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Vorlon ships.


How are the ships bonded to the vorlons, is it done in a similar way to the technomage chrysalis bonding, IE is a portion of vorlon dna incorporated into the machine? Or is it purely a telepathic link?

How sentient are the ships exactly?

If the vorlons, or other first ones bothered, could they advance the evolution of their ships over time to give them a First One status, now imagine that for a war cruiser, it'd wipe the floor with everything.
The Vorlon ships always reminded me of The Blitzspear from NEMESIS THE WARLOCK, a long running story from 2000AD (see this link for more info: http://www.2000adonline.com/index.php3?zone=thrill&page=profiles&choice=NEMESIS. )

The Blitzspear, like a Vorlon ship, is bonded biologically to its 'master' for want of a better word, but they are grown, 'born' as organic technology, like wild animals. At a young age they're trained and tamed into serving as vessels, or pets almost. Like a faithful dog knows that its master is in trouble. I imagine the Vorlons have a strong telepath link, themselves being creators of telepaths in the younger races. The Shadows instead seem to fuse the 'pilot' as part of its circuitry.
Makes you wonder what the Vorlon homeworld is like though....
Did you know that the design for vorlon ships was based on garlic?? Silly bit of trivia, but it is true, check it out in the Creating Babylon 5 Manual. /forums/images/icons/grin.gif
Garlic was supposed to be a ward against vampires, right?
Gosh, it makes sense. /forums/images/icons/grin.gif Shadows, vampires. /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
Their texture, perhaps. Their shape, probably not.
the shadow or the vorlon??

the vorlon - has the texture, and the design - layers people, onions have layers (like ogors) and the petals on the vorlon ships /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Apparently the Shadow vessels are based on a dog's nose.

According to the Cinefantastique commemorative double issue for B5, Ron Thornton of FI had seen a documentary on spiders on CBS just before designing the Shadow battlecrab.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by GenevaRanger: </font color>
Where can I find this "Creating Babylon 5 Manual" ?



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