blaylock was also against involvement, but at least he wasn't a big chicken.

I can at least see Blaylock coming through for you in a crunch, like he did with Galen. That worthless Herazade would just turn tail and run. She REALLY ticks me off.

Vorlon Empire

"To Live and Die in Starlight"
pilot movie for "Babylon 5 - The Legend of the Rangers"
January 2002 on The Sci-Fi Channel. http://www.scifi.com/b5rangers/

[This message has been edited by KoshN (edited October 27, 2001).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Galen killed Isabelle, Elizar gave him another way out, one where they would live and could work together to take out the Shadows...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Elizar killed Isabelle, and this is a fact. Period.

His intention may have been killing Galen, but this is of secondary importance. Trying to blackmail Galen into even temporarily working for the Shadows was a sign of extremely lacking people skills -- skills which are essential in building alliances. Skills which the Shadows had, but Galen also lacked -- which resulted in Galen casting his spell on Elizar at the convocation.

Refusing Elizar's proposal was well founded. The Shadows would have had ways of ensuring Galen's complete loyalty. They may have, for example, demanded that Isabelle be left to heal in their "protective" care. At least this is what Galen thought, and Elizar failed to see.

As Galen was still afraid to use his spell of destruction, he possessed no means of fighting them. They were all caught in their positions. And none had the courage to break out. Elizar might have asked the Shadows to "zog" themselves. Galen might have risked using his spell of destruction. But none did.

If Elizar would have realized what it takes to build an alliance, he would have succeeded. But he did not realize (or want to realize). The principle is quite simple: one can not make friends by threatening, neither can one win allies by killing their loved ones.

At that point, the only way for Elizar would have been simply stopping his spell -- better late than never. Just like Galen stopped his spell at the convocation -- before the damage would be final and any hope of co-operation would be lost forever. But if we consider the Shadows' reaction to that... well, they may have not liked it.

--- as for other matters ---

Now if we compare Galen's attack on a partially Shadow city with Sheridan's attack on a fully Shadow city, there are several differences:

1. Galen went to Thenothk without invitation, ready to fight, to find Elizar and if necessary to die. He had no intention of speaking with Elizar. The fact that they didn't immediately kill each other was only due to the Shadow device neutralizing technomage abilities.

He went to fight, and he fought. And he went too far by continuing to destroy when he should & could have left.

2. Sheridan was invited to Z'ha'dum by a person whom he possibly still loved. Sure the Shadows were billions of years old warmongers. Hope to negotiate was foolish. Caution was more than warranted and it would have been wiser not to go. But foolishness and hypocrisy are two different concepts. He was being foolish, but he did hope to avoid fighting. At Coriana 6, he was not being hypocritical. Besides, the meaning of what he said would have stayed true even if he had been hypocritical.

May I again reiterate that the city was probably inhabited by Shadows. If I'm not mistaken, Morden mentioned that only a small section of the city was for representatives of the younger races. After all, this was the centre of Shadow activity. This was where they payed their respect to Lorien. They would not tolerate swarms of Drakh casually spitting into that hole! (Even if they would, swarms of Drakh are not really what I would call "innocents" in the Shadow war.)

So, despite the foolishness of his hopes, Sheridan went there to negotiate. The fact that the Shadows would not listen... was not his fault. The fact that they would not let him leave alive... was not his fault.

Oh yes, he was cornered. In fact, being more cautious would have avoided it. But it does not change the nature of the situation -- it was the Shadows who invited him to negotiate, it was them who cornered him and gave him those "nice" choices.

If they would have let him leave, he would have left. We have no proof of the contrary.

[This message has been edited by Lennier (edited October 28, 2001).]
Well here are mine:
1: Kell
2: Alwyn
3: Elizar
4: Elric
5: Ing-Radi
6: Kane
7: Isabelle
8: Blaylock
9: Carvin
10: Galen

Only have Crusade and the 2nd Centauri novel as a reference, so I'm a bit bemused as to who I am!

Would love to compare Crusade characters, and I did the B5 one a long time ago!

"We Live for the One. We die for the One!"
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
#1: Elric
#2: Alwyn
#3: Galen
#4: Ing-Radi
#5: Elizar
#6: Kell
#7: Carvin
#8: Isabelle
#9: Kane
#10: Blaylock

So does this mean that I'm the master of evil or something? I know who Elric is, but I don't.

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Galahad:
Well here are mine:
1: Kell
2: Alwyn
3: Elizar
4: Elric
5: Ing-Radi
6: Kane
7: Isabelle
8: Blaylock
9: Carvin
10: Galen

Only have Crusade and the 2nd Centauri novel as a reference, so I'm a bit bemused as to who I am!

All but Kane figure prominently in Technomage Books 1 & 2.

Vorlon Empire

"To Live and Die in Starlight"
pilot movie for "Babylon 5 - The Legend of the Rangers"
January 2002 on The Sci-Fi Channel.
# 1 Elizar
# 2 Alwyn
# 3 Kell
# 4 Isabelle
# 5 Blaylock
# 6 Ing-Radi
# 7 Kane
# 8 Carvin
# 9 Galen
# 10 Elric

Faith Manages
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PsionTen:

So does this mean that I'm the master of evil or something? I know who Elric is, but I don't.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh, the problem of two Elrics.

Elric was the teacher of Galen. He is of Human origin and lived on a technically unadvanced planet called Soom. Elric is a member of the Circle, one of the leaders of the mages. He was the one who played some tricks on Londo during the mages' departure from known space.

[This message has been edited by Lennier (edited November 03, 2001).]
Haven't read any of the books, so I don't know any of these people except Galen.

# 1 Elizar
# 2 Alwyn
# 3 Kell
# 4 Elric
# 5 Isabelle
# 6 Blaylock
# 7 Ing-Radi
# 8 Galen
# 9 Carvin
# 10 Kane

Oh, School and Mundanes Suck.

PK's Board
Here is a curious selection given to yours truly.

#1 Elric
#2 Isabelle
#3 Alwyn
#4 Kane
#5 Carvin
#6 Blaylock
#7 Ing-Radi
#8 Kell
#9 Elizar
#10 Galen

So does having Elric as #1 and Isabelle as #2 indicate that I am in touch with my feminine side.

As for Galen being #10, I assume my head not shining in the light had some influence there.

Well I am hair after all.

"The lunch has already started,
it is too late for the sandwiches to vote"
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GaribaldisHair:
Here is a curious selection given to yours truly.

#1 Elric
#2 Isabelle
#3 Alwyn
#4 Kane
#5 Carvin
#6 Blaylock
#7 Ing-Radi
#8 Kell
#9 Elizar
#10 Galen

So does having Elric as #1 and Isabelle as #2 indicate that I am in touch with my feminine side.


Naah, you see yourself as a father figure and believe in a ordered universe, and are my opposite.

Vorlon Empire

"To Live and Die in Starlight"
pilot movie for "Babylon 5 - The Legend of the Rangers"
January 2002 on The Sci-Fi Channel.
Never ask that question.

"I used to be known as Eric, the waiter with hands for hands." The waiter with stubs for hands in The Kids in the Hall
I want to see your ear on a pike. Then I will look at you like this


"Mr. Bester."
"Captain Sheridan."
"Get the hell out of my chair!"
- John J. Sheridan and Alfred Bester