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Luis Santiago's Assassination

Luis Santiago\'s Assassination

In "All Alone in the Night", General Hague confronts Sheridan with the possibility that the Psi Corps had been behind Luis Santiago's assassination in "Chrysalis". Yet, we discover in "Voices of Authority" that it was Clark who was the real mastermind . . . with Morden and the Shadows' help. So, does that mean the Psi Corps was involved, but not as much as we were led to believe in Season 2? And by involving the Psi Corps, was Clark trying to use the organization as a patsy? Or did he genuinely seek their help?
Re: Luis Santiago\'s Assassination

Clark and parts of Psi Corps were clearly linked, together with the Shadows. (Note that not all of Psi Corps was in on the deal. Bester's faction seems to have been out in the cold over the Shadows, but once that influence was gone the Corps probably patched up their internal difficulties quickly and quietly.) So in answer to your question, yes. All three were involved.

When Hague and Sheridan were speculating about the President's death, Psi Corps was the most logical suspect for the assassination. They didn't even know that the Shadows existed at that point, let alone were part of the conspiracy. Hence their statement that it was probably Psi Corps.
Re: Luis Santiago\'s Assassination

Right, nobody knew about the Shadows, so they couldn't make the suspect list. But Clark was clearly the major beneficiary, and anybody who killed Santiago was clearly looking to put their own person in the job. Since Clark was the one who got it, he must have been their choice. (Otherwise they wouldn't have told him to leave Earthforce One just before it got blowed up real good.)

Clark's ties to Psi Corps go way back. In "Midnight" there is a Universe Today headline about Psi Corps violating its charter by endorsing Clark for Vice President. And William Edgars makes it clear that part of Clark's power derived from his placing telepaths in key government positions even as he was putting his owned favored officers in key military posts. The Shadows helped Clark not only to have a reliable agent running things on Earth (to keep the Humans out of any new anti-Shadow Alliance) but to have a Human cover for their attempts to infiltrate and co-opt Psi Corps, to minimize the threat represented by the Human Teeps, and ultimately to use the Vorlon's weapon against them by creating teep-CPUs for their ships.


Re: Luis Santiago\'s Assassination

At the end of "Matters of Honor," an EarthGov official--who is clearly representing Clark's faction--meets with Mr. Morden and a Psi Corps official. Although we are never told that Psi Corps was directly involved, there's enough evidence (such as the aforementioned headline about their endorsement of Clark) that it's safe to assume they were.