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SG-1 goes into it's 9th season, now with Ben Browder, and Stargate Atlantis will soon start it's second season. A bunch of promo pictures and episode screencaps can be found here. Some of the pics are spoilery.

I can't say I'm a major fan of either show (watch both occasionally), but I have to admit I'm kind of interested now that Claudia Black and Ben Browder will be on SG-1, and Mitch Pileggi (aka Skinner from The X-Files) will apparently be joining the Atlantis team.
I watched the end of Atlantis and pick up up SG1 from time to time, they can be quite good fun. Ben Browder will make me take a look, although for different reasons than some of you... :p
I am very curious as to how SG1 will do without Richard Dean Anderson. To me, SG1 has been fun because of the right combination of interesting plots, good characters, and Jack's one liners. :) Hopefully the writers can keep it funny without him.

As for Atlantis, I didn't enjoy it as much as SG1, but I still plan to tune into season 2 hoping it will get better. The biggest problem I have with Atlantis is that the main villains, the Wraith are not interesting, scary, funny, cool, fun to watch, or prone to switching sides; all of the qualities that usually make villains fun. The Goa'uld System Lords where all of those things, and thus, way better bad guys.

Also, I feel like the writers are trying to give Shepard the lines O’Neill would say. While Shepard can be funny in his own way, he does not have the same great delivery as RDA.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that humor is serious business, and I look foreward to the new season of both with cautious optimism. :p

Edit: The bad guys in Atlantis are called the wraith, I should probobly mention that. But then again if you didn't know that your probobly in the wrong thread.
I think the Wraith will get superseded in scary bad guy stakes, but ywah, they could do with a boost. The Atlantis crew is more of an ensemble cast, they have a different setup to SG1. I agree though, i prefered the smaller core group of characters in SG1.

Ben Browder should more than make up for old Mcgyver, providing they nail his charcater and he finds a niche.
I think McKay's the main funny man for Atlantis, but you're right it is more of an ensemble. (not to mention it should be pronounced "kai" not "kay")

Yea, McKay is the only main character I really like on Atlantis.
I remind you all also that actors of the caliber of Beau Bridges join the cast as well. Luis Gossett, Jr. will be a recurring character, and Mitch Pilleggi will also join ATLANTIS.

This season has the potential to be incredible for both shows! Not to mention, SG-1 will be beginning a whole new mythology and villain this season.

I can't wait. These shows are smartly written and have a wonderful balance of humor and action and drama. They are known to be character driven and more ensemble in nature (yes, both shows). Guess that's why SG-1 has lasted so long. Browder was a masterful choice to step into the show after RDA's exit. Not to mention, the cast and crew are all still having a blast doing it. That's important.

Yea, part of Stargate's charm has been RDA's one line zingers. Ben Browder's one line Zingers, should most certainly fill the gap.
Yea, part of Stargate's charm has been RDA's one line zingers. Ben Browder's one line Zingers, should most certainly fill the gap.

As long as they make him a unique and distinct character and not a younger version of O'Niell. He has to and needs to bring something new and fresh to the show. I have faith in the writers, producers, and especially Ben to do so.

CE ;)
Yea, part of Stargate's charm has been RDA's one line zingers. Ben Browder's one line Zingers, should most certainly fill the gap.

That's ironic. I'd say that is the main reason I NEVER got into SG1. I got into Atlantis and liked it, and I've seen about a couple dozen SG1 episodes over the years (my roomie is a huge fan so I can't help not see/hear them at times. However Richard Dean Anderson NEVER impressed me from what I saw of him in the show. His humor was very very dry, and in later seasons they tried to throw some pop culture quotes out there like "and this is different....how?" Hearing that dry delivery to a line that no one in his age bracket has a right saying just seemed so forced and odd to me.

I just couldn't get into things because it seemed so clunky. I think he was much stronger in MacGyver.

Conversely. I think Browder OWNED in Farscape. He delivered similar lines in a FAR FAR more believable fashion. I plan on getting into SG1 this season for 2 reasons:

1) There is supposed to be a lot of crossover between this show and Atlantis, and there could be some great storytelling.

2) It seems that they are sort of hitting the reset button a bit, and with Browder (and Black to a degree) I think I look forward more to this show with him than what I saw with RDA.
Stargate, to me, is the "Everybody Loves Raymond" of sci-fi television. Not bad, but not terribly compelling, either. Unlike Farscape, Babylon 5 or the new Doctor Who where I'd eagerly await the next epiode; with Stargate, I've only ever watched it in reruns. Now, with Ben in the mix, that'll probably change, but that's due to Ben, not Stargate.

However Richard Dean Anderson NEVER impressed me from what I saw of him in the show.

I'd definitely agree. RDA is just not a draw for me. To be honest he's so dry, he comes across as a little wooden.
RDA is just not a draw for me. To be honest he's so dry, he comes across as a little wooden.

I think he's hilarious, but I guess its just a matter of taste.