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The Drazi can speak! The Drazi can Type!

Gus Lynch

Hey Gang,

Noticed the thread wondering if the cast has deserted you. Please take note it wasnt one of those pretty, intelligent, charming "bridge crew" guys that stepped to the plate.
Nope. It was the big butt ugly alien in the cargo bay.

I haven't been on for a while, mostly because once the bad news came down the pipe, Dylan, Myriam, Alex, and Warren summed it all up better than I could have. And since anything I added would have seemed at best superflous, and at worst bitter I decided to keep my pie hole shut.

All I know is that Billy Ray Cyrus is playing a "country doctor in the big city" on millions of tv's every week, and JMS can't get a B5 series. That's trouble my friends. With a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for pathetic.
But am I bitter? Nah, I'm not bitter. In order to bitter, I would have to have had some illusions about the nature of television to begin with.
Shoulda. Coulda. Woulda. Won't. Oh well. Next gig.
In acting it pays to feed on adversity and dissapointment like a tick, lest you shrivel and die.

So there's my little stream of conciousness rant. See why I didn't say anything when the wounds were fresh?

Anyway, all venom aside, I just wanted to drop in thank y'all for everything. You all made the difference in turning Rangers from a fun project to something truly special to me. I rank it as a highlight in the 3 years I spent up here in Vancouver.
That said, with fond memories firmly in tow, I'm dissapearing from the electric eye for a while and heading back home to that shining jewel of the midwest, Minneapolis.
Its time for me to go home, take stock, and return to my first (i.e. less profitable) love, the stage.

I'm looking forward to getting back to my favorite city and seeing my favorite bands, my favorite theater companies, my favorite people. Im provincial as hell and proud of it. It will be good for my Uncle Tupelo records to sound relevant again.
So theres nothing left to do but shamlessly plug my upcoming appearences:
Look for me in such epic films as: Halloween8, Willard, I Spy, and A Guy Thing.
The quick and perceptive might spot me in Taken.

I think that about closes the books on my little Vancouver caper. Again, thanks for everything guys. I may just check in from time to time to make sure you're all behaving.

Adios Ameobas,
Gus Lynch

PS--Hey Channe, or should I say, Madame Moderator, don't think Ive forgotten about you. Things have just been busy, and honestly the relevant materials have been packed away in storage for months. I'll get in touch with you when its ready to go. I wasn't just blowing smoke when I said we Wodehousians must stick together.
Gus, keep an open mind about working with JMS. He always needs guest stars. And it sounds as if he has plenty of projects waiting in the wings.

He'll need to hire actors! /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif

Good luck going back to the (less profitable) stage. At least it pays the bills, right? And builds experience. Not to mention the fact that you actually get to hear the applause right then and there. You don't have to go to a website to see how much the audience loved you! /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif

Best of luck with all of your future plans. Your character was definitely one of my favorites in "Rangers". You played Tirk so very well!
I agree with Hypatia - Tirk was a wonderful and definitely memorable character, even if he didn't have all that much screen time. /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif Would have loved to have seen more of him... but oh well, guess that's the way life goes.

Thanks for dropping by again and letting us know what's up, Gus! I'll have to keep an eye open for those things you mentioned, but it will probably take years before any of them show up on TV around here, if at all.
When I first saw that thread title, I thought you must be using a special keyboard with w-i-d-e-l-y spaced keys. /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Gus Lynch:
<font color=yellow>All I know is that Billy Ray Cyrus is playing a "country doctor in the big city" on millions of tv's every week, and JMS can't get a B5 series. That's trouble my friends. With a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for pathetic.
</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

That pretty much sums it up. Up is down, black is white, cats & dogs living together (to borrow a line from Ghostbusters). /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Gus Lynch:
<font color=yellow>So theres nothing left to do but shamlessly plug my upcoming appearences:
Look for me in such epic films as: Halloween8, Willard, I Spy, and A Guy Thing.
The quick and perceptive might spot me in Taken.
</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Don't know how they can make Halloween 8. H20 was a perfect send-off. (I've always been a "Halloween" fan, except for III, of course.) Did you get to work with Jamie Lee Curtis? /ubbthreads/images/icons/cool.gif Any word on when it's supposed to be released? (not in October, cause they just don't do that anymore).

<a target="_blank" href=http://amazon.imdb.com/Title?0220506>http://amazon.imdb.com/Title?0220506</a>

Babylon 5 fans, as I'm sure you've discovered, are by their nature fairly intelligent, slightly verbose, and very, very bitter. The latter, of course, is due to the constant destruction of our favorite "dream given form" at the hands of network executives who enjoy torturing us like Narns to the slaughter.

Going home is always bittersweet. I'm doing that in about a month; leaving behind a life I've built here, the "electric eye," as you put it. But I get to go back to people I love, my own theatrical pursuits (historical-fiction mystery family dessert productions!), getting paid every day to write (hoo-rah!) and other assorted neat things.

Oh, yeah. I get to go back to my chapter of the Wodehouse Society, too (there are a whole three of us, currently in the middle of "The Code of the Woosters" yet again). Can't wait for crumpets and croquet!

Cheerio, old chap, and enjoy yourself in Minneapolis. No worries. You had mentioned you were slightly busy up there in the Great White North. Do contact me, as I've moved three times in the past month... /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif

Pip pip!
This fan is pretty disgusted about what happened, but I'm going to keep trying until we can get *something* in the B5 universe again. Meanwhile, I guess I'll be checking out other series, but I doubt that any of them will be as good as B5. Series like that don't seem to come along too often, unfortunately.

Good luck.

JMS may not be able to sell Babylon 5 but Sci-Fi could buy Polaris off him, they have already purchased a few scripts.
Good luck in Minneapolis, Gus! Enjoy theatre, I know it's not as profitable as acting behind the camera, but working on stage is very fun!
Thanks Gus for poppin in, and best wishes to you in Minneapolis. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
Originally posted by Gus Lynch:
<font color=yellow>Please take note it wasnt one of those pretty, intelligent, charming "bridge crew" guys that stepped to the plate.
Nope. It was the big butt ugly alien in the cargo bay.</font color=yellow>

Hey, some of us really like Drazi and don't think they are ugly at all. /ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif

<font color=yellow>So there's my little stream of conciousness rant. See why I didn't say anything when the wounds were fresh?</font color=yellow>

Yeah, you win some ... you lose some. Too bad B5 seems to lose more than we win. *sniffles* You will always have a place in our hearts as Tirk and maybe someday we can all see you at a convention or something. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

<font color=yellow>The quick and perceptive might spot me in Taken.</font color=yellow>

Well, that is one project I want to see so I will keep my eyes peeled (ouch) for you. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif

<font color=yellow>I may just check in from time to time to make sure you're all behaving.</font color=yellow>

No problem. We are all angels here! /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif

*hopes he doesn't find his way to NC-17* /ubbthreads/images/icons/eek.gif /ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif
Well, here is me kicking myself in the ass *kicks himself in the ass*
I didn't expect to see anyone from the show here, but I am glad it was you.
The: "I lift heavy boxes" line was priceless, I loved it. And while you may not know me that well, there is one thing you should know about me, I don't BS anyone. I always give it to people straight up, so you can always know that I really did like your character, and am not just trying to be nice. (I'm pretty sure anyone can confirm that, I'm never nice)
I'm quite touched that you bothered to come here and say something, I probably wouldn't have in your position, but then again, not everyone is as cynical and self absorbed as me.
Best of luck in everything you do, and hopefully (well, I know it's never gonna happen, but still) they'll bring Rangers back and we can see more of the loveable box lifting Drazi that you portrayed.

Best of luck,

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