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The mighty GKarsEye watches Firefly

Reviewers are eminently useful if you know which ones have similar tastes to your own.

For some reason scifi fans think other fans have some sort of duty to watch every piece of scifi that comes along, to give every one a thourough chance. This is entertainment people you watch things you might enjoy and say the hell with the rest. There are enough real life responsibilities without having to devote yourself to piffling matters.
LOL Dr. G, how true.

I think it comes from the fact, that until recently, there's been so little scifi available it WAS the duty of every scifi fan to support as much as they could, and it really wasn't that big a job, since there wasn't much available to watch.
I watched two more- the train robbery ep wasn't as bad as Demon said- well not worse than the pilot, in any case.

Train Job isn't a bad epsiode, it just makes a bad first episode, as it assumes a certain amount of knowledge about the characters and situation.
I'd call it the worst of the lot. But that doesn't really say it's bad, considering how good the rest are.

(Just watched the first scene of "Objects in Space" -- I love Joss's mind, I really do....)
Train Job isn't a bad epsiode, it just makes a bad first episode, as it assumes a certain amount of knowledge about the characters and situation.

Yea, but I LOVED the part at the end of the episode when the big dude tells Mal how he will track him down wherever he tries to hide, and Mal shrugs and says "I thought so" shortly before kicking him into the engine intake. :LOL: That sets the stage for the feel of this show and its humor.
LOL Dr. G, how true.

I think it comes from the fact, that until recently, there's been so little scifi available it WAS the duty of every scifi fan to support as much as they could, and it really wasn't that big a job, since there wasn't much available to watch.

Thats not the case now, and it is sometimes difficult to sort the wheat from the chaff. We get a lot more filler and less killer. I used to hate Stargate, the arly seasons were kinda lame, with trek rippoff plots, but I do enjoy some of the later episodes. Its jsut making the effort ot sit down and watch...
Mal shrugs and says "I thought so" shortly before kicking him into the engine intake. :LOL:

Mal pays for that. Oh boy does he pay! :eek:

That's something else I like about this series. Actions have consequences.

I heard Nathan Fillion talking about filming that scene. The big guy was SO big that they couldn't find a stunt double for him. At one point, he fell on Nathan and nearly broke his ankle. If you watch the scene carefully, you can see it happen and the look of pain on Nathan's face.
The last episode I watched was with the captain in a sword duel with some prick.

Does the whore character absolutely have to wear that much makeup all the time?

Anyway, at this point I'm into the "feel" of the show, the style, the flow and such. It's entertaining in the way a good action flick- well done, slick, but not much to think about afterwards.

The show's strenght is the "little" stuff- bits of dialogues, pull away camera shots, the look of some things, moments here and there, etc. The "big" stuff- the development of the characters, the plots, the show's entire premise- are all rather pedestrian. Again, like an action flick: like Alien is a great flick, though the premise and stereotypical characters are bland, the way things play out is so well done. Firefly is the same thing to me.
I suppose that analysis is true enough.

What I enjoyed most about the show was the little details, little witty comments and bits of dialogue, and things of that nature. I think the character development was great. I dont think the show got a chance to evolve into the story-arc that it was obviously heading towards. As it stands now, a fun, action show about some cool characters is about as good an analysis as you can have.

I believe my favorite one was "Jaynestown" if I remember correctly. Just a fun episode.
Going by Whedon's record, what we saw was just the warm-up. Imagine trying to get a sense of how good B5 is if, for some reason, the last episode made was "Signs and Portents."
I believe my favorite one was "Jaynestown" if I remember correctly. Just a fun episode.

Watched that last night. Enjoyable. I like Jayne, if only because he can pull off that folksy old timey way of speaking way better than the captain, who looks like he could be a Backstreet Boy.
Finished the series. Last episode was really good.

I'm also going through season 3 of Law & Order on DVD. I got a huge kick out of seeing assistant district attorney Paul Robinette as a crazy bounty hunter in space. Now everytime I see him on L&O arguing a case, I can't help but imagine him ending every point with "Does that seem right to you?"

My iniitial assumption when he started kicking ass, acting crazy and knowing everything about everyone was that he was modified, like River, but more controlled. But I guess he's just crazy or something.
Nah, Whedon's commentary -- and a few other clues in the episode -- imply that the bounty hunter in the last ep. really was very parallel to River. I sort of view him as the first draft of the Blue Hands' little project: not as developed as they wanted, but controlled enough to be useful.

Just imagine. Joss was just getting wamed up. Going by his other shows, he saved his real brilliance for the season-ending arcs. We only got a taste of the genius that was to come.
I'm watching this on Sci Fi and I've got to assume it was originally shot in widescreen. It's fullscreen on SciFi and the blocking is shit.

Kinda slow. Was that half of the original pilot or the WB mandated first episode?
I watched it too. It was decent, so far not anything to get overly excited about, but, it was only half of the Pilot, and I've seen much worse Pilots for very good shows.

Not as concerned as I originally was with the mix of Western and SciFi, so hopefully that balance will remain
Was that half of the original pilot or the WB mandated first episode?

Not WB, Fox. Fox decided to not show the pilot episode Joss made ("Serenity Parts 1 and 2") and so instead Joss had to whip out (write, in other words) another episode that could kinda work as a pilot over one weekend ("The Train Job"). Of course, by the end of the episodes that Fox did decide to broadcast, they decided to show the original pilot last.

Personally, I think that the pilot episode ("Serenity Parts 1 and 2") need to be seen together and not seperated.
Now everytime I see him on L&O arguing a case, I can't help but imagine him ending every point with "Does that seem right to you?"

I know, that cracked me up in that episode. His observations, and always ending with that quote was pretty cool.

Was I the only one who had the impression that maybe, just maybe, we would see that guy again at some point? He was floating in space, and made that sort of joke comment "well, here I am." I just had this feeling that if the show continued it would turn out that someone picked him up, we would see him again, and learn more about him.

Then again, maybe it was just me...
I figured that the ending of that episode was done such that we could see him again.

Additionally, I think they had planned on bringing back the fed guy that they shot and threw out of the ship at the ending of the second part of the pilot eventually, at least I think I remember someone saying that in the commentary for the first episode.
Additionally, I think they had planned on bringing back the fed guy that they shot and threw out of the ship at the ending of the second part of the pilot eventually, at least I think I remember someone saying that in the commentary for the first episode.

Maybe. And not saying that wasn't a possible intention, but to me that would be totally unnecessary. From where I sit, the Fed guy from the first episode could have been "Joe average Alliance undercover agent." There was nothing really significant about him. Bringing him back in a later episode wouldn't really be of any benefit over just having some other Fed agent.

Whereas the guy from the last episode to me was more significant. We went a lot more into his character and personality in 1 hour than we did the Fed guy in 2 hours --- the Fed guy was generic, the merc wasn't. (Was his name Jeb if I remember correctly?). Whereas the Merc/Jeb guy was clearly set up to be parallel to River --- which is a lot more significant to the Fed dude.

Again, not saying it wasn't intended, just that to me, I wouldnt have cared less if the Fed guy came back or not.

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