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Regarding Farscape & Antony's "R.I.P." Intro. Page


Super Moderator
Regarding Farscape & Antony\'s \"R.I.P.\" Intro. Page

You guys in the UK are ahead of us in the USA. We've still got two more episodes of Farscape (3/14 & 3/21).

So, remember you UK Scapers, no spoilers, K?
Re: Regarding Farscape & Antony\'s \"R.I.P.\" Intro. Page

We don't mind if you want to discuss among yourselves, obviously.

Just please clearly warn of any spoilers for the last couple eps.

Re: Regarding Farscape & Antony\'s \"R.I.P.\" Intro. Page

Yeah, it's hard to believe that it was only a couple of years ago that Anthony wanted donations from us to buy Bonnie Hammer a Christmas present.
Re: Regarding Farscape & Antony\'s \"R.I.P.\" Intro. Page

Heh. I was thinking the same thing. My what a difference a year or so makes.
Re: Regarding Farscape & Antony\'s \"R.I.P.\" Intro. Page

Thanks for the Farscape rant, Antony. You expressed perfectly well what I have been feeling. I'm so sick of the way American TV operates.

Re: Regarding Farscape & Antony\'s \"R.I.P.\" Intro. Page

We don't mind if you want to discuss among yourselves, obviously

Oh... why.. thank you. Shucks. I'm so honoured. And in return, we don't mind if you in the US talk about any other show in TV that you're ahead on... like all of them.

[quotes]Just please clearly warn of any spoilers for the last couple eps.[/quotes]

Having been at the brunt of US spoiling again, again, again and again... I'd admit there's a slight perverse pleasure in thinking about just shouting the stories across the roof tops. But becuase we've been spoiled, we don't to be told about spoiler space. We know all to well how it's necessary. Besides, the rules of the forum are the rules of the forum.

So funny how we have to be singled out specifically... hee. A bit put out guys?

Yeah, it's hard to believe that it was only a couple of years ago that Antony wanted donations from us to buy Bonnie Hammer a Christmas present.

That irony hasn't been lost on me.
But then it was a sprat to catch a mackeral, and I wanted a series.
And you know, I will say when trying to save Odyssey 5 that we should try with the SCI FI Channel. I hate them, I hate her... but won't cut off our collective noses to spite our faces. Just yet.
Re: Regarding Farscape & Antony\'s \"R.I.P.\" Intro. Page

That irony hasn't been lost on me. But then it was a sprat to catch a mackeral, and I wanted a series. And you know, I will say when trying to save Odyssey 5 that we should try with the SCI FI Channel. I hate them, I hate her... but won't cut off our collective noses to spite our faces. Just yet

Don't sweat it. The only reason I brought it up was to show that I was hating the sci-fi channel back when it wasn't in vogue to do so. I was ripping them a new one back when they were giving us crap like The Secret Adventures of Jules Vern and Viper. Hell, I was calling it a piece-of-crap channel back in the old days on the sci-fi board with people like Joe D., LondosHair, and B5_Obsessed.

I hate to see Farscape go, I really do, but it doesn't surprise me in the least. If anything original, thought-provoking, entertaining, or interesting appears on that channel, rest assured that they will find a way put an end to it.
Re: Regarding Farscape & Antony\'s \"R.I.P.\" Intro. Page

If anything original, thought-provoking, entertaining, or interesting appears on that channel, rest assured that they will find a way put an end to it.

And only becuase Hammer's husband can't understand anything more complicated than the Tellytubbies.
Re: Regarding Farscape & Antony\'s \"R.I.P.\" Intro.

Bonnie Hammer is so two faced its not even funny. One moment she praised Farscape that it is a centerpeice show and it gains support season by season, B5 is going to become part of sci-fi channel and so on. The next moment she says Farscape is nothing even though it is the 2nd highest rated sci-fi original show, b5 stuff dissapeared, they put crap shows about dreams on and who knows what will happen

Re: Regarding Farscape & Antony\'s \"R.I.P.\" Intro.

I just posted something not entirely different from your comments in another thead in this forum.

It really is amazing how the Skiffy channel went from praising Farscape to cancelling it.
Re: Regarding Farscape & Antony\'s \"R.I.P.\" Intro.

I've been disappointed by quality shows (or heck even mindlessly entertaining ones) falling by the wayside so much.

SF television shows that run their natural lifespan are fairly rare. For every series like B5, Buffy, or X-Files, there are loads of Space Above and Beyond, Seaquest, *sniff* Crusade, etc.

Whether it's faulty demographics, budgetary contraints, corporate politics, or just plain not finding an audience, there's so much that can go wrong.

It still amazes me that B5 went the distance.

I mean, I liked it so much during the third and fourth seasons, I was sure it would be cancelled!
Re: Regarding Farscape & Antony\'s \"R.I.P.\" Intro.

It really is amazing how the Skiffy channel went from praising Farscape to cancelling it.

It is worth noting that Hammer's bosses changed in the interum, though.
Re: Regarding Farscape & Antony\'s \"R.I.P.\" Intro.

I stand corrected, then. But it is amazing how the channel decided to go from high praise to "you are cancelled".
Re: Regarding Farscape & Antony\'s \"R.I.P.\" Intro. Page

Thanks for the Farscape rant, Antony. You expressed perfectly well what I have been feeling. I'm so sick of the way American TV operates.


Like it was so nice the way the british axed Doctor Who?
Re: Regarding Farscape & Antony\'s \"R.I.P.\" Intro. Page

Doctor Who... ahh... that's topical. Maybe 50 years ago.

Any show cancels programmes. But let's be clear that the US does provide a massive export, and axes so much too.
Re: Regarding Farscape & Antony\'s \"R.I.P.\" Intro. Page

<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by PsionTen: </font color>
I was ripping them a new one back when they were giving us crap like The Secret Adventures of Jules Vern and Viper.

And compared to their new stuff, The Secret Adventures of Jules Vern looks like a quality show.

<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by PsionTen: </font color>
If anything original, thought-provoking, entertaining, or interesting appears on that channel, rest assured that they will find a way put an end to it.

Truer words have never been spoken.
Re: Regarding Farscape & Antony\'s \"R.I.P.\" Intro. Page

<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by AntonyF: </font color>
And only becuase Hammer's husband can't understand anything more complicated than the Tellytubbies.

Alright, who's Hammer's husband?
Re: Regarding Farscape & Antony\'s \"R.I.P.\" Intro.

It still bugs me that the Demographics and ratings system is still based on a sampling and probably more often then not is not even close to being accurate. Just because a certain number of people with Nielson rating boxes watches a show at a certain time doen't mean that is even a close to true representation of how many people are watching that peticular show. Could be 30 million people without a Box watching an ep and would never know it.
Re: Regarding Farscape & Antony\'s \"R.I.P.\" Intro.

Agreed. They can get accurate box-office, & accurate music-sales, but not accurate TV-ratings. No wonder TV drives me crazy.

Re: Regarding Farscape & Antony\'s \"R.I.P.\" Intro.

I was amazed to hear about a plane crash (sorry, it was awhile ago, I don't remember when or where) that occured during a sudden powerful gust in a storm. The local weatherman pointed this out during his newscast.

But it turns out that the television station had better equipment than the airport. So the airport could not warn the pilot, and the plane hit that powerful area of the storm and it went down.

Your local weather person might have better weather sensing equipment than your local airport. That was a new concept to me.

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