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Prevue Magazine

Hey people!

Check this out!

Cheers! -Warren- "Kit"

Hey, Warren, it's been awhile. Thanks for the link.

Most of this info is already well known to us. However, it's really good to see this stuff put in a reputable source.

Oh, and Channe was looking for you in the Titans thread. You should check it out, it looks great, it's really developed into a fine little piece of fiction.

Sheridan: Are you trying to cheer me up?
Ivanova: No sir, wouldn't dream of it.
Sheridan: Good, I hate being cheered up. It's depressing.
Ivanova: So in that case we're all going to die horrible, painful, lingering deaths.
Sheridan: Thank you, I feel so much better now.
Thanks for the heads-up!

I think there's a life-cycle of Rangers news around here - it's posted somewhere, and someone notices it about ten or twenty minutes later, and everyone else knows it the day after. Gotta love the Internet.

It's almost reassuring to know that The Powers That Be over at Sci-Fi are marketing Rangers in this way, even though I might cringe at *some* of the advertising being done (I really don't like the Internet banners, but that's just my taste, which I've been told is very strange.)

A question for Warren and anyone else who might read this thread and be interested- did you notice, a few news articles down, that there'll soon be a movie starring a digitally recreated Bruce Lee? I know technology's pretty good - witness the last Final Fantasy movie - but I didn't know you could do THAT...

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
Strays momentarily OT. I saw the Bruce Lee test shots, supposedly 5 years old, but they look pretty good. I think it's funny for an oddity to see Digital-Bruce (I love that claymation commmercial for Lipton Ice Tea - it's hilarious!) but I don't wish to see a film made out of it. Without Bruce choreographing the action, it just wouldn't be him anyway.

And I wasn't terribly impressed with Final Fantasy. For all the hype it didn't look much better than "Roughnecks". They still have a lot of work to do on facial expressions. Traditional cartoon animators have the luxury of exaggerating facial features to show emotions that will compliment the voicework. The digital animators for Final Fantasy, however, were constrained by the limits of the human face. The result made the performances seem pretty bad - especially James Woods' character.

Back on topic. Welcome back Warren. I'll check out the article!

"Draal gave Zathras list of things not to say.
This was one. No.... *tsk tsk*
No. Not good.
Not supposed to mention... "one", or... THE one.
You never heard that."

Yes, I read the article about "Bruce Lee" being resurrected again through computer technology in a Vancouver Newspaper called "The Province" a few weeks ago!


I had the opportunity to play a "Bruce Lee" type character earlier this year prior to shooting "Legend of the Rangers"...

It turned out quite good!

Cheers! -Warren-

BTW-Bruce Lee's birthday is this coming Tuesday, November 27, 2001...

Final Fantasy wasn't stellar, and it wasn't too memorable plotwise. It suffered a bit from the problems that plague fantasy shows that try to masquerade as science fiction, and some of the characters were competely stock. However, in the end, I was able to enjoy the movie very much, and I didn't feel like it was wasted time, as I did when this week I watched Andromeda and Stargate. I think the one thing that keeps me coming back to B5 over and over again is that the people behind B5 never saw their viewers as dumb, stoned, or fanboy-stupid. We don't all wear Spock ears.

Oo, I wandered off there for a minute. Channe grouses again about the current state of media science fiction. Nothing new there, eh? *grin*

About the new "Bruce Lee" movie: It'll be interesting to see how they integrate a computer-generated main character into real settings and make it believable, for animating humans is hard work. And what will they bill the star of the show as? "Bruce Lee, Redux?" Should be interesting to follow.

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS

[This message has been edited by channe (edited November 26, 2001).]
Re: Final Fantasy

Well, I actually enjoyed watching "Final Fantasy"...

The computer generated images of the humans were pretty damn good. I have yet to see other companies doing this kind of work.

A friend of mine (Japanese) told me that that there were approx. 2 artists assigned to each character..."The Doctor" being the best (artists) rendered and animated out of the bunch!

Apparently, the company was not too pleased with some of the character's animation (Artists) process...and it is quite obvious...but. the production was well into the filming at this point, and turning back to re-do some of the animation was out of the question! MONEY, MONEY, MONEY!

As you know, the Japanese are perfectionists...and are well aware that the final product was just "okay"...

Let me say...the next generation version of computer generated images will be a thousand times better!

Just imagine what these images will look like 10 to 20 years from now!

Trust me...there will be a point in time that the human eye will not be able to distinguish the difference between what is real...and what is not!

Final Fantasy is a very good example as to what is coming in the near future in terms of CGI!


Cheers! -Warren-


I heard the studios behind the first one were planning a new Final Fantasy movie, somewhere, using the same sort of CGI process for characterization. I'll definitely see it, if so.

I'm looking forward to seeing what people do with the developing CGI, as every advance in this field allows people to tell stories they couldn't tell before.

And that's what I love. Being told a story that I've never heard before.

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
Warren, it's interesting to see how enthusiastic you are about animation. Most actors I've heard about are nervous or angry at that sort of thing.

I won't throw in my opinion, as it's irrelevant, but I guess they feel that eventually they may be "replaced" by animation. If not completely, than perhaps enough to hurt the acting community. Studios would love to use animated characters. They are much cheaper and you don't have to deal with quirky and problematic personalities.

Some actors feel that it's not artistically valid. They feel that only a human can properly convey emotion, regardless of how advanced animation becomes.

Anyways, I guess you don't feel that way. Good for you.

So what's the deal with the new Bruce Lee movie? Isn't he dead?

"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."
Bruce Lee dead? Dead you say?


I guess you mean in physical form...dead in that sense of the word...

Not endowed with life...life as we humans only seem to understand, is the only way one exists...

My theory on how or why "Bruce Lee" expired sooner than later is that...

As we all know, Bruce Lee was quite fanatical about being exceptional...exceptional at being in top, top form, physically and mentally...and that fanaticism is what I believe killed him...or should I say...made him expire.

He defeated himself...as he failed to recognize that he was overly exceptional...overly capable...that his physical form could no longer house the immense energy that he created within him...and basically..."He burst...!"

His physical form (human husk) could no longer hold that incredible energy...and he became just that...PURE ENERGY! Energy, which is really what we humans are made of...but, we seem to get hung up on the fact that we humans can only exist in this physical way...physical existence...

Bruce Lee had quite a small stature...small build...very delicate actually...but know one would have ever said that he was a small guy! Because his presence was so big...he was huge in the public eye! Powerful...I believe that Bruce stood about 5'6"...something like that...and weighed approx. 125 lbs. (During Enter the Dragon)

But what about non-physical existence. Just existing in pure energy...which we cannot see...but can feel...just like we can feel the presence of something that we cannot visually identify!

Maybe that is what Bruce Lee intended to become. Pure energy!

He lives on...I feel his presence everyday...he is more alive than ever...and physically, he has not been around for close to 30 years! Amazing!

Dead? Never...never...He is immortal...

Cheers! -Warren-


G'Kar's Eyes,

Yes! I love technology! I love computer CGI...

I don't feel threated by this reality one bit! I don't believe that actors should feel threatened by this...

Complete control by computers is far, far away...Artificial Intelligence is the future...but, there will always be something said for the human brain...which is always being challenged...going through changes...metamorphosis...

I can see a combination of the two...working together...micro-processors embedded in the human brain...something like this! I think that we are close to seeing this reality soon!

Cheers! -Warren-

BTW-I made a spelling error in the last posting I did...very stupid one indeed (rushing I guess)

Correction *know-one?...(no one)...Wow! That was silly of me!

5'6" and 125 pounds.

The coolest thing I ever saw was Bruce Lee demonstrating the "One Inch Punch". He would place his fist one inch away from a much larger man and, without drawing back, would hit the man square in the chest faster than the human eye, and knock said victim about 8 to 10 feet across the room.

So yeah, he probably just blowed up.

"Draal gave Zathras list of things not to say.
This was one. No.... *tsk tsk*
No. Not good.
Not supposed to mention... "one", or... THE one.
You never heard that."
Probably a different demonstration. The one I saw, the guy flew.

Maybe OSHA stepped in and recommended a chair.

"Draal gave Zathras list of things not to say.
This was one. No.... *tsk tsk*
No. Not good.
Not supposed to mention... "one", or... THE one.
You never heard that."
Those men and women who have within them strains of genius are plagued by those small-minded folk who know they can never become an equal so they attempt to drag genius into the dust.

It's the sad way of things.

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by channe:
Those men and women who have within them strains of genius are plagued by those small-minded folk who know they can never become an equal so they attempt to drag genius into the dust.

It's the sad way of things.


Speaking practically, channe, I must confess: a lot of people brag about things they cannot actually accomplish.

Put up or shut up is, quite practically, a very realistic request. Now, making someone “put up here and now because I said so” is nonsensical. But, honestly, you just can’t take a “genius’ word” at face value. Unfortunately.

"I do not believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense,
reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."-- Galileo
Ridiculously far off topic, but here are the links for two little Digi-Bruce tests. From what I hear, they are about 5 years old and in no way indicative of what Bruce will look like in the $50M film "Dragon Warrior", slated for release 2004.

And no, I don't know why the link contains the name George Michael. We'll just ignore it.

"Draal gave Zathras list of things not to say.
This was one. No.... *tsk tsk*
No. Not good.
Not supposed to mention... "one", or... THE one.
You never heard that."

[This message has been edited by B5_Obsessed (edited November 26, 2001).]
Whoa! Bruce Lee! Where to begin...

The one inch puch: This is entirely feasible simply by using the muscles properly. Apparently Bruce could exert a large amount of 'longbridge power' ie power generated through a long bridge (nearly extended arm). In fact there are two one inch punches - one sends the person flying backwards, the other drops the person on the spot (it is generated by creating a shock wave within the body).

Bruce not being very good at martial arts: Certainly compared to the great many martial arts available, Bruce was double 'ard (so to speak). However it is in my opinion that within Wing Chun (or WingTsun or Ving Tsun) circles he wasn't the best (though this doesn't mean he was crap), and didn't complete the whole system since his si-fu lived in Hong Kong and he lived in America so he had to fill in the gaps.

Dragon: Should be taken very, VERY much with a pinch of salt.

OK... maybe I should read the Prevue article and someone can start a Brucie thread


Calculus and alcohol don't mix. NEVER drink and derive.
Cool... they spell news with a 'z'

Calculus and alcohol don't mix. NEVER drink and derive.
hypatia -

I was making a general comment.

But it's true. For those people who actually have true genius and are not bragging about it.

There aren't many of 'em. I've known about three or four in my entire life.

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
LOL way off topic this thread had gone...

Anyway about Bruce I not know to much about him well mostly general stuff..

well I was watching a documentary on him a week ago all about his life and death..One thing that I didn't know about bruce that I leanrn't from the Doco was that he was wound up mighty tight and that the only thing that would help him relax was THC he ate allot of hash to help him relax.

I also thought it was amusing that he needed a body guard to keep away all teh challenge's that wanted to fight him everyday... LOL if he took up every challenge he porlly wouldn;t have had time for anything else...even though he prolly woulda always won

Well he did fight some of coarse and win heh..


[This message has been edited by Deviot (edited November 26, 2001).]

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